
The atmosphere disappears, there is no atmospheric pressure, and in an instant you and I "bang" to explode to death?

author:Wisdom little head

The Earth we live on now, among all the planets, belongs to the planets with medium surface gravity, medium atmospheric density, medium surface pressure, medium surface temperature, and the smallest radiation intensity, so the suitable environment has created our group of intelligent "earthlings".

So much of this advantage is due in large part to the more than 80 kilometers of thick atmosphere on the Earth's surface. It consists of many gases, including nitrogen (78%), oxygen (21%), argon (0.93%), carbon dioxide (0.03%) and other gases such as small amounts of hydrogen. The atmosphere feeds all living beings on Earth, and the atmosphere is a huge protective layer that envelops the Earth.

The atmosphere disappears, there is no atmospheric pressure, and in an instant you and I "bang" to explode to death?

Beautiful Earth's atmosphere

The atmosphere disappears, there is no atmospheric pressure, and in an instant you and I "bang" to explode to death?

There is no atmosphere on the Earth's surface

The seemingly calm surface of the Earth is under constant threat from near-Earth objects, and many asteroids crash into the Earth as they fly through the universe. When there is an atmosphere on the surface of the Earth, meteorites that travel at high speed will rub against the atmosphere to produce a lot of heat so that they are burned out, and only a very few large meteorites are exempt from burning completely. However, if the atmosphere suddenly disappears, a large number of meteorites will drive straight in, colliding head-on with the earth, and the probability of our impact is very high, and once we are unfortunate enough to be hit, it will be instantly destroyed.

The atmosphere disappears, there is no atmospheric pressure, and in an instant you and I "bang" to explode to death?

Meteorites collide, rubbing against the atmosphere and burning

The atmosphere disappears, there is no atmospheric pressure, and in an instant you and I "bang" to explode to death?

Direct impact of meteorites (no atmosphere)

Without the atmosphere, sunlight would shine directly on the Earth without filtering. Without the ozone layer's filtering of ultraviolet rays, our eyes are instantly blind; without the absorption of part of the light by the atmosphere, the temperature of the direct sunlight on the earth is as high as +127 ° C, and the temperature of the backlight surface is as low as -183 ° C, and you will be frozen to death if you are not roasted to death.

In fact, once the atmosphere disappears, you don't wait for the meteorite to hit you, you don't wait for the sun to burn you, you don't even have time to think about it, and after just a few seconds, your lungs and your body have exploded, and your blood will boil and evaporate. Is it really so scary?

Although the air is very light, the 80 km thick layer of air can work together on the Earth's surface and can also produce a lot of pressure. We live leisurely every day, breathing the atmosphere naturally, perhaps unaware of the effects of atmospheric pressure on us. Let me illustrate this with the example of water pressure that you can feel on a daily basis.

Enter the swimming pool, when you swim to the deep water, you will feel the feeling of water pressing against you, the feeling of the chest is particularly obvious, in the absence of special equipment, you can basically swim to a depth of more than 2 meters, if you dive deeper, the pressure of the water will crush you into a meatloaf. Fish living in deep water, their body structure adapts to huge water pressure, just like we who live on the surface of the earth adapt to atmospheric pressure. When the deep-water fish swims to the shallow water area with small water pressure, the high pressure in its body and the low pressure in the outside world form a pressure difference, just like the balloon is blown by the gas internal pressure after the instantaneous explosion, the fish will explode to death, which is the reason why the deep-water fish salvaged by the fishermen is not alive after landing.

The atmosphere disappears, there is no atmospheric pressure, and in an instant you and I "bang" to explode to death?

Diving (with special equipment)

So without atmospheric pressure, you and I will "bang" ourselves to death! And without atmospheric pressure, the boiling point of the liquid is very low, the room temperature will evaporate, and our blood will quickly evaporate.

The atmosphere disappears, there is no atmospheric pressure, and in an instant you and I "bang" to explode to death?

"Smart" earthlings, love our atmosphere, protect our living home!

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The atmosphere disappears, there is no atmospheric pressure, and in an instant you and I "bang" to explode to death?

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