
Dongcheng: 16 frontline workers in epidemic prevention "joined the party in the line of fire"

author:Bright Net

Recently, Fu Jianjun, a dongcheng policeman wearing a party emblem on his chest, "joined the party in the line of fire" and officially became a reserve party member, which was the most precious 30th birthday gift he gave himself. In this epidemic, like Fu Jianjun, a total of 252 medical workers, grass-roots cadres and the masses in Dongcheng District submitted applications to join the party, and 16 frontline workers in epidemic prevention joined the party.

After the outbreak of the epidemic, Fu Jianjun, a police officer of the plainclothes team of the criminal investigation detachment of the Dongcheng Public Security Bureau, took the initiative to sign up for the epidemic prevention and control team and asked Miao to become the first commando team member of the team. After 32 days of perseverance, he has not returned home once while fighting at the forefront of the epidemic. I can only care about my pregnant wife across the screen outside of work, and my 30th birthday is also spent at work. These experiences of bearing hardships with party members and charging forward in the frontline of epidemic prevention and control have strengthened Fu Jianjun's determination and confidence to move closer to the party organization.

On February 15, Fu Jianjun submitted his handwritten 1,400-word application to the party organization for joining the party in wartime. Fu Jianjun, who stood under the party flag and took the oath, clenched his hands into a fist and solemnly swore an oath word by word. After many years of joining the party, he said: "Joining the party organization in a special period, as a people's policeman and as a reserve party member, I will be worthy of my police uniform, worthy of the party emblem on my chest, and do my best to win the battle of epidemic prevention and control." ”

Also in the line of fire were medical staff in the isolation ward of Puren Hospital. "I volunteered to join the Communist Party of China, and I asked the party organization to test me!" Facing the bright party flag, Wang Ya'ou raised his right fist and solemnly swore an oath. Although the "Volunteer Book for Joining the Party" read through the mask is not loud, it is firm and the sentences are sonorous.

Since the beginning of the epidemic prevention and control work, Wang Yaou has asked the hospital for three consecutive times to arrange for her to work in the most dangerous and needed places. In order to reduce the consumption of protective materials, she can only drink less water before going to work, and even insist on not eating or drinking, trying not to go to the toilet to avoid wasting protective clothing. Although a shift "boiled" for several hours in a row, although her hands and face were drawn out of bruises, it did not shake Wang Ya'ou's determination in the slightest, because she knew very well that if she wanted to become a party member, she should not only be able to see it in ordinary times, but also stand up in the face of difficulties, and also be open-minded at critical moments.

The more critical the moment, the more able it is to temper the party spirit. The 16 frontline workers have marched backwards and charged forward, worked loyally and responsibly in solid work, joined the party with faith and belief in the party, and built a strong fortress for epidemic prevention and control together with all party members on the frontline.


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