
Announcing the List of Punishments for "Taiwan Independence" and Entering an "Upgraded Version" of the Mainland's Anti-"Independence" And Promoting Reunification

author:Chinese graticule
Announcing the List of Punishments for "Taiwan Independence" and Entering an "Upgraded Version" of the Mainland's Anti-"Independence" And Promoting Reunification

Recently, "Taiwan independence" activities on the island of Taiwan have become increasingly rampant, and DPP "Taiwan independence" elements have openly clamored for "Taiwan independence" on many different occasions, constantly provoking the mainland and trampling on the red line of cross-strait relations. Following Tsai Ing-wen, Su Zhenchang, and Wu Chao-sup's successive clamor for "Taiwan independence" remarks in different public places, Qiu Taisan, chairman of Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council, openly sold the "two-state theory" on 29 October, claiming that "cross-strait non-subordination to each other" is an "indisputable fact," and also exaggerated the mainland's "threat of force" and attacked and smeared the mainland.

In the face of the constant escalation of "Taiwan independence" on the island, the interference of international anti-China forces in the Taiwan Strait, and the dangerous situation of fierce fighting between soldiers on both sides of the strait, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council announced on 5 November a list of punishments for "Taiwan independence," which gave great deterrence to "Taiwan independence" elements and "Taiwan independence" separatist forces on the island. Zhu Fenglian, spokeswoman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said: For some time now, Su Zhenchang, You Xikun, Wu Zhaoxie, and a very small number of "Taiwan independence" diehards have vigorously instigated cross-strait antagonism, maliciously attacked and slandered the mainland, plotted "independence" words and deeds, colluded with external forces to split the country, seriously undermined cross-strait relations, seriously endangered peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, and seriously damaged the common interests of compatriots on both sides of the strait and the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation. The mainland side punishes the above-mentioned "Taiwan independence" diehards on the list in accordance with the law, prohibits themselves and their families from entering the mainland and the Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions, restricts their affiliated institutions from cooperating with relevant organizations and individuals on the mainland, and absolutely does not allow their affiliated enterprises and financial owners to seek profits on the mainland, as well as adopt other necessary punitive measures.

The mainland's announcement of the list of punishments for "Taiwan independence" this time shows that the mainland has countered "Taiwan independence" and promoted national reunification into an important "upgraded version." The mainland promulgated the "Anti-Secession Law" in 2005, which legally provides a legal basis and legal guarantee for opposing and curbing "Taiwan independence." At present, cross-strait relations are continuing to be tense and severe, and even on the verge of being on the verge of a fierce battle, the mainland has made a strong move not only to use the "Anti-Secession Law" to crack down on the separatist plots and separatist acts of "Taiwan independence," but also to carry out a "precise strike" against "Taiwan independence." Naturally, it has won the heartfelt support and support of the broad masses of the people.

On the punishment list this time, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council focused on naming Su Zhenchang, You Xikun, and Wu Zhaoxie, and these three people can be said to be Taiwan's old "Taiwan independence." Su Zhenchang is one of the so-called "four heavenly kings" of the DPP and one of the most radical "Taiwan independence" elements in Taiwan. Su Zhenchang is currently the head of Taiwan's administrative organs, and his political stance has always been full of malice and hostility toward the mainland, and he has vigorously advocated pro-US and pro-Japanese support; more recently, in order to flatter the United States, he personally imported Taiwan platforms for the US "Lai Pig", arousing widespread criticism from the Taiwan people; You Xikun is currently the head of Taiwan's legislature, another so-called "heavenly king" of the Dpp, and a veteran "Taiwan independence" element. During the epidemic period, she constantly encouraged Tsai Ing-wen to "seek independence through the epidemic" in the world, and also threatened to attack the mainland's Three Gorges Dam, which can be described as a heinous crime and must be severely punished; Wu Chao-sup, who is currently in charge of Taiwan's foreign affairs organs, has repeatedly made "Taiwan independence" remarks on different occasions in the international community, colluded with the United States and other international anti-China forces to vigorously pursue "Taiwan independence," and sought so-called "international space" for "Taiwan independence." Recently, he also visited the Czech Republic and wantonly spread "Taiwan independence" remarks in the international community, openly splitting the country.

This time, the mainland not only published a list of punishments for "Taiwan independence" elements, but also listed in detail the punishment methods. Specifically, they are prohibited from entering the mainland and the Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions, restricting their affiliated institutions from cooperating with relevant organizations and individuals on the mainland, never allowing their affiliated enterprises and financiers to seek profits on the mainland, and taking other necessary punitive measures. These specific measures not only strictly prohibit "Taiwan independence" elements and their families from engaging in any activities in the mainland, Hong Kong, and Macao Special Administrative Regions, but more importantly, they have strictly prohibited and resolutely cracked down on the relevant enterprises and financiers that have long supported and funded "Taiwan independence" elements and their separatist activities, thus fundamentally cutting off the political, economic, and social forces behind supporting "Taiwan independence." At the same time, the mainland will pursue lifelong responsibility for the "Taiwan independence" elements on the list, that is, no matter how the country realizes reunification in the future, the "Taiwan independence" diehards on the list will be investigated for criminal responsibility and will be valid for life. Not only that, the mainland's forceful attack this time will play an important deterrent and warning role for all "Taiwan independence" elements except Su Zhenchang, You Xikun, and Wu Zhaoxie.

At present, cross-strait relations are at a very important crossroads. If the DPP authorities can clearly understand the situation, distinguish right from wrong, restrain themselves from the precipice on the road of "Taiwan independence" in a timely manner, return to the "1992 Consensus" and the one-China principle as soon as possible, and work with the mainland to restart cross-strait exchanges and cooperation, then there will be hope for cross-strait relations to stabilize and warm up and return to spring and blossom. If the DPP ignores the mainland's warnings and punishments, ignores them, obstinately goes its own way, arbitrarily provokes and plays with fire, and continues to promote "Taiwan independence" and split the country, then the mainland will certainly take further effective measures, the anti-"independence" and promotion of reunification will be more powerful and effective, the pace of national reunification will be further accelerated, the goal of the complete reunification of the motherland is just around the corner, and the "Taiwan independence" elements and all kinds of "Taiwan independence" separatist forces on the island will disappear in vain and completely perish soon! (Commentator Wen Qing)

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