
Bird watching inn

author:People's Daily News

Camphor at the back of the house, such as a covered canopy almost covers half of the roof. From the balcony on the second floor, you can see the bark of the tree and the verdant treetops. Following the direction of the owner of the house, Wang Yanwang, I saw the figure of the indigo crown and the noisy and agile figure.

One, two, three... I counted silently, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out. Wang Yanwang whispered to me from the side that the indigo-crowned bird is a very rare bird, which exists in China in the whole world, and only appears in the Wuyuan area of Jiangxi In China. The number we see today accounts for almost one-fifth of the surviving volume of the Crowned Indigo.

The indigo-crowned thrush belongs to the family Finches and is about the same size as the thrush. The appearance is a blue crown, yellow throat, black face, brown waist, especially the color of the feathers presents a natural brilliance. These indigo-crowned noisy harriers in front of them are agile, very cute and naughty, and suddenly they fly from this branch to the tree, suddenly stop on the tree and swing, and suddenly land on the tile ridge.

Wang Yanwang is a villager in Caomen Village, with a solid appearance and a cheerful personality. He became acquainted with the Indigo-crowned Harrier in the spring of 2000. Professor He Fenqi, an ornithologist at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, went to Caomen Village to track and investigate the indigo crown noisy stork, and Wang Yanwang and his wife met Professor He by chance, which made them know that what frequently appeared on the camphor tree next to his old house was a world-endangered bird species!

Most of the birds that are close to the village are swifts, sparrows, egrets, squids, partridges, etc. Unexpectedly, I was able to see the rare indigo crested stork up close in the village. Every April, as soon as this cute bird appears, it directly takes the old camphor tree behind the old house of Wang Yanwang's house as its home. With the arrival of the indigo-crowned noisy stork, it is a bird lover who comes to visit. Every year, on the days when the camphor flowers are fragrant, they step on the nodes and appear in the small village with the indigo crowned noisy stork.

After all, Caomen Village is somewhat remote, and bird lovers have difficulties in bird watching, bird shooting, and eating and staying in the village. Wang Yanwang mobilized his wife to open a small shop in the old house to provide food for bird watchers and bird shooters, which can also be regarded as a foothold for contact. To Wang Yanwang's surprise, more than a month later, he received an email from Guangzhou, the sender did not leave his name and contact address, but inside contained a thick indigo crown of noisy photography, as well as photos of Wang Yanwang's mother and children's life. Wang Yanwang did not expect that the indigo crown noise grebe was so beautiful in the photographer's instant freeze frame; nor did he expect that the photographer would have the heart to take photos of his family and wash them out together.

Wang Yanwang felt more and more that dealing with bird lovers was a new and interesting thing. Therefore, he resolutely returned to his hometown from Yunnan, demolished the old house and built a new one, built a three-story building, and set aside a few rooms for bird lovers to open a "bird watching inn" at home.

Wang Yanwang's old house is located on the banks of the Le'an River, and the camphor behind the house is in the corner of the playground of Caomen Primary School. Those few trees are seven or eight hundred years old, and they are only part of the old Shuikou forest in Caomen Village. The mountain fields around the village are full of collectively closed woodlands. I suspect that it is not so much that the indigo-crowned noisy storks like the village of Wuyuan, but rather that they have a special love for the ecological environment of Caomen Village, especially the ancient trees in the mouth of the water.

Wuyuan villages, whether it is Caomen, Shimen, Or Hexi, Moon Bay, as long as there is an indigo crown noisy harrier inhabiting the place, it is surrounded by streams, and ancient trees are forested. The indigo-crowned harrier foraging range is almost beyond the forest, tea plantations, grasses, and vegetable fields around the village. Indigo-crowned grebes are the spirits of nature, and ancient trees are their home. Like the towering camphor, simple trees, maple incense, and maple poplar trees in Caomen Village, they are the ideal home for the indigo-crowned noisy stork.

However, in Wang Yanwang's memory, the indigo-crowned harriers living in this "ideal homeland" also had accidents. It was last May, the day before Xiao Man, when Wang Yanwang suddenly heard the panicked cries of the indigo-crowned harrier at home. He hurried to the balcony to see that two adult indigo-crowned noisy birds were flapping their wings and screaming, while a chick that had learned to fly fell on the roof tiles at the bottom of the tree, fluttered several times, but still could not fly. On the roof ridge not far from the chicks, a yellow cat was staring at the tiger. In order to protect the chicks, Wang Yanwang took up a bamboo pole and went to catch the cat. The yellow cat fled into the wilderness, and Wang Yanwang quickly took a wooden ladder to save the fledgling bird whose wings were not yet full, and placed the bird on a camphor tree that was higher than the roof ridge.

That day, Wang Yanwang kept staring intently at the chicks, until he saw the birds spread their wings and fly again, and his hanging heart was released.

In the days when the indigo-crowned noisy bird learns to fly, even if Wang Yanwang is busy, he must put down the work in his hand and go to the balcony to see it a few times, afraid that the chicks will have something to lose.

In the afternoon, sitting at the "Bird Watching Inn" and chatting with Wang Yanwang. In Wang Yanwang's view, similar to his family's "bird watching inn" in Xiaoqi, Kengkou, Fuchun and other Wuyuan villages have appeared one after another, bird lovers can come to watch birds and shoot birds, which is not only the "welfare" brought by Wuyuan's good natural ecology, but also the best praise for the ecological protection of local villages. Birds chirp as if they were talking to the villagers, expressing their love for the village. Wang Yanwang's family can be neighbors with the indigo crown, which is really a fate that cannot be sought.

Wang Yanwang and his wife used the indigo crown noisy stork as a medium, not only established telephone contact with bird lovers across the country, but also established a "Caomen Noisy Stork Group" on the mobile phone. I was chatting with Wang Yanwang when his mobile phone rang, and it was a consultation call from a "bird friend" in Anhui. The "bird friends" came more often, and became good friends with Wang Yanwang, and they all affectionately called his home "Noisy Bird People's Home".

People's Daily ( 2020-06-01 20th edition)