
Harmonic Jin Shin Young lost 34 kilograms a year Do you guess how many meals she eats every day?

author:Premiere Network

35-year-old South Korean female comedian Kim Shin Young, only 152 cm tall but once fat to 78 kg, was warned by the doctor that if she does not lose weight, she may only have 10 years of life left, let her decide to lose weight, she through a small number of meals, eat 5 meals a day in 1 year successfully lost 34 kg, frankly more confident in the face of the camera.

Harmonic Jin Shin Young lost 34 kilograms a year Do you guess how many meals she eats every day?

Although Jin Shenying was originally a fat physique, but after entering the industry, she was more and more weighty because of the inversion of work and rest, abnormal diet, and her weight became more and more weighty, until she found that her physical condition became worse, and even when her movements were somewhat inflexible, she rushed to the hospital for examination, did not expect to draw blood but drew fat, and was warned by the doctor that she would be life-threatening if she was fat again, so she began to lose weight.

Harmonic Jin Shin Young lost 34 kilograms a year Do you guess how many meals she eats every day?

Because of the doctor's words, Jin Shenying began to lose weight in pain

She eats a small number of multiple meals, eating 5 meals a day, except for 3 meals, the remaining 2 meals will eat almonds, soy milk, apples and other foods. The usual diet is based on low salt, low oil and low sugar, and vegetables are blanched or fried with a small amount of olive oil. For meat, chicken breast, steamed fish or tofu are eaten, and the lighter the weight loss, the better.

In addition, she insists on exercising for 2 hours a day and drinking 2 liters of brown rice water every day to help digestion and improve constipation, while speeding up metabolism and stabilizing blood sugar.

Harmonic Jin Shin Young lost 34 kilograms a year Do you guess how many meals she eats every day?

Jin Shenying po out a photo of himself during his obesity period, which made netizens laugh and say that the picture was full

When losing weight, it is inevitable that there will be a time when there will be hunger, and whenever This time Kim Shin-young will use sparkling water and pear juice to relieve hunger, or eat frozen grape juice.

She also revealed that when you want to eat, you must distinguish the difference between real hunger and fake hunger. If you are really hungry when you want to eat whatever you want, but if you are full of snacks, pizza or some specific food, you are fake hungry, and if you encounter the latter situation, she recommends that everyone drink more water to achieve fullness.

Harmonic Jin Shin Young lost 34 kilograms a year Do you guess how many meals she eats every day?

After slimming down, Kim Shin-young admitted that he was more confident

Kim Shin-young, who used to have a face so big that he occupied the screen, is now thinner than a V-face.