
Goliath, don't you give it a chance to turn over? Goliath's fans are less? Fewer goliath stores? Less publicity for Goliath? To whom did Goliath fold? What is the future of Goliath?

author:Old Yikan brand
Goliath, don't you give it a chance to turn over? Goliath's fans are less? Fewer goliath stores? Less publicity for Goliath? To whom did Goliath fold? What is the future of Goliath?
Goliath, don't you give it a chance to turn over? Goliath's fans are less? Fewer goliath stores? Less publicity for Goliath? To whom did Goliath fold? What is the future of Goliath?

If it were not for the hot search for Goliath in shenzhen Maoye store "installed a camera in the fitting room", it is estimated that many people are the same as Lao Yi: Goliath? Goliath! ...... Oh, that's the brand that used to be very hot, isn't it?

Founded in 1995, Goliath was once the fashion ceiling in the hearts of many people, and more than a decade ago, following The pace of Goliath is the most normal attitude to life of fans. A netizen who used to be the manager of Goliath's flagship store ten years ago said: "The business was really good before!" That kind of windy and rainy typhoon day turnover is 6w... Holidays 20-30w, or even higher is also available! In that era of swiping cards and giving cash, I once tried to help cashier from work to after work!

Goliath, don't you give it a chance to turn over? Goliath's fans are less? Fewer goliath stores? Less publicity for Goliath? To whom did Goliath fold? What is the future of Goliath?

It can be imagined that when the young girl rushed to wear Goliath's street, Goliath's boss Hu Qiming had an excited little heart at his desk how to imagine his future with Goliath: we are not only a successful model of white horse "going out", but also the first women's clothing model to go abroad. At that time, Goliath not only had more than 500 stores in China, but also successfully opened branches in Norway, Egypt, Kuwait, Syria, Singapore and Indonesia.

When did Goliath start to change? Or did Goliath not change, and the fans who followed Goliath changed?

Goliath, don't you give it a chance to turn over? Goliath's fans are less? Fewer goliath stores? Less publicity for Goliath? To whom did Goliath fold? What is the future of Goliath?

Some people say that they are old, and Goliath's girlish style can't be worn. Some people say that they are fat, and Goliath's size can't be tucked in. Some people say that Goliath has become more expensive, and it is a series that she can't afford to buy. Some people say that Goliath is earthy, full of houses in the style of the urban-rural junction.

"When I was 16 years old, I bought two pieces of Goliath's clothes, and I thought it was magical, and I wore a big brand for the first time," a netizen named Kaibao 717 left a message under Lao Yi's article. Another netizen named yy1235678 recalled: Remember when I was in high school, I wore a (Goliath) plaid red coat and a horn button coat to school years after the same table, which was too good-looking, because there were more brothers and sisters in his family, there were no new clothes in the New Year, since so many years, I still remembered it, and now I go to this store, there is no love at first sight clothes!

Goliath, don't you give it a chance to turn over? Goliath's fans are less? Fewer goliath stores? Less publicity for Goliath? To whom did Goliath fold? What is the future of Goliath?

Has Goliath changed? Two days ago, Lao Yi took the time to install the camera of the Nanshan Maoye Goliath store turned around, the salesman said, we Goliath to the upper body to know how good-looking. Our family has five major series, and we all have the style you like. Probably means: come in, don't even think about running, there is always one for you.

Love needs a reason, unconsciously, the fans just don't love, there is no reason.

Goliath, don't you give it a chance to turn over? Goliath's fans are less? Fewer goliath stores? Less publicity for Goliath? To whom did Goliath fold? What is the future of Goliath?

In Lao Yi's impression, Goliath's stores used to be everywhere, and many stores did not know where to go over the years. According to its official data, in 2016, Goliath had more than 500 domestic stores, and by 2019, its number had decreased to more than 400. Today, I don't know how many more there are. The staff in Goliath's shop said that we don't open a small shop now, and if we want to open it, we will open a large store of more than 300 square meters.

On Goliath's official Weibo, it can be seen that Goliath is still opening a store, and it is not only a store with a large area, but also a themed, unforgettable Internet celebrity shop. In Goliath's own words, it is like this: with the yearning for the sea of stars, the concept of "nature + civilization = fashion" is sown in the "Green Field Star Trail Tree Bear Dream Park" Qianping theme store, 1 + n composite space, so that shopping becomes a complex of culture, travel, slow shopping, healing and fun. Each store has a different design, and each store is very worth punching.

Goliath, don't you give it a chance to turn over? Goliath's fans are less? Fewer goliath stores? Less publicity for Goliath? To whom did Goliath fold? What is the future of Goliath?

The Nanshan Maoye store, which is easy to visit, is located in the middle hall of the elevator entrance on the fourth floor, and the area is indeed very large. It may be the old store, far less shocking than the theme on the Internet, and there is little difference between the store decoration and no decoration. The clothes on display in the store give the impression of one word: 蔫! When the salesman recommended try-on, it was still the same sentence: We Goliath have to try it on the upper body to know how good it looks! If you change to a new theme store, you are willing to try it no.

A netizen named "Fat Dadi is dreaming" said this: When Hashimoto Reika endorsed, the clothes really look good. In Lao Yi's impression, the moment Goliath asked Reika Hashimoto to speak, Goliath was really too windy. Various fashion magazines are the figure of Goliath, and the outside of the mall is also the figure of Reika Hashimoto.

Goliath, don't you give it a chance to turn over? Goliath's fans are less? Fewer goliath stores? Less publicity for Goliath? To whom did Goliath fold? What is the future of Goliath?

Nowadays, the big brand Goliath is too low-key, not to mention asking for a spokesperson, and even the news is pitiful. Under the official response to the camera incident, there were only 508 likes and 58 replies, and the content was still the kind of reply from the employees of the company.

In order to write Goliath's article, Lao Yi spent a lot of effort to suckle and turn the network upside down, but the information that could be found was extremely limited and limited. There are more than 4600 notes on the Little Red Book, most of which are 50% off promotional information. I found the official account and posted a total of 28 articles, the most recent article was sent in August. Sina Weibo has 620,000 fans, and the content is all kinds of Goliath product photos or model photos, as well as some product fabrics and design explanatory texts. On Goliath's video number, live selling is the main content.

Goliath, don't you give it a chance to turn over? Goliath's fans are less? Fewer goliath stores? Less publicity for Goliath? To whom did Goliath fold? What is the future of Goliath?

The propaganda of not being able to sell goods is a hooliganism, and Goliath's current dissemination seems to firmly implement this principle. The original Goliath doesn't seem to be like this. The former manager of Goliath's flagship store said: I think they put too much energy into corporate culture in the early stage! When the customer is lost, your concept clubhouse corporate culture can not keep the brand no matter how well done!

At the peak of Goliath, Goliath has been adhering to many corporate culture construction activities that are not directly linked to sales. The reason is that Boss Goliath is a culture-talker. Some insiders say that Goliath's boss Hu Qiming is relatively low-key and modest, and his personality is very attractive. Hu Qiming is not familiar with Lao Yi, and there is very little information about Hu Qiming on the Internet. The information that Lao Yi can find shows that Boss Hu is quite handsome, and he is a kind of handsome with a literary atmosphere + uncle Fan.

Goliath, don't you give it a chance to turn over? Goliath's fans are less? Fewer goliath stores? Less publicity for Goliath? To whom did Goliath fold? What is the future of Goliath?

He himself is passionate about travel, and for this reason, Goliath's theme of globetrotting was born and persists to this day. Today, Goliath has traveled the globe for more than 20 years, in more than 30 countries. There is also a piece of information on the Internet about Hu Qiming's early reception of MBA students: when he finally left, all the female students also received a beautiful bouquet of flowers from Hu Qiming. In the fragrant aroma, the mba students once again felt the uniqueness of Goliath's brand culture... Literary and artistic fan, love to travel, understand women, can live, basically Lao Yi's superficial cognition of Hu Qiming.

When talking about The current situation of Goliath, the manager of Goliath's flagship store said: I don't think it has done anything wrong, just like Nokia! It's just that the world is changing too fast and they're not keeping up. If you must say wrong, it is to ignore that the design is the brand itself (the core), and the style is very repetitive! In two years, we will sell similar models from before!

Goliath, don't you give it a chance to turn over? Goliath's fans are less? Fewer goliath stores? Less publicity for Goliath? To whom did Goliath fold? What is the future of Goliath?

Did Goliath really do nothing wrong? Lao Yi thought about this sentence for three days and two hours, and finally concluded that he felt that this sentence was extremely correct. The repeated styles are not wrong, has Chanel's small fragrance also gone for more than half a century, and lv is not often reproduced? Isn't that Goliath's DNA? Even the neglect of the design is not Goliath's fault.

How did Goliath get up? Industry insiders said that in that era, in the white horse, Goliath's clothing was to be better than the quality of others, and there was no worry about selling. In Hu Qiming's own words, it is the spirit of craftsmanship. In that era of brand scarcity, the breakthrough in quality, coupled with imitation learning and innovation in design, has achieved many brands. In addition to Goliath, there are also Lady's House in Shenzhen, Ou Li shi in Guangzhou, vero moda in Denmark, and so on.

Goliath, don't you give it a chance to turn over? Goliath's fans are less? Fewer goliath stores? Less publicity for Goliath? To whom did Goliath fold? What is the future of Goliath?

All the variables began when Ma Yun carried Taobao to ride the fog, the success of Taobao, directly in the price advantage of a number of brands such as Goliath, Goliath forced to embark on the road of online and online comprehensive development, fortunately, or carried down.

The result has not been relieved for a few breaths, zara, h&m and other fast fashion with the harvester of international fashion came. People are not only cheap, but also the international fashion model, just ask you whether you are satisfied. The Goliaths still expressed their disapproval, why not? You get s me? What if I can't? Goliath tightened their belts and finally stabilized.

Goliath, don't you give it a chance to turn over? Goliath's fans are less? Fewer goliath stores? Less publicity for Goliath? To whom did Goliath fold? What is the future of Goliath?

As a result, within a few days, the consumption upgrade has arrived, and the Z generation has become the main consumption force of the new generation. In the words of netizens: the girls who pursued it were old, and it did not keep up with the pace of our psychological and aesthetic changes, so she lost us. However, it does not understand the post-90s and post-00s, so decadence is inevitable.

To put it this way, is There something wrong with Goliath? Goliath was not at all wrong, really just not two steps slower than the times.

Under the message of Lao Yi's article, many people left a message that Goliath has changed designers, so she no longer loves. Who is Goliath's current design team? According to its official sources, Goliath's R&D team is led by Kim Sun-yong, who has design and management experience in a number of international luxury brands. Goliath's design team has been working with international artist/designer Meiyi. In terms of product shooting, Akiki Ito, Japan's top fashion photographer, has been used, and the model uses the Victoria's Secret angel willow hand.

Goliath, don't you give it a chance to turn over? Goliath's fans are less? Fewer goliath stores? Less publicity for Goliath? To whom did Goliath fold? What is the future of Goliath?

If you talk about fighting the glory of the king, this team combination, even if it is not the glory king level, must be counted as the strongest king level. If it is a substitution, it also belongs to the shotgun for the cannon. Why don't the fans love it anymore? Goliath is going to cry out at this time, and no one should have an opinion.

What kind of design is good design, and what kind of fashion is popular fashion?

Japanese design guru Kenya Hara once said, "Design is not a skill, but the ability to feel and perceive the essence of things." The designer is not just a person who is very good at design, but a person who lives and lives with the concept of design. Ms. Chanel once explained her point to the fashion magazine Vogue: "Fashion is not only in clothing, it is also everywhere in the air. It reflects our thoughts, our life experiences, and our circumstances. ”

Goliath, don't you give it a chance to turn over? Goliath's fans are less? Fewer goliath stores? Less publicity for Goliath? To whom did Goliath fold? What is the future of Goliath?

The creators and communicators of fashion trends radiate round after round of fashion epidemic cycles to the spreaders in all directions, attracting consumers to flock to them. The essence of fashion is the refinement of life, the essence of design, and the display of life.

What is the origin of Goliath's fashion?

On Goliath's official website, Goliath shows that the place of origin is China. What about China? The official website just didn't tell you. It also took Lao Yi a few minutes to find the company's registered place in Guangzhou, China. Industry insiders say that Goliath is a dark horse that came out of the Guangzhou White Horse Clothing Market. In this past, Goliath seems reluctant to mention it, why? What is guangzhou white horse clothing market? It is a clothing wholesale place, if you talk about the grade, it is not as good as the Shenzhen South Oil Garment Wholesale Market.

Goliath, don't you give it a chance to turn over? Goliath's fans are less? Fewer goliath stores? Less publicity for Goliath? To whom did Goliath fold? What is the future of Goliath?

Goliath doesn't mention it now, if nothing else, but is trying to find the cultural base and design source that can give Goliath confidence and inspiration. In Goliath's globetrotting, Goliath has also found some design inspiration, and now the cute pet comes from Australia. However, it seems that this is just a small spark of inspiration, and it has not formed a trend of fire.

Without roots, you can only drift, where does the sense of wandering come from? Where does leadership come from without self-confidence? In China's fashion industry, the brand that is looking for the source of culture and design is not only Goliath, there are few that are found, everyone is looking for it. Lao Yi feels that this is the biggest gap between Chinese fashion and international fashion.

Goliath, don't you give it a chance to turn over? Goliath's fans are less? Fewer goliath stores? Less publicity for Goliath? To whom did Goliath fold? What is the future of Goliath?

There are many reasons why Tokyo, Japan, has become the world's fifth-largest fashion capital, one of which is that there are three internationally recognized fashion masters: Yohji Yamamoto, Rei Kawakubo, and Issey Miyake. They find the fashion of the world in their own culture. Such a master needs to be good at all times and places, and he also needs to wait. The Chinese fashion industry needs to wait, and Goliath needs to explore even more.

For the fashion industry, there are two core w devices, one is design, and the other is marketing.

Lv a bag that costs a thousand yuan dares to sell for ten or twenty thousand, and is also grabbed. This premium capability comes primarily from the power of marketing. In the traditional marketing era, Goliath has harvested the premium ability and dividends brought by marketing. It's just that in the new media era, Goliath is dumbfounded.

Goliath, don't you give it a chance to turn over? Goliath's fans are less? Fewer goliath stores? Less publicity for Goliath? To whom did Goliath fold? What is the future of Goliath?

In brands such as Belle, Lady House, and Ou Lishi that Lao Yi has studied, Lao Yi has seen this kind of dud fire, and the fault line in the boss's (management) cognition is the root cause. You talked to them about Xiao Zhan, and they asked: Who is Xiao Zhan? You talk to them about yyds and they say: Huh? You talk to them about station b, and they say: station b has not been seen. Talk to them about xi tea, and they say: What's so good to drink? You talk to them about Douyin, and they ask: How does Douyin sell fast? People who don't understand Gen Z are playing and don't want to know what Gen Z people are thinking. How else can this be communicated?

Of course, Lao Yi didn't know what the reason for Goliath's pantomime was. In Lao Yi's view, the three words of Goliath are still valuable. Several times a year, Goliath appeals for trademark infringement. What "Sage Lia Yi", what "Last Song Liya Says" have lost money.

Goliath, don't you give it a chance to turn over? Goliath's fans are less? Fewer goliath stores? Less publicity for Goliath? To whom did Goliath fold? What is the future of Goliath?

Goliath's fans are few, but there are. In their eyes, compared with fast fashion, Goliath's quality is many times stronger than Zara and H&M. Compared with Uniqlo, Goliath does not know how much more fashionable than it. Compared with the brands of Shadow and Masfil, the same cashmere, people sell 189,000, Goliath sells 8,000, and Goliath is of course the most cost-effective.

Goliath now only opens large stores, only large stores with themes, which is obviously a very wise choice. The terminal is not only regarded as an export of sales, but also the source of viral spread in the new media era. In terms of organizational structure, the two major w-machines of design and marketing cannot be done for outsiders to see, but they are really shipped. Normalize the marketing highlights of the traditional media era in the new media era. In short, Goliath still has to make a fuss, and the bigger the movement, the better. Hu Qiming must not only understand the women of that era, but also understand the women of this era, otherwise, they really don't give you the opportunity to turn over.

Goliath, don't you give it a chance to turn over? Goliath's fans are less? Fewer goliath stores? Less publicity for Goliath? To whom did Goliath fold? What is the future of Goliath?

(Original author: Lao Yi Kan brand, focusing on brand management and research, unauthorized, prohibited reprinting)