
Do you know the legends and customs of the Winter Cloth festival?

author:Girls' life is a little bit

Today is the first day of the tenth month of the lunar calendar in 2021, China's traditional festival - Hanyi Festival, with the development of society and the thinness of traditional culture, many people may not know this festival, because modern people have more elements of life around work, so it is difficult to have leisure time to pay attention to these traditional festivals, the meaning of the existence of this festival is to let everyone remember the relatives who have passed away, pay more attention to the relatives around them.

Do you know the legends and customs of the Winter Cloth festival?

Winter Clothing Festival

The green smoke sunset is more dusk, and the road fire is full of traces.

Send the soul of the undead to burn the coin, and the road is cold and distant to remember the family.

Do you know the legends and customs of the Winter Cloth festival?

"On the first of October, send winter clothes." Cold Clothing Festival, there are different names: such as the October Dynasty, ancestor worship festival, hades festival, this festival is also a traditional Chinese festival of sacrifice, originated in the Zhou Dynasty, popular in the north, people in the north of the Qingming Festival, Zhongyuan Festival, Winter Cloth festival collectively called China's "three ghost festivals", these days of the year, people will be on this day to sweep, to remember the deceased relatives, so called sending cold clothes. Because after the first day of the tenth month of the lunar calendar, winter is about to enter, so this festival also means warmth and love.

Do you know the legends and customs of the Winter Cloth festival?

Hanyi Festival is a special national festival that has been diluted in customs but is emotionally remembered, Qingming, Zhongyuan, Hanyi, Chinese New Year's Eve, and the thoughts of the deceased all year round shine with the passage of time, never stopping... The day of the Winter Clothing Festival marks the coming of a harsh winter, dear people, please wear warm winter clothes, so that you can not be afraid of the cold of winter and warm through the winter.

Do you know the legends and customs of the Winter Cloth festival?

It's cold, the heart is nostalgic, where can the relatives sleep peacefully?

I send clothes and send thoughts. Day after day and night dream, dream waking tears. What about the yin and yang separation? Only nostalgia.

This life is not enough, see you in the next life, one day the soul will meet and continue this life. Where to look for that wisp of smoke? Acacia is broken.

Do you know the legends and customs of the Winter Cloth festival?

The origin of the Winter Clothing Festival

Theory 1: Originated in the Zhou Dynasty, because the "Book of Poetry, Fengfeng, July" clearly records: "In July, the fire flows, and the clothes are given in September." The Han Dynasty Confucian Mao Heng interpreted the meaning of this sentence: "When the frost begins to fall in September, the women can be awarded winter clothes." "This means that from September onwards, it is getting colder and it is time to buy clothes to keep you warm.

Theory 2: Originated from the Qin Dynasty to repair the Great Wall, Meng Jiangnu sent a cold coat for her deceased husband. Since then, people inside and outside the Great Wall have called the first day of the tenth month of the lunar calendar "Winter Clothing Festival". The Song Dynasty poet Liu Kezhuang once wrote a poem "Reading the Seven Absolutes of the Qin Dynasty" and sighed:

Qianshou died in the crowd of the city, and Qiliang's body was straight into dust.

I don't know how many people recruited women on that day and sent winter coats.

Do you know the legends and customs of the Winter Cloth festival?

Theory 3: The Winter Clothing Festival originated in the Ming Dynasty. The Book of Rites and The Order of the Moon records that in the tenth month of the lunar calendar, rice has been harvested into the warehouse, and all kinds of food made with the new valley must first pay tribute to the ancestors, which is called "recommending the new". Tianzi also began to wear fur coats, telling the world: winter is coming, change to winter clothes. Zhu Yuanzhang followed the ancient ritual of performing the ritual of "giving clothes" in the early morning of October, and made the newly harvested red beans and glutinous rice into a hot soup and gave them to the courtiers to taste the new. Nanjing folk proverb said: "In the October Dynasty, wear cotton jackets, eat bean soup, and resist the cold." "Winter Clothing Festival" came from this.

Do you know the legends and customs of the Winter Cloth festival?

Tang Dynasty Winter Clothing Festival Customs: Tang Xuanzong issued an edict in August of the second year of Tianbao (743): "Every September 1, recommend clothes to the tomb." "In the ninth month of the lunar calendar, the weather is still relatively warm, and the cold clothes are sent a little earlier at this time, so the Song Dynasty postponed the custom of the winter clothes festival to October Shuo (the first day of the first month).

Song Dynasty winter clothes festival customs: mainly have clothing, sacrifice, and opening of the furnace. During the Two Song Dynasties, the folk gradually arose the custom of sweeping tombs and burning clothes on October New Year's Day. The elaborate "Past Events of Wulin" records: "In October Shuo, everyone went out to visit the tomb in the suburbs, using cotton fur and so on. ”

Customs of the Hanyi Festival in the Yuan Dynasty: Officially worshipping ancestors on October 1st is called the "Winter Clothing Festival". Xiong Mengxiang's "Analysis of Jinzhi" records: "It is the month, and after one day in the capital, the season is called the Winter Clothing Festival." The sacrifice is first to go to the grave and sweep the yellow leaves for it. ”

Ming Dynasty Winter Clothing Festival Customs: In the Beijing area, there have been five-color (generally red, yellow, blue, white, black) paper, specially tailored and sold winter clothes. The winter clothes are divided into men's clothes and women's clothes, which are more than a foot long, and the clothes are printed with words and seals, and then sealed, indicating the place of origin, surname, and font size of the deceased, just like mailing letters in the world. On the first night of October, the family prepares offerings and makes offerings, while calling out the names of the deceased, burning the paper clothes at the door (or to the grave). It is believed that by doing so, the deceased will receive winter clothes from their loved ones. If the deceased dies soon, a white paper should be used as a winter coat. The reason is that the new ghost does not dare to wear colored clothes. If your family is poor and has no money to buy, you can make it yourself.

Qing Dynasty Winter Clothing Festival Customs: The Winter Clothing Festival is roughly the same as the previous generation, all on October New Year's Day, the people worship the ancestors and sweep the tomb; in the evening, the book is used to make a crown, belt, clothing, and shoes, and burned outside the door after the sacrifice.

Do you know the legends and customs of the Winter Cloth festival?

Winter Clothing Festival · mores

On the Winter Clothing Festival, people pay homage to their ancestors and prepare for the winter.

· Paying homage to the ancestors

Since ancient times, our country has had the custom of paying homage to the ancestors at the time of the new harvest, in order to show filial piety and not forget the original. The first day of the first month of october of the lunar calendar sacrifices ancestors, there are family sacrifices, there are also tomb sacrifices, both north and south, and many areas in Jiangnan today also have the custom of offering new graves at the beginning of October.

Do you know the legends and customs of the Winter Cloth festival?

· Burn the winter coat

During the sacrifice, people incinerated the robes to the ancestors, called "sending cold clothes". When folk send winter clothes, they also pay attention to burning some five-colored paper at the intersection to symbolize cloth to relieve the orphaned souls of those who have no one to worship their ancestors, so as not to rob their relatives of winter supplies.

When burning cold clothes, it is necessary to be particularly careful and meticulous, and burn them all, otherwise they will be abandoned and the dead cannot use them. This kind of action seems incomprehensible, but it is also the mourning and reverence of the living for the dead.

Do you know the legends and customs of the Winter Cloth festival?

· Prepare for the winter

Not only should the deceased be given winter clothes for the winter, but the living should also carry out some traditional activities that symbolize the winter.

On this day, women should take out the cotton clothes they have made and let their children and husbands change seasons. If the weather is still warm at this time, it is not suitable to wear cotton clothes, but also to urge children and husbands to try on them, try it on, and try it on.

Do you know the legends and customs of the Winter Cloth festival?

Men are used to tidying up stoves and smoke pipes on this day. After installation, try to make a fire to ensure smooth heating in the cold.

Do you know the legends and customs of the Winter Cloth festival?

Winter Clothing Festival · Poetry

Tonight send winter clothes and send condolences together

Seven Laws of Winter Clothing

This festival has never been about me, and this year I will fry my heart.

Looking northwest on the cross street, three more dew dream soul invasion.

Star because of the shuo qi cold tree, the child sent cotton clothes and feathers.

When the paper money is removed, it is like two strings.

Do you know the legends and customs of the Winter Cloth festival?

The Winter Clothing Festival is a subtle and warm festival, which is more in line with the subtle and warm Chinese.

Do you know the legends and customs of the Winter Cloth festival?

Five thousand years of cultural inheritance has made our nation less expressive, and the thoughts and concern for our loved ones often have to be conveyed and understood through words. But this love has never been lacking, nor will it be neglected.

Do you know the legends and customs of the Winter Cloth festival?

Respecting the elderly and respecting the ancestors is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, and worshipping the ancestors is not only to pray for their protection, but also to hope that they can feel the joy and happiness of our world in heaven.

Do you know the legends and customs of the Winter Cloth festival?

"Cold weather plus clothes" is the warmest blessing for the people closest to you. Winter is coming, please remember to add clothes to your loved ones to keep warm, send clothes to your deceased relatives to keep warm, the cold winter has arrived, warm and warm clothes.