
Women's Park Night Run Killed! The 7-hour crime process revealed that the parents cried bitterly every day, and the defendant refused to repent

author:French Evening New Media

On October 24, 2018, the murder of Leshan woman Wang Mouxin Green Heart Park, who had caused a sensation in the country, was tried in public at the first instance of the Leshan Intermediate Court, and the defendant Li's crime process was disclosed for the first time, the prosecution accused Li of committing robbery, intentional homicide and theft, and dozens of victims' families and citizens participated in the audit.

Women's Park Night Run Killed! The 7-hour crime process revealed that the parents cried bitterly every day, and the defendant refused to repent

△ The victim, Wang Mouxin

Women's Park Walk missing

A week later, he was found killed

At 0:20 a.m. on December 16, 2017, Wang Mingao ran to the Renmin West Road Police Station of the Central District Public Security Bureau of Leshan City to report to the police that his daughter Wang Mouxin went out from her home to the nearby Green Road Greenway for a walk at about 18:00 on December 14, 2017, and has not returned.

Women's Park Night Run Killed! The 7-hour crime process revealed that the parents cried bitterly every day, and the defendant refused to repent

△ The victim's last circle of friends before his death

According to Wang Mingao, Wang Mouxin is the only daughter in the family. Because the community where he lives is close to Jiazhou Greenheart Park, Wang Mouxin has gradually developed the habit of walking, basically going out for a walk for about 1 hour after dinner every day.

Unexpectedly, after going out for a walk this time, her parents and daughter could not wait for her to come home.

By retrieving the surveillance video along the way, the Wang family found that Wang Mouxin left the gate of the Qixing Haitang Community at 5:41 p.m. on the same day, and 10 minutes later, entered the park from the gate of Green heart Park, due to the damage of multiple surveillance lenses in Green Heart Park, and finally only saw Wang Mouxin passing near Tangwan at 6:23, and there has been no trace since then.

After the incident, Wang Mouxin's family and friends searched around in Greenheart Park without success. Until December 22, the police informed Wang Mingao that Wang Mouxin had been killed, and that his body had been found, and that the suspect had been arrested.

Speaking of this life in the past year, Wang Mouxin's uncle introduced that her parents were very pitiful, and now two lonely old people are at home, crying every day.

Now, Wang Mouxin's sons and daughters have been raised by her ex-husband, the eldest daughter already knows about the murder of her mother, the younger son is too young, and the family has been lying to him, "Saying that his mother has gone abroad and will not come back until a long time later." ”

The course of the crime was disclosed for the first time

He was charged with three counts by prosecutors

On the afternoon of October 24, the Leshan Intermediate People's Court heard the case.

Li Jian replied to the crimes of robbery, homicide, and theft charged by the Leshan Municipal People's Procuratorate, saying that he knew the deceased Wang Xin before the incident, and that he agreed to meet at the Green Heart Park in Leshan City on the same day, and then the fact of murder and theft occurred.

Women's Park Night Run Killed! The 7-hour crime process revealed that the parents cried bitterly every day, and the defendant refused to repent

Suspect Li Jian told the court that he and Wang Mouxin met in January 2017, and on the afternoon of December 14, they made an appointment with Wang Mouxin to meet in The Green Heart Park, and then made a request for a loan, and only after the dispute arose did they murder Wang Mouxin.

Women's Park Night Run Killed! The 7-hour crime process revealed that the parents cried bitterly every day, and the defendant refused to repent
Women's Park Night Run Killed! The 7-hour crime process revealed that the parents cried bitterly every day, and the defendant refused to repent

The vehicle carrying defendant Li Jian drove away from the Leshan Intermediate Court. Photography / Hu Lei

When asked by the prosecutor, the collegial panel and the defender about how to contact the deceased Wang Mouxin in normal times, Li Jian repeatedly said that he would not respond.

The prosecution and the court reminded him that this was a sign of unrepentantness. At the end of the trial, Li Jian also expressed his apologies to the deceased Wang Mouxin and his family, "not accepting a sentence other than the death penalty."

Wang Mingao, the father of the victim Wang Mouxin, told reporters that although he entrusted a lawyer to participate in the trial as an agent ad litem, he did not submit a request for civil compensation, hoping that the court could sentence Li Jian to death.

The highly publicized trial was held at 3 p.m. on the 24th in the grand courtroom of the Leshan Intermediate Court. Before the trial, a large number of citizens gathered at the entrance of the courthouse, ready to enter the courtroom to observe.

The reporter learned that Li Jian did not have a family member to participate in the trial on the same day, and Li Jian's legal aid lawyer said that Li Jian had made it clear that he did not want to contact his family, and Li Jian's family had not contacted the defense lawyer to communicate the case.

Women's Park Night Run Killed! The 7-hour crime process revealed that the parents cried bitterly every day, and the defendant refused to repent

Before the trial, Wang Mouxin's parents were interviewed by the media. Photography / Hu Lei

Li Jian was in a very good mental state and was able to fully understand and react to the presiding judge's instructions.

Li Jian said in court that he refused to accept the defense lawyer appointed by the Leshan Legal Aid Center, saying that he was "more familiar with the facts of the case", but the collegial panel rejected his request after deliberation.

The Leshan Municipal People's Procuratorate alleged,

At about 17:00 on December 14, 2017, Wang Mouxin set off from the Qixing Haitang Community in Da Jungle Lane, Central District, Leshan City, to take a walk on the Green Heart Loop, and walked between a bowl of water and the bridge cave, where he met defendant Li Jian. In the process of talking, Li Jian saw the gold bracelet on the wrist of the victim Wang Mouxin, saw the money, threatened Wang Mouxin to hand over the gold bracelet, let him leave, when the victim left seven or eight meters away, Li Jian found that the victim pulled out his iPhone 8 plus mobile phone, thinking that it had signs of alarm, he chased forward to snatch the victim's mobile phone, because he was worried about being discovered by passers-by, he coerced the victim into the depths of the path inside the Green Heart Loop, and then asked the victim to cancel the mobile phone id and tell him the lock screen password. Wang Mouxin took advantage of Li's lack of preparation to push him down the small slope and ran away, Li Jian quickly climbed up to catch up with the victim, pressed him to the ground, and then Li Jian asked the victim not to call the police. Until about 1:00 a.m. on December 15, Li Jian once again agreed to the victim's departure, and when he found Wang Mouxin desperately running in the direction of the highway, Li Jian once again thought that the victim had to go to the police, immediately chased after it, and hit the back of the victim's head with his mobile phone to cause him to fall to the ground. In order to prevent the crime from being exposed, Li Jian planned to dig a pit for the victims to bury. When looking around for pit-digging tools, Li Jian found that Wang Mouxin still had signs of life, and hit Wang Mouxin's head several times with a stone, causing him to slide into the ditch next to him, after which Li Jian used the tools found to dig a pit to bury the victim. After cleaning up the scene, he fled the scene with a mobile phone, a gold bracelet, a gold ring, and three gold stud earrings.

The Leshan procuratorate held that the facts of defendant Li Jian's crime were clear and the evidence was indeed sufficient, constituting the crimes of robbery, intentional homicide, and theft, respectively, and should be punished for several crimes at the same time.

Women's Park Night Run Killed! The 7-hour crime process revealed that the parents cried bitterly every day, and the defendant refused to repent

Running trails near the park. Photography / Hu Lei

Repeatedly declined to answer questions

Request the court to grant a heavy sentence

Regarding the charges of the Leshan Municipal People's Procuratorate, Li Jian said in court that he had no objection to the fact of killing Wang Mouxin, but did not agree with the cause and process of the incident.

Li Jian told the court that he and Wang Mouxin met in January 2017, and on the afternoon of December 14, he and Wang Mouxin made an appointment to meet in the Green Heart Park through chat software, and then made a loan request, and only after the dispute arose did they murder Wang Mouxin.

The prosecutor asked Li Jian's confession: What other company is Wang Mouxin working as an admissions teacher at a school in Leshan? Li Jian responded that Wang Mouxin also has a greening engineering company. Prosecutors immediately pointed out that Li Jian lied in court that Wang Xin's name is an environmental protection engineering company whose main business is to remove formaldehyde, rather than a greening engineering company.

Prosecutors, collegial panels and Li Jian's lawyers also asked several times in court what chat software Wang and Li Jian communicated through. Li Jian had only one answer to this question, even after the judge's admonition that "the court should answer the question truthfully": not to respond.

The prosecution inquired about the mobile phone numbers in the names of Li Jian and his fiancée, but found no communication records with the victim, Wang Mouxin, and his relatives.

Li Jian explained that he contacted Wang Mouxin through another mobile phone number, and the prosecutor asked for this mobile phone number in court, but Li Jian's answer was still "no response" and refused to provide the number to contact Wang Mouxin.

The prosecutor who appeared in court said that Li Jian and Wang Mouxin did not know before the crime, and Li Jian lied that the purpose of the two acquaintances was to exonerate them.

Women's Park Night Run Killed! The 7-hour crime process revealed that the parents cried bitterly every day, and the defendant refused to repent

There is no trace of Wang Mouxin's body buried. Photography / Hu Lei

Wang Mouxin's parents did not submit a specific request for compensation in civil litigation, but only entrusted a lawyer to participate in the trial on the same day as a litigation agent.

For Wang Mouxin's elderly parents, the amount of compensation is no longer important, the top pillar daughter of the family is gone, no matter how much material compensation is meaningless, they only hope to kill people to pay for their lives, and return their daughters a justice.

At the final stage of the trial, Li Jian said that although he did not agree with the public security organs' investigation methods and the details of the prosecution's accusations, he was extremely sorry for the fact that Wang Mouxin was killed, and hoped to be able to pay for his life with his life, "agree to the procuratorate's request for a heavier sentence, and do not accept a sentence other than the death penalty."

May the dead rest in peace!