
As the saying goes, "there are three filial pieties, and no queen is greater", so what do the other two "filial pieties" refer to? Ah Yi Qu Cong, trapped in the unrighteous family poor pro-old, not for Lu Shi's controversy about "no queen is great"

author:Nameless shovel historian

Since ancient times, China has paid attention to filial piety, and in the history of thousands of years, the classic story of "twenty-four filial pieties" has also been born. Whether in ancient times or today, the behavior of "filial piety" has become the most popular topic. In daily life, generally we look at a person's character, only need to look at his attitude towards his family, after all, if a person is not good to his parents and family, how can you expect him to be good to others.

On the word "filial piety", Mencius once gave an interpretation that "no filial piety has three, and no queen is greater.". Most of us know that there is no aftermath, so what is the two filial pieties after that?

In the Commentary on the Thirteen Classics, the ancients added an explanation of "no queen is greater": Yu Li has three filial pieties, the matter is said to be Ayi Qu, trapped in unrighteous relatives, one is not filial piety; the family is poor and the elderly, not for Lu Shi, the second is not filial piety; not marrying childless, the ancestors are ancestors, and the three are not filial piety. Of the three, none is the greater.

As the saying goes, "there are three filial pieties, and no queen is greater", so what do the other two "filial pieties" refer to? Ah Yi Qu Cong, trapped in the unrighteous family poor pro-old, not for Lu Shi's controversy about "no queen is great"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" > Ayiqu congruence, trapped in unrighteousness</h1>

The so-called Ayi submission and the unrighteousness of the relatives refers to the fact that when the parents do something wrong, they only know how to obey blindly, without explaining the reason to them, so that they fall into the land of injustice, which is a great dishonesty.

On this point, it can be said that the thinking of the ancients was actually extremely correct. Parents are not sages, and their lives may be inadvertent or first experience, often caused some misunderstanding. Whenever this time comes, as a child, you should point it out, explain the problem with them, and solve or correct the problem together, only in this way can you really help your parents solve the problem.

Among them, the most famous example is the Fang Zhongyong we know. As a famous prodigy since childhood, Fang Zhongyong could write poetry before he read much when he was young, which can be said to be a talent. After understanding his son's talent, Fang's father not only did not let him study for further study, but used him as a tool to collect money, taking him all day to write poems for relatives and friends. Because he failed to receive education, as a result, over the years, Fang Zhongyong completely disappeared from everyone, and Fang Zhongyong's father also became a typical example of historical pits. And with the end of a generation of prodigies, Wang Anshi can only sigh and write a "Wounded Zhongyong" to warn future generations.

Just imagine, if Fang Zhongyong had been able to try to dissuade or explain his father after he grew up, his ending might have been changed, and Fang Zhongyong would not have left hundreds of years of infamy.

As the saying goes, "there are three filial pieties, and no queen is greater", so what do the other two "filial pieties" refer to? Ah Yi Qu Cong, trapped in the unrighteous family poor pro-old, not for Lu Shi's controversy about "no queen is great"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="11" > poor family, not for Lu Shi</h1>

"The family is poor and the elderly, not for lushi" means that the parents are still poor when they are old, but as a junior, they still do not work hard to participate in the imperial examination, enter the dprk as officials, and use the lu to support them, which is also a kind of filial piety.

Of course, there is no examination now, but it does not mean that this sentence does not apply to the present. The only way out for the ancient readers was to become officials, so they used this as a way to support their parents, although we did not have the examination, but we could get paid through a variety of jobs, so as to support them. The two, in fact, mean the same thing,

Supporting parents is worth advocating at all times. Our parents have worked hard to raise us as adults, and what we can do for them is to become their dependence when they are old and weak.

Emperor Wen of Han's mother, Empress Bo, was ill for three years, and as the emperor of a country, he served at his mother's side every day. Even when I went to bed at night, I didn't dare to close my eyes, and I didn't dare to untie my clothes belt, just so that I could better serve Empress Bo. Every day, the medicine that Empress Bo took, he had to taste it himself before feeding it to her. It is precisely because he has always maintained such a filial attitude that he has become the protagonist of the Twenty-Four Filial Pieties of "Tasting the Soup Medicine" and will be remembered by future generations.

Of course, this kind of behavior of Emperor Wendi of Han is not worth advocating, after all, to take care of the elderly, he must also maintain his energy to do better, and it is not very good to take medicine indiscriminately, although the drawbacks of Chinese medicine are relatively small. But This filial attitude of Emperor Wen of Han is worth learning, after all, as an emperor of a dynasty, we can achieve such a point, what reason do we have to resist?

As the saying goes, "there are three filial pieties, and no queen is greater", so what do the other two "filial pieties" refer to? Ah Yi Qu Cong, trapped in the unrighteous family poor pro-old, not for Lu Shi's controversy about "no queen is great"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="17" > controversy over "no queen is greater"</h1>

Throughout the ages, the understanding of "no queen is greater", including the ancients, we have always interpreted it as leaving no heirs, which is the greatest filial piety. Zhao Qi, a member of the Eastern Han Dynasty, commented on it in the Mencius Chapters and Sentences as "not marrying and childless, never having ancestors".

However, in recent years, misled by a scholar's statement, many people have begun to understand that not doing a good job as a descendant is the greatest filial piety. There is really nothing wrong with this statement, and in the sense, the understanding of filial piety is also positive. But in essence, it is more of a misinterpretation of traditional culture, in which he has no basis and has never argued.

Of course, the reason why this statement can catch fire is that it captures many people's antipathy to traditional culture, and using this emotion, they intend to redefine traditional culture.

This practice is an innovation for the dross in traditional culture, and it is also worth advocating. However, for normal traditional culture, it is not worth learning from and advocating, because it will mislead the public.

As the saying goes, "there are three filial pieties, and no queen is greater", so what do the other two "filial pieties" refer to? Ah Yi Qu Cong, trapped in the unrighteous family poor pro-old, not for Lu Shi's controversy about "no queen is great"

The above is the author's personal understanding of the three ancient filial pieties, I hope you can like it. It is not easy to create, please like and pay attention to a wave.