
Some people have been miserable, are retribution some time ago in the hospital encountered an aunt, in fact, can be called mother-in-law, she is about 70 years old is stomach perforation. Neither of her biological daughters came to take care of her because she herself set a bad example. I wondered why my daughter didn't come back to take care of her, or to see my mother. Something happened the next day and I understood. If you are not young, but you are still healthy, you can actually cook for your old mother and father and chat with them. If you really don't want to, you can also ask a babysitter or a caregiver to take care of it. Don't ignore it, because how you do it will be learned by the younger generations. After all, filial piety comes first.

author:Li Muzi who loves to think

I was going back to take care of my father, and she and my father were in a ward, listening to her chats that had been hospitalized for a week, with a perforation of the stomach. There was a man who took care of her, and I always thought it was her son, but it was actually her former son-in-law. Both of her daughters worked in the field and did not come home to see her. Why is it the former son-in-law, because she and her daughter have been divorced, and others say that the son-in-law is filial piety. But behind her son-in-law's back, she also talked about her son-in-law's gossip, how the son-in-law was not good, and said that the son-in-law should take care of her.

The next day her sister-in-law came to see that she had bought her clothes, and they began to try on clothes, and after a while they were chatting about taking care of her old mother, who was still alive and was 96 years old.

The sister-in-law meant asking her to cook for her own mother and then give her 2,000 yuan a month. She disagreed, saying that the daughter who married had the reason to take care of her mother's mother, and said that there was no brother and sister-in-law and brother-in-law? They should be taken care of.

Her former son-in-law said: If you don't set a good example yourself, you see that your daughter will not take care of you because you have not set a good example.

She suddenly became angry and scolded her son-in-law and said: My daughter can't take care of me without taking care of me, and the law is in charge. The son-in-law replied to her that you asked your daughter to come back and take care of you, and as a result, she came directly and said, Aren't you taking care of me? It is also natural to say that you take care of me.

Her sister-in-law saw that the more they talked, the more wrong it became, and quickly said to her that he had divorced your daughter and was not obligated to take care of you. She also said with a dead duck mouth: Then tomorrow he will not come.

The next day her son-in-law really didn't come again, and for almost a week, no one came to see her. Until my father couldn't stay up and was discharged from the hospital, she was alone in the hospital.

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