
Nine Historical Knowledge Points (2)

author:History of the High School Entrance Examination


Samurai and samurai groups


After the new century of dahua reform, land privatization and land annexation prevailed, and manors appeared.


The place is strong


It is composed of young and middle-aged men from the powerful family and servants


A military bloc that combines kinship and master-servant system

Establish a purpose

It was to protect their own estate


In the late 12th century, the Genji samurai clique, led by the Genrai Dynasty, became the largest samurai group, receiving the title of "Shogun of Seiyi" and establishing the shogunate in Kamakura. It had military and political power independent of the imperial court.


(1) Japan entered the 700-year-long period of shogunate rule. State power was in the hands of the samurai class.

(2) The Emperor became a ceremonial ornament. (3) Bushido was formed, in which the samurai were loyal only to their lords, not to the state.

【Lesson 12: The Arab Empire】

The rise of Islam

Founding background

At the end of the 6th century and the beginning of the 7th century, the Arabian Peninsula was not unified, there were many tribes, and polytheism prevailed

Time Figures

In the 7th century, Muhammad founded Islam

Founding location


Creation of the teaching process

In mecca missionary failures - leaving Mecca in 622 to move to Medina, establishing a Muslim community, the birth of the Arab state - occupying Mecca in 630 - the tribes recognized Muhammad's dominance.

Three major religions

Generation location

Buddhism originated in (ancient India); Christianity (Palestine); Islam originated in (Mecca City) -------- the three major religions all originated in (Asia)

Generation order

Buddhism was born (6th century BC); Christianity was born in the 1st century, and Islam was born in the 7th century

Propagation causes

All three religions spread with the support of rulers because their doctrines were conducive to the rule of the rulers

Arab Empire


In the mid-8th century, the Arab Empire spanned three continents: Europe, Asia, and Africa.

It became the largest empire in the world at that time and promoted the spread of Islam.

Arab culture


(1) Improved and disseminated "Arabic numerals" (2) created complete algebra


"" and "" have long been regarded as classics by Western medical circles


Literary gem "", also known as ""


Become a bridge between Eastern and Western cultures

In ancient times, the East and the West once had great empires spanning three continents: Europe, Asia and Africa

(1) Persian Empire (2) Alexander Empire (3) Roman Empire (4) Eastern Roman Empire (i.e. Byzantine Empire)

(5) Arab Empire (6) Ottoman Turkish Empire

【Lesson 13: Economic and Social Development in Western Europe】

Changes in agriculture

Land change

After the 11th century, the European countryside appeared "", and the land area gradually expanded.

Some of the people who participate in the reclamation are "some are".

Serf changes

Serfs could buy with money "", gaining free control over their own labor

The serfs paid "" to leave the manor and gain freedom. Become your own workforce

Changes in the relations of production

Lords leased land, lived on "", and were not involved in the management of production. "It has become a trend, gradually concentrated in the hands of the "kulaks", and the kulaks have established"" the kulaks employ peasants who have no land or little land to cultivate,

Between the rich peasants and the poor peasants become ""

Changes in handicrafts

Variation one

The emergence of "" and the gradual transformation to "" further increased labor productivity

Variation two

Between merchants and workers becomes ""

Rural real power strata

The continuous concentration of land in the countryside also controlled the administrative affairs of the countryside and became a class of real power in the countryside

Urban real power class

Become a real power force in the city.


The real-class forces in the countryside and in the cities gradually evolved into """ the class factor that prepared capitalist society

Lesson 14 Renaissance Movement

Background reasons

The Emergence of Italy ( ) produced a new bourgeoisie , dissatisfied with the Church 's control over the spiritual world , demanding that man be centered rather than God-centered ; advocating the development of man's individuality and the pursuit of man's happiness in real life. (Note: The Renaissance discovered "man")

Time and place

Beginning in the 15th to 16th centuries of ( ) ( ) , it expanded to the rest of Europe

Guiding ideology








Works and achievements




Dante is known as ()

Later he was called "the last poet of the old era and at the same time the first poet of the new era".

Dante, Petrarch


Known as the Three Masters of Literature

Known as a great master of art

Da vinci



Known as the Three Masters of Fine Arts

He is known as a literary giant


It promoted the prosperity of the field of European culture and thought and laid the ideological and cultural foundation for the emergence of European capitalist society

【Lesson 15 Exploring New Routes】


look for




Find out why

(1) The demand for the European market is gradually expanding, the commodity economy is becoming more and more developed, and Europe is eager to open up new trade markets (the root cause)

(2) The Book of Marco Polo aroused Europe's yearning for the Orient. (3) The Ottoman Empire blocked trade routes between East and West.

Sailing conditions

(1) The development of European geography, the theory of the earth circle is popular. (2) Europeans mastered the compass invented by Chinese

(3) Major breakthroughs in European shipbuilding technology (4) Support from the Spanish and Portuguese royal families has provided a solid material base for voyages


Sponsoring countries

Sailing time

Sailing routes or achievements

Direction of navigation




Heading south along the west coast of Africa, the Cape of Good Hope was discovered

Entering the Indian Ocean and returning (fruitless return)

From west to east

Da Gama


Sail along the Dias Route and cross the Indian Ocean

Arrive in India and find the new route to the East



In 1492

Crossing the Atlantic Ocean to reach "San Salvador Island" and later to Cuba and Haiti. He thought he had arrived in India and named the natives Indians. Columbus thought he had arrived in India until his death; he had no idea of the existence of the Americas in his mind.

From east to west



Named Pacific, died in the Philippines, its fleet returned to Europe,

The realization of the "Magellan Fleet" to sail around the world proves the circle of the earth


After the opening of the new shipping route, the industrial and commercial economy on the Atlantic coast of Europe flourished, which promoted the emergence and development of capitalism

The continents became more and more close, the world began to be connected as a whole, and the concept of the world was gradually established (new shipping routes opened up and discovered the "world")

【Lesson 16: Early Colonial Plunder】


time limit





In the late Middle Ages, the commodity economy of Western Europe was unprecedentedly prosperous, requiring the expansion of markets, the promotion of products, and the search for raw materials

The earliest colonial power

Portugal and Spain

Portuguese colonial expansion

Colony point

Asia, Africa, Latin America

Colonial way

Establish colonial strongholds and trading posts and control maritime trade routes. The local robbery trade is carried out from the base of the stronghold

Spanish colonial expansion


(1) the establishment of the Armada in the 16th century; (2) the forcing of the Indians to mine gold and silver without compensation;

(3) Forcing Indians and Blacks to develop plantations

British colonial expansion

Expansion background

In 1588, the British annihilated the Spanish Armada and became the hegemon of the seas and began overseas colonization

Colonial performance

(1) Establish plantations in North America to produce raw materials for industry (2) Carry out triangular trade and sell black slaves to the Americas

Triangular trade

Slave states

The main operators are ()


Europe è Africa è Americas è Return to Europe (Note: both the starting point and the end point are there)

The bloodiest and cruelest section is "from Africa to the Americas", mainly through the "Atlantic Ocean".

(1) Depriving Africa of nearly 100 million strong laborers (2) Providing a large number of laborers for the Americas

(3) Promoted the development of European capitalism.

English, French, Dutch

Colonial conquest

Reasons for domination

To compete for colonies and world markets

Compete for dominance performance

In the 17th century, the Dutch, known as the sea coachman, joined the colonial plunder, and the French also joined

From the second half of the 17th century onwards, the war for hegemony began


Britain defeated the Dutch and France and gained large colonies in the world, calling the Empire the Sun Never Sets

Historical influences

Positive impact

(1) It contributes to the primitive accumulation of capital in the European colonial countries and contributes to the formation of the world market

(2) The spread of European culture to the colonies has had a profound impact on the development of colonial society

Negative effects

It brought deep disaster to the colonial people

Lesson 17 Constitutional Monarchy in Britain









The feudal dynasty that ruled England: The Stuart kings James I and Charles I promoted "divine right of kings" and longed for royal power, which led to an intensification of the conflict between parliament and royal power

Root cause

( ) hindered the development of capitalism

Leadership class

Bourgeoisie and the new aristocracy

Start flag

In 1640 Charles I convened a new parliament

Representative figures


Execute the king

Charles I was executed in 1649

Restoration of the dynasty

In 1660, Charles II's return to the throne marked the restoration of the Stuart dynasty (indicating that the revolution was tortuous)

Palace coup

A palace coup of 1688 drove out James II and invited Mary and William to england, also known as the Glorious Revolution

End flag

It is a glorious revolution. The reason is that after the Glorious Revolution, the bourgeoisie and the new aristocracy took power and completed the purpose of seizing power

Important literature

In 1689, Parliament promulgated the ". Purpose: To limit the king's rights

Significance: Based on the Bill of Rights, the United Kingdom established the supreme position of parliament in the political life of the country,

Marking the formation of a "constitutional monarchy" in the United Kingdom

Revolutionary in nature

A bourgeois revolution

Lesson 18: Independence of the United States



( ) seriously hindered the development of capitalism in North America


In 1773, the Boston Tea Pour Incident

Gunfire from The Nexington in 1775


Northern bourgeoisie and southern plantation owners

Continental Congress


In May 1775, the Second Continental Congress was held in Philadelphia


Announcement of the formation of the army: the militia will be reorganized into the Continental Army, and Washington will be the commander-in-chief

Proclamation of the founding of the People's Republic of China: The Continental Congress adopted the ""

《Declaration of Independence》



(1) All human beings are created equal and enjoy the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

(2) Enumerate the tyranny of British colonial rule and call on the people to rebel against British colonial rule

Declared the independence of the 13 North American colonies from Britain

The Declaration of Independence was the first programmatic document to explicitly state the political demands of the bourgeoisie in the name of the state, and has been called the "First Declaration of Human Rights"

Important battles

The Battle of Saratoga in 1777 was a turning point in the Revolutionary War

In 1781, the American and French forces defeated the British at the Battle of Yorktown, and the British surrendered the Cornwagh Department

Truly independent

Britain recognized American independence in 1783 (Note: The end of the war, the true independence of the United States)

The nature of the war

It is both a war of national liberation and a bourgeois revolution

In 1787

U.S. Constitution


Washington presided over the Constituent Assembly, which established the U.S. Constitution of 1787

(1) The Constitution designed a federal republic based on the principle of separation of powers and checks and balances. (2) The executive, legislative and judicial powers shall be separated, and the President, the National Assembly and the Supreme Court shall perform their respective functions and check and balance each other

(3) Power-sharing between federal governments and local governments (4) Presidents and deputies are elected

The 1787 U.S. Constitution was the world's first written bourgeois constitution and had an important impact on the political changes that followed many countries


He was an outstanding bourgeois military and statesman who led the victory in the War of Independence, achieved national independence, established a relatively democratic political system, and pioneered democratic politics.

Lesson 19: The French Revolution and the Napoleonic Empire






Voltaire (standard-bearer of the Enlightenment), Montesquieu, Rousseau

Bash the object


Ideological propositions

Propagate freedom, equality, and democracy; advocate enlightenment and education for the masses, and dispel darkness with reason

A bourgeois movement for the emancipation of the mind

Important theoretical preparations were made for the French Revolution

In 1789 a three-tiered council was convened

On July 14, 1789, the people of Paris captured the Bastille


Legal literature

(1) Promulgation of the Declaration of the Rights of Man, which proclaims the basic principles of human rights, the rule of law, freedom, separation of powers, equality and the protection of private property

(2) In 1791, the Constituent Assembly promulgated a constitution, abolishing the old system and establishing the basic framework of the new system

Louis XVI (founded the First French Republic after his death)

Robespierre (Jacobin leader, representing the interests of the petty and middle bourgeoisie)

Revolutionary climax

Robespierre came to power

Revolutionary influence

The Revolution destroyed the rule of the French monarchy and spread the ideas of bourgeois liberal democracy with world influence





Seizure of power

In 1799, Napoleon staged a coup d'état to seize power

Called Emperor

In 1804, Napoleon was crowned emperor and became known as the First French Empire

Measures of domination

Internal: vigorous development of industry, commerce and agriculture; formulation of the Napoleonic Code

External: Defeated the anti-French coalition forces many times and almost swept across the European continent.

Evaluate the Napoleonic Wars

(1) There was justice in the early stage: because it protected the achievements of the French Revolution and also attacked the European feudal forces.

(2) The later period is unjust: it harms the interests of the people of the invaded country and provokes the resistance of the local people.


In 1812, Russia was completely destroyed and seriously injured; in 1815, the First French Empire collapsed

Evaluate Napoleon

He was a great bourgeois politician and military man

【Lesson 20: The First Industrial Revolution】



Country of origin

United Kingdom

Political premise

Britain completed the bourgeois revolution and established bourgeois rule.

Direct cause

In the 18th century, Britain became the largest colonial empire, and the production of handicraft workshops outstripped supply.

(), () invented ();

Iconic invention

In 1785, Watt improved ( ) to bring humans into ( ) .

The inventive significance of the steam engine

By the 1830s, the steam engine had become the main source of power, and when it was used, it made a one-by-one leap in the field of production, which greatly increased productivity and enabled the Industrial Revolution to develop in depth

Start the department

department. Before the invention of the steam engine, cotton textile factories in Britain were built next to ( ).

Completion flags

( ) England ( ) became the main mode of industrial production


In 1807, the Americans built the world's first steamship

In 1825, the British invented the train

Railway significance

It provides society with fast, cheap and convenient transportation, so that the connection between production and markets has become closer

Historical impact of the Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution greatly increased the level of social productivity

It ushered in the age of steam

The UK became the world's first industrialized country

Lesson 21: The Birth of Marxism and the Rise of the International Workers' Movement





Marx and Engels



Birth sign

Publication of the 1848 "" Note: The Communist Manifesto reveals the objective law that () must be replaced by ().

Declaration content

The working class is called upon to organize itself, to establish a proletarian party, the Communist Party, to overthrow bourgeois rule with huge profits and to carry out a proletarian revolution.

Birth meaning

It marked the birth of Marxism; the international workers' movement entered a new historical period.

First International

In 1864, British, French, German and other workers' representatives established the "International Workers' Association", which is historically known as the "First International"

The economic struggle is waged with the goal of raising wages, shortening working hours and improving working conditions




In March 1871, the Paris workers revolted and the people elected the Paris Commune.


On May 21-28, 1871, the bourgeois government counterattacked, causing the revolution to fail

The Paris Commune was the first great attempt of the proletariat to establish power.

(Note: The Paris Commune was the first practice under the guidance of Marxism)

The Internationale

The background: the failure of the Paris Commune. The purpose is to create in order to inherit the spirit of struggle.