
She debuted at the age of 3, was nominated for the Golden Eagle Festival twice, and now has a super high appearance and is now transformed behind the scenes

author:Cat's Eye Entertainment

Recently, Tong Tong posted a recent photo, which made netizens feel amazing. In the photo, Tong Tong's hair is casually draped, lazy and casual. Wearing a black top, the skin is flattered. Big eyes, straight nose, plus small face shape, proper big beauty. Netizens have said that this kind of appearance dumps internet celebrities ten streets. Yes, Tong Tong belongs to the pure natural beauty, has not done medical beauty, has not moved the knife, the beauty of nature and cleanliness.

She debuted at the age of 3, was nominated for the Golden Eagle Festival twice, and now has a super high appearance and is now transformed behind the scenes

Speaking of Tong Tong, many viewers still have the impression of her as the Tenth Princess in the Teenage Great Chincha, a child star. At that time, Tong Tong was only 15 years old, playing with a number of big coffee, and he was not timid at all. She also became popular with this eccentric character and was recognized by the audience. Young, but good acting skills, left the audience with a weird impression. A pair of big eyes seem to be able to talk, cute and spirited.

She debuted at the age of 3, was nominated for the Golden Eagle Festival twice, and now has a super high appearance and is now transformed behind the scenes

This is not Tong Tong's first play, he debuted at the age of three and acted in two movies. At the age of seven, he participated in the filming of "I want to have a home with you" and was nominated for the Golden Eagle Award for Best Supporting Actress. Later, he was nominated again for a TV series. Although she was nominated twice and did not bring the award home, it shows that her acting skills are recognized. She was beautiful, sunny and reiki, and looked very comfortable.

She debuted at the age of 3, was nominated for the Golden Eagle Festival twice, and now has a super high appearance and is now transformed behind the scenes

If you continue to work hard in the show business circle, you may also have a bright future. However, Tong Tong did not continue filming and did not learn to act. Instead, he went to New York University to study media studies. After completing his studies, he put all his energy into the background, became a director, screenwriter, and became a creative director. He also shoots documentaries and dramas, and is a very promising director, who has won the Flying Short Film Award.

She debuted at the age of 3, was nominated for the Golden Eagle Festival twice, and now has a super high appearance and is now transformed behind the scenes

In the blink of an eye, Tong Tong was 30 years old. Under the precipitation of the years, it is more and more beautiful, fading the youth of the girl, and more mature. Don't look at the usual work is very busy, did not relax the maintenance of the skin, full of collagen, the appearance of anti-beating. Usually busy with work, rarely post social updates, and do not get too much fan attention. Probably has been busy doing offline work, do not want to be too high-profile.

She debuted at the age of 3, was nominated for the Golden Eagle Festival twice, and now has a super high appearance and is now transformed behind the scenes

Probably Tong Tong knew that it was not easy to be an actor, so he turned to the background. Today, she writes scripts, makes movies, and lives as she pleases. There is no need to directly face the indiscriminate bombardment of public opinion, just need to be a beautiful goddess of art.

Tong Tong is not only beautiful, very courageous, but also very good. I hope she can continue to be excellent and shoot more and better works!