
The legendary life of Chen Ping, the famous minister of the Han Dynasty

author:Wild Dragon Loner
The legendary life of Chen Ping, the famous minister of the Han Dynasty

Chen Ping was the most legendary strategist of the Western Han Dynasty, a native of present-day Yuanyang, Henan. Chen Ping grew up with both his parents dead and raised by his brother. After becoming an adult, he successively turned to the King of Wei and Xiang Yu, neither of whom was good at using people, Xiang Yu made Chen Ping a general, but he was not good at comforting people, and finally Chen Ping defected to Liu Bang. After defecting to Liu Bang, he helped Liu Bang fight against his old boss Xiang Yu, and Xiang Yu's failure had a lot to do with this. Chen Ping came up with plans for Liu Bang, most of which were how to deal with Xiang Yu.

The most famous is his "Six Strange Tricks"

The first plan was to use the anti-plot to get rid of Xiang Yu's strategist Fan Zeng.

The second plan was to have the general Ji Xin disguise himself as Liu Bang to surrender, and Liu Bang took the opportunity to escape from the siege.

The third plan, together with Zhang Liang, persuaded Liu Bang to make Han Xin king, so that under Han Xin's attack, he defeated Xiang Yu.

Fourth, Liu Bang negotiated with Xiang Yu in exchange for his captured father and wife, and after signing the agreement, he suggested that Liu Bang pursue Xiang Yu and kill Xiang Yu.

The fifth plan is to help Liu Bang get rid of Han Xin.

In the sixth plan, Liu Bang crusaded against the Xiongnu, was surrounded, and persuaded the wife of the Xiongnu king that Liu Bang escaped the disaster.

Chen Ping was good at surviving in complex power struggles, and during the period of Lü Hou's dictatorship, he pretended to be confused and concealed Lü Hou and secretly came into contact with the Lü faction; after Lü Hou's death, he helped Zhou Bo suppress the Lü clan and established Emperor Wen of Han. During the reign of Emperor Wen of Han, he was very favored, and successively served as the Right Minister and the Left Minister.

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