
Daiyue Rural Commercial Bank Yamaguchi Branch: Party building leads the construction of a harmonious financial environment

author:Poster Taian

In order to further implement the requirements of the People's Bank of China's anti-counterfeiting publicity month, maintain the order of rmb market flow, and popularize financial knowledge, the party branch of the Yamaguchi branch of Daiyue Rural Commercial Bank recently actively carried out the anti-counterfeiting currency publicity month activity with the theme of "party building leads the construction of a harmonious financial consumption environment".

At the publicity site, the staff of the Yamaguchi Branch of Daiyue Rural Commercial Bank distributed RMB propaganda folding sheets to the masses, and combined with the new and old banknotes, explained in detail the main anti-counterfeiting characteristics of the RMB, the "difference between the old and new RMB" and the changes in the color brightness and structural performance of the new version of the RMB. It also allowed the masses to more intuitively understand the new version of the RMB face features and anti-counterfeiting features through the anti-counterfeit currency fun answers.

Daiyue Rural Commercial Bank Yamaguchi Branch: Party building leads the construction of a harmonious financial environment

Staff of The Yamaguchi Branch of Daiyue Rural Commercial Bank explained anti-counterfeiting knowledge to the masses (Photo courtesy of Jiao Min)

In addition, the party members and employees of the Yamaguchi Branch of Daiyue Rural Commercial Bank also "sent the knowledge of anti-counterfeit currency to the door", actively popularized the knowledge of the new version of RMB banknotes, anti-counterfeiting characteristics and face features of the renminbi to surrounding merchants, enterprises and schools, and attracted the active participation of the public through the form of "anti-counterfeit currency fun answers" to create a good atmosphere for the whole people to love the renminbi and use the renminbi according to law. At the Yamaguchi Town Farmers' Market, the Yamaguchi Branch of Daiyue Rural Commercial Bank carried out a special anti-counterfeiting publicity campaign based on the characteristics of the farmers' market personnel and cash flow being more frequent and more prone to counterfeit money. The staff went deep into the various shops in the wholesale market, distributed propaganda leaflets, set up consultation desks and other ways to carry out publicity, using the method of comparing real and fake currencies, introducing the skills and methods of identifying counterfeit currency to the masses, and enthusiastically answering the questions raised by the masses; at the same time, in the area where personnel activities are concentrated, using fake currency and real cases to explain prevention knowledge on the spot, especially reminding the masses to strengthen the prevention of alteration, collage of currency and small denomination counterfeit currency.

This activity is led by party building, focusing on solving the problem of the lack of anti-counterfeit currency knowledge of the rural people, sending the warm rural commercial bank services to the masses, effectively enhancing the masses' awareness of counterfeit currency prevention and self-protection ability, in the future, the Yamaguchi branch of the Daiyue Rural Commercial Bank will continue to do a good job in publicizing and popularizing financial knowledge, guarding the "money bags" of the masses, and doing practical things for the masses and solving problems with heart and soul.

(Correspondent Jiao Min, Fang Guodong)

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