
He is a gentleman on the screen, simple and serious off the screen, a rare "white lotus" in Hollywood.

Robert Taylor , actor , born in the United States in 1911 , is credited with the most perfect male star of the 30s in Hollywood. He has starred in many film and television works, and his main works are "La Traviata", "Soul Breaking Blue Bridge", "Pretty Girl", "Lucky Night", "Evan Hao's Biography" and so on.

He is a gentleman on the screen, simple and serious off the screen, a rare "white lotus" in Hollywood.

Robert Taylor had a good musical talent, playing cello in the school orchestra during high school. When he performed a stage play in college, he was discovered by the star scouts of MGM Pictures, and because he looked too good, he signed a contract with MGM for seventeen years. Soon, he became a romantic icon on a par with Clark Gable, conquering thousands of female fans.

He is a gentleman on the screen, simple and serious off the screen, a rare "white lotus" in Hollywood.

However, Robert Taylor should be the rarer and cleaner example of marriage history among old Hollywood male stars. He has only been divorced once, and his ex-wife is the beautiful actress Barbara Stanwick. The reasons for the divorce are also confusing, and the explanations are different, but after the divorce, they are still very good friends, just because their personalities are too similar. In the 80s, barbara's house was burned, and she was devastated, and what she really grieved was the love letter that Taylor wrote to her. After divorcing Taylor, she publicly stated that Taylor loved him for the rest of his life and ended up alone. The second time with Osula Dies, and Taylor had two children.

He is a gentleman on the screen, simple and serious off the screen, a rare "white lotus" in Hollywood.

Robert Taylor is the most familiar Hollywood movie star in China, and his collaboration with Vivien Leigh's "Broken Blue Bridge" is a successful classic of Western cinema in the East. The superb performances of Robert Taylor and Vivien Leigh conquered the hearts of hundreds of millions of viewers, and the hero's dedication and unwavering belief in love resonated with people, so that the film swept the world for more than half a century and became an immortal work of love.

He is a gentleman on the screen, simple and serious off the screen, a rare "white lotus" in Hollywood.

What really ended the life of this screen lover was not war, but lung cancer. Taylor loved to smoke, smoking three packs a day, and in June 1969, after shooting his last film, Taylor passed away with a smile of pride and pampering.

He is a gentleman on the screen, simple and serious off the screen, a rare "white lotus" in Hollywood.