
What are the rules for the bride to get off the bus?

author:Wedding season

  As we all know, marriage happiness is happiness, but it is by no means so easy a thing, there are too many customs that need to be paid attention to, the selection of auspicious days, the number of relatives to pay attention to, etc., and what are the rules for the bride to be discussed with everyone next? I believe that in life, everyone has also seen a couple arguing about the custom of "getting off the car", serious weddings for the bride and groom can not be concluded, what kind of customs make the bride and groom so mindful? Let's take a look:

What are the rules for the bride to get off the bus?

  Eat candy to give red packets:

  When the bride arrives at the in-laws' house, she cannot get off the car directly, and the mother-in-law wants to come over to give the bride a piece of candy first, which means that the newlyweds have a sweet and sweet life after marriage, and then they have to give the daughter-in-law a red packet, as for how much the red packet is given, this depends on how the parties discuss. In real life, there is indeed a phenomenon that the bride refuses to accept marriage because she hates getting off the bus and giving less red envelopes, so it is best for the bride to discuss these specific details before marriage. So as not to make everyone unhappy.

  Change shoes and walk away:

  There are also such customs in many areas, when the bride comes to the in-laws' house, they cannot wear the shoes they came before, they need the mother-in-law to change into new wedding shoes for the daughter-in-law, and some brides are not allowed to go by themselves, and they need the groom and groom to hold or carry them to the mother-in-law's house.

  Irrelevant people cannot be present at the scene:

  When the newlyweds come to the in-laws' house, some of them are in conflict with the newcomers, as well as pregnant women, someone in the family who has died less than 100 days ago, or a newlywed who has just married, etc., these are not allowed to appear in front of the newlyweds, and it is rumored that the appearance of these people will affect the life of the newlyweds after marriage.

  You need to step on the red paper to get off the wedding car:

  Earlier we said that the bride is not allowed to go by herself, but needs to be carried by the groom or carried to the mother-in-law's house. This is a situation, but there are some places where this is not the case, if there is a custom of laying a red carpet on the bride's side, then it is necessary to lay a red carpet, as to whether the bride herself or the groom carries it is a matter of custom. It's just that the red carpet must be there.

  Well, what are the rules regarding the bride getting off the bus? That's the end of the content, what do you think after reading it? Welcome to leave a message to discuss!

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