
Why is Muay Thai so strong? What is the comparison of Sanda in China?


Muay Thai, a martial art from Thailand, is known as "standing the strongest fighting technique", this fierce, domineering and fierce, highly combative martial arts have been recognized by the whole world and are eager to learn.

It can be said that the actual combat and legendary nature of Muay Thai is also among the best in the world of martial arts.

As a country with a not too long history, why do they have such strong martial arts?

To clarify this question, we must also look at it from a historical point of view, so that it will be clear at a glance.

Why is Muay Thai so strong? What is the comparison of Sanda in China?

Muay Thai has an extremely important place in Thai history, and in the movie "Boxer 1" (also translated as "Rogue Buddha Line", starring Tony Jai), Muay Thai is described as the Janissaries who guarded the King of Thailand in the past, in order to protect the hamstrings of war elephants.

In fact, the real history of Muay Thai is much more important than the significance of Thailand in the movie.

The dominant ethnic group in Thailand is the Thais, an ethnic group that lived in the yunnan region of China, near the Dali state of the Song Dynasty.

After the Mongols destroyed Dali, many Thais went south, and after a long period of integration, they finally formed a new Thai gathering place near today's Thailand, known as "Siam" in ancient times, which is the predecessor of Thailand.

It can be said that from the day of its formation, Thailand has faced various challenges and even the danger of national extinction.

It is also in this sinister environment that the Characteristics of Thais are brave and good at war.

Thailand has always faced the threat of hostile forces around it in history, so in order to survive, successive Thai kings have vigorously encouraged the people to practice martial arts, and it is precisely because of the strong support of the official that Thai martial arts have become more and more prosperous.

At the same time, due to Thailand's long-term war with its neighboring countries, Thailand's martial arts attach great importance to actual combat, without any fancy and hypocrisy, and every move is to defeat the enemy.

After a long period of development, it has finally formed a martial art that is completely born out of the cruel battlefield, has a strong practical combat and is powerful, which is "Muay Thai." ”

It can be said that the development of Muay Thai is closely related to the history of Thailand, and from the perspective of martial arts, the development environment of Muay Thai can be said to be "unique." ”

Why is Muay Thai so strong? What is the comparison of Sanda in China?

In Thailand, Muay Thai is not only a martial art that both military and civilians love to practice, but also a compulsory course for members of the royal family for generations.

Due to the frequent wars, even the King of Thailand often personally led the army to fight, and many Thai kings in all histories were themselves Muay Thai masters.

It can be said that Muay Thai is already a "belief" in Thailand from top to bottom, Thai people use this spiritual development to practice Muay Thai, how can Muay Thai not be strong?

In fact, Muay Thai is still a common gambling method in Thailand.

The children of poor families were forced to sell themselves to practice Muay Thai and take to the brutal ring to fight their opponents to the death, and the gamblers bet on them, just like the Colosseum in ancient Rome.

However, it is precisely this environment that makes those children who practice Muay Thai fight with their lives and practice Muay Thai with their lives. Objectively caused the development of Muay Thai.

Why is Muay Thai so strong? What is the comparison of Sanda in China?

At present, all countries in the world have studied Muay Thai very deeply, therefore, Muay Thai has become a worldwide martial arts, and many martial arts have also absorbed the excellent genes of Muay Thai and improved themselves, and they have developed a new school of martial arts on the basis of Muay Thai.

Muay Thai is also a powerful martial art in the world, and our Chinese sanda has been suppressed by Muay Thai for a long time.

This is due to the fact that the living environment in China's history is much more comfortable than that of Thailand, and because in history, China's feudal emperors have mostly implemented the policy of "fooling the people and weakening the people", and even some emperors have issued "ban on martial arts", which has led to China's martial arts not emphasizing actual combat but emphasizing routines, and over time, lagging behind Muay Thai.

It can be said that this is caused by historical reasons.

However, after our reflection and efforts, Sanda is no longer inferior to Muay Thai, and some aspects are even better than Muay Thai.