
Those pioneers a hundred years ago (Li Zhenying)

author:He was given the pseudonym Huang Bo

Today I introduce Li Zhenying, a famous early party member.

Those pioneers a hundred years ago (Li Zhenying)

Li Zhenying, scientific name Li Baosen, later used the names Li Zhenying, Li Bozhi, Baolin, Erba, Nianba, Zhenyin, Chenyin, Dahan and so on. Born in August 1900 in Guhuang'an, Tianjin, to a poor family of clerks. Li Zhenying's father, Li Yongchang, was a cashier at a bank, and the family depended on his father, Li Yongchang's meager salary. In 1913, the 13-year-old Li Zhenying was admitted to Tianjin Nankai Middle School with excellent results, Zhou Enlai was 2 years older than Li Zhenying, and it was also in this year that Zhou Enlai came to Tianjin with the transfer of his uncle Zhou Yigeng's work and was also admitted to Nankai Middle School, so Li Zhenying and Zhou Enlai were not only alumni of Nankai Middle School, but also classmates of the same class. At that time, both of them were keen to read progressive books and periodicals such as "New Youth, and often talked about current politics together; they also published essays attacking the shortcomings of the times in the Nankai Middle School magazine "School Spirit," denouncing Yuan Shikai's reactionary policy of restoring the imperial system and abolishing the republic, and exposing the imperialist conspiracy in vain to divide China. During this period, the two also got to know Guo Longzhen, Liu Qingyang, Deng Yingchao, and other progressive female students who were studying at the First Women's Normal School in Tianjin at that time, and established a revolutionary friendship. After the outbreak of the May Fourth Movement, at first the male and female student organizations in Tianjin were separated, and later due to the needs of the struggle, it was urgent to break the boundaries between men and women and establish a unified organization. On September 16, 1919, 20 progressive young men and women from the Tianjin Federation of Students and the Tianjin Women's Patriotic Comrades Association formed the Revolutionary Group Consciousness Society, and these 20 young men and women were the leading backbone of the Tianjin Student Federation and the Tianjin Women's Patriotic Comrades Association at that time, which happened to be 10 boys and 10 girls. The 10 male members are Zhou Enlai, Li Zhenying, Ma Jun, Chen Zhidu, Guan Xibin, Chen Xiaocen, Pan Shilun, Zhao Guangchen, Xue Shaoyue, and Hu Weixian; the 10 female members are: Guo Longzhen, Liu Qingyang, Deng Yingchao, Zhang Ruoming, Li Yitao, Zhou Zhilian, Li Xijin, Zheng Yan, Wu Ruiyan, and Zhang Siqian. In order to work, they abolished their names, used casting lots to determine their respective code names, and then used the harmonics of the codes as pseudonyms, because 20 people were arbitrarily grabbed in 50 numbers from 1 to 50, so the code names of 20 people were discontinuous. Zhou Enlai is no. 5, later pseudonym "Wuhao"; Li Zhenying is no. 28, 28 is twenty and eight, after taking the harmonic sound, Li Zhenying pseudonym "Nian Eight"; Ma Jun is No. 29, later pseudonym "Nian Jiu"; Deng Yingchao is No. 1, later pseudonym "Yihao"; Guo Longzhen is No. 13, later pseudonym "Shi Shan"; Liu Qingyang is No. 25, later pseudonym "Nian Wu". On the fifth day after the establishment of the Enlightenment Society, Li Dazhao was invited to the Enlightenment Society, instructed the members to read publications such as "New Youth" and "Young China", and praised them: "You 10 men and 10 women have a society, which is really a creation. After that, Li Zhenying became more active in tianjin academic circles, and he went out of the school and went deep into the factory to publicize patriotic ideas and call on the workers' brothers and academic circles to jointly carry out anti-imperialist and patriotic struggles. Under the leadership and organization of Zhou Enlai, Li Zhenying, and others, progressive groups such as the Awakening Society and the Tianjin Federation of Students held activities to support the Shandong people in punishing the executioner Ma Liang and the "Double Tenth Festival", and won victories. After the establishment of the Enlightenment Society, in order to be able to effectively disseminate progressive ideas, they founded a journal called "Enlightenment", and Li Zhenying served as the social liaison of "Enlightenment" magazine. On January 29, 1920, in order to boycott Japanese goods, Students from 18 universities in Tianjin, including Nankai University, Beiyang University, and Chinese and Western Girls' School, held a huge parade on Dongma Road for students from 18 universities in Tianjin, including Nankai University, Beiyang University, and Chinese and Western Girls' School. Thousands of students marched, which had a great impact and shocked the authorities, arresting many student representatives, including Zhou Enlai, Li Zhenying and others, who were tenacious and unyielding in prison and fearless of rape. After many efforts from all walks of life, Li Zhenying, Zhou Enlai and 21 other arrested student representatives were released on July 17. In early August 1920, in a small house in the French Concession, the Awakening Society held a three-day meeting, which was attended by a total of 14 members of the Awakening Society, including Li Zhenying. On the last day, at the end of the meeting, the 14 members who participated in the meeting took a group photo at the Dingzhang Photo Gallery to commemorate the complete success of the meeting, which was the only photo left by Li Zhenying, that is, the photo at the beginning of this article. The front row of this photo is from left: Chen Zhidu, Xue Shaoyue, Zheng Jiqing, Zhou Zhilian, Deng Yingchao, Liu Qingyang, Li Zhenying; back row from left: Chen Xiaocen, Pan Shu'an, Ma Jun, Li Xijin, Guo Longzhen, Hu Weixian, Zhou Enlai. In the second half of 1920, Li Zhenying left Tianjin for Beijing, and in August, Li Zhenying, as a representative of the Tianjin Enlightenment Society, participated in a symposium held by five groups, initiated by Li Dazhao, the Beijing Young Chinese Society, the Shuguang Society, the Youth Work-study Mutual Aid Group, the Humanitarian Society, and the Tianjin Enlightenment Society. Subsequently, Li Zhenying joined the Marxist Theory Research Society of Peking University and began to study Marxist theory. In early 1921, Li Zhenying joined the Socialist Youth League in Tianjin, and in July of the same year, Li Zhenying became a member of the Communist Party in Beijing. After the "First Congress" of the COMMUNIST Party, in order to carry out the workers' movement, the Communist Party of China established the Secretariat of the China Labor Union, an open general organ to lead the workers' movement. Li Zhenying, who had just joined the Communist Party, was sent to Shanghai to participate in the preparations for the secretariat of the labor union. In late August 1921, the Secretariat of the Chinese Labor Union was formally established in Shanghai, with Zhang Guotao as the director and Li Zhenying as the officer, and also issued the "Declaration of the Secretariat of the Chinese Labor Union" led by Zhang Guotao and signed by Li Zhenying and 26 others, which determined that its purpose was: "To develop the labor combination, to publicize the necessity of the combination to the laborers, to unite or reorganize the established labor organizations, to make the laborers have class consciousness, and to establish close relations between Chinese workers and foreign workers." Li Zhenying also initiated the establishment of the labor weekly newspaper of the Secretariat of the Labor Union together with Zhang Guotao and Bao Huisheng, with Zhang Guotao concurrently serving as the editorial director and Li Zhenying as the main editorial member. In September 1921, Chen Duxiu returned to Shanghai from Guangdong to serve as secretary of the Central Bureau, and convened the first enlarged meeting of the Central Committee, which Li Zhenying attended as a representative of Shanghai. At that time, the work of the Secretariat of the China Labor Union in Shanghai focused on mobilizing workers in tobacco, machinery, printing, textile and other factories around Yangshupu in Shanghai, and the Secretariat of the Labor Union opened the first workers' tuition school in Shanghai in Xiaoshadu, West Shanghai, with Li Zhenying as the principal. The school is divided into two shifts, day and night, and Li Zhenying, Bao Huisheng, Li Qihan, and others take turns to teach political knowledge and labor combinations, and to spread Marxism to the workers. Li Zhenying was also the principal editor of "Labor Weekly," which was the speech organ of the laborers throughout the country, and the articles published were short in length, easy to understand, and were deeply welcomed by the broad masses of workers. Labor Weekly published 42 issues from its inception in August 1921 to its suspension in May 1922, of which the first dozen issues contained Li Zhenying's articles. In July 1921, the workers of the Anglo-American Tobacco Factory in Pudong, Shanghai, held their first strike, which was attended by more than 4,000 workers and lasted for 22 days. In October of the same year, a second strike was held, with more than 9,000 workers participating, which lasted for 3 days. Both strikes were won. To this end, Li Zhenying published a commentary entitled "Attention to a Recent Major Incident in Our Shanghai Labor Circles" in the 11th issue of Labor Weekly, pointing out that the victory of the strike "was the first warning of their group to the capitalists." Their achievements are really admirable to us, and the masses of 10,000 people can actually maintain without any inconsistencies, which can be said to be their progress!" With the vigorous rise of the shanghai workers' movement, for a time, workers' groups such as the All-China Association of Industry, the All-China Federation of Labor, the General Federation of Trade Unions, the Friendship Association of Industry and Commerce, the All-China Federation of Electrical Appliances, the Shanghai Machinery Trade Union, the Shanghai Textile Trade Union, the Shanghai Tobacco Trade Union, and the Shanghai Chinese Printing Trade Union appeared in Shanghai. In order to organize these workers' groups and establish trade union organizations that truly represent the working class, under the leadership of the Secretariat of the Chinese Labor Union, 10 people were elected by the above-mentioned trade unions to form a preparatory meeting, and Li Zhenying participated in the preparatory work as a representative of the Secretariat of the Labor Union. At the first preparatory meeting, Li Zhenying, on behalf of the Secretariat of the China Labor Union, put forward five proposals for joining the Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions, and subsequently, the preparatory meeting also adopted the "Draft Constitution of the Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions" drafted by Li Zhenying. On the evening of November 12, 1921, when the preparatory meeting again discussed the adoption of the statutes of the trade union delegations, major differences of principle occurred. In the face of differences, Li Zhenying proposed that we should "help the real workers organize the real workers' groups, and attack the groups that use the workers' signboard to carry out other activities." On November 15, Li Zhenying attended a joint meeting of the Shanghai trade unions held in Shanghai, at which Li Zhenying severely criticized those groups that pretended to be workers' signboards, and issued a statement on behalf of the Secretariat of the China Labor Union, which withdrew from the joint meeting. To this end, Li Zhenying also published his first comment, entitled "Workers, why do some of them welcome us, and some of them are not at ease to come to us and tell us?" "Do you really have the determination to self-determination and not to mix with the trade unions that are not really Shanghai workers?" There is also a layer, if we are not enlightened, and quickly organize a real system of unity, I am afraid that we will be laughed at by our counterpart, the businessman. In November 1921, due to the setback of the longhai railway workers' strike, the Secretariat of the China Labor Union first sent Bao Huisheng and Luo Zhanglong to guide the strike movement. In early December 1921, the Secretariat of the Chinese Labor Union sent Li Zhenying and others to Luoyang, Henan Province, to guide the strike of Longhai railway workers. At that time, the strike of the workers on Longhai Road had ended, but there were many aftermaths that needed to be dealt with urgently, such as the disturbance of the transportation department, the contradictions between the various factions of the old-style trade unions, and the conditions put forward by the workers in the strike had not yet been finally fulfilled. In view of these existing situations, Li Zhenying went deep into the workers to investigate and study; on the one hand, he inspired the workers to unite and overcome factional disputes, reorganized the Longhai Railway Workers' Club into a trade union, joined the Secretariat of the China Labor Union, and established the CCP party organization in Luoyang, Zhengzhou, Kaifeng and other major stations. On January 15, 1922, the Central Bureau of the Communist Party of China sent Li Zhenying to Xuzhou to prepare for the establishment of a party organization. After careful investigation, Li Zhenying developed Yao Zuotang, Cheng Shengxian, and Huang Yucheng, the backbone of the workers' strike, to join the party, and established the first CPC branch in Jiangsu, the Tongshan Station Branch of the Longhai Railway, with Yao Zuotang as secretary and directly under the leadership of the BEIJING Prefectural Committee of the CPC. The establishment of the Jiangsu Party organization has left a glorious page in the history of China's modern labor movement. At the beginning of 1922, Li Zhenying came to Anyang Station as the head of the Zhengzhou Railway Workers' Club, mobilized the workers to form the Anyang Railway Workers' Club, led the workers to carry out the struggle against oppression and exploitation, and won the victory. In April 1922, after Li Zhenying returned to Zhengzhou as secretary of the Zhengzhou Railway Trade Union, he assigned He Daopei, a member of the Communist Party and a student of Peking University, to lead the workers' movement in Anyang. In December of the same year, Dai Qingping, Xie Changxi, and Yao Zuotang were developed as members of the Communist Party of China and established the Anyang County Party Group, which was the earliest party group in Anyang. At the same time as establishing the party organization, Li Zhenying organized the workers to fulfill the conditions put forward in the strike, and finally made the Longhai Road strike a complete victory. In order to strengthen the leadership of the Beijing-Hankou railway workers' movement, Li Zhenying came to Zhengzhou from Luoyang, where he mainly worked on Jinghan Road, concurrently managed the work of the labor movement on Longhai Road, and also served as the secretary of the Zhengzhou branch of the CPC. Li Zhenying got in touch with railway workers Jiang Haishi and Gao Bin by visiting relatives and friends, and made many workers through Jiang and Gao. In order to contact more workers, Li Zhenying bought paper, pencils, and blackboards, personally taught the workers literacy and culture, and through contact with the workers, recruited Some activists such as Liu Wensong as backbones, and absorbed more than 80 machine workers and more than 200 road maintenance workers to participate, so that the Beijing-Hankou Railway Workers' Club grew rapidly. On this basis, Li Zhenying led the establishment of the Beijing-Hankou Railway Zhengzhou Trade Union, with Gao Bin as chairman, Jiang Haishi and Liu Wensong as vice chairmen, and Li Zhenying as secretary. Subsequently, Li Zhenying launched a workers' movement along Jinghan Road, and after arduous efforts, in less than half a year, 16 places on Jinghan Road, including Jiang'an, Guangshui, Xinyang, Haocheng, Xuchang, Zhengzhou, Xinxiang, Anyang, Changxindian, Gaobeidian, Zhengding, and Baoding, set up the Beijing-Hankou Railway Branch Trade Union, making preparations for the establishment of a unified trade union organization for workers on all roads. In order to prepare for the Beijing-Hankou Railway Federation of Trade Unions, Li Zhenying presided over three preparatory meetings and decided to formally hold the inaugural meeting of the Federation of Trade Unions in Zhengzhou, the seat of the Federation of Trade Unions, on February 1, 1923. After the news of the inaugural meeting of the Beijing-Hankou Railway Federation of Trade Unions was revealed, Wu Peifu, the leader of the warlords directly under his command, ordered Zhao Jixian, director of the Beijing-Hankou Railway Bureau, Feng Fa, chief of the southern section of the Jinghan Road, and Jin Yunlu, commander of the 14th Division, to try to stop it and, if necessary, to use force to solve the problem. On January 18, 1923, Huang Dianchen, the chief of the Zhengzhou Police Bureau, ran to the union and declared that the meeting was forbidden. On January 30, Wu Peifu sent a telegram to the Federation of Trade Unions to ask the representatives to go to Luoyang for a meeting, and the Preparatory Committee of the Federation of Trade Unions sent five representatives, Li Zhenying, Yang Defu, Ling Chufan, Shi Wenbin, and Li Huanzhang, to Luoyang to negotiate with Wu Peifu on the same day. After 3 hours of negotiations, Wu Peifu insisted on not allowing the meeting. Li Zhenying returned to the hostel and told the deputies: "Wu Peifu used threats to induce us to bribe us, and we hurried back to Zhengzhou to discuss the method, otherwise we would be victimized." So the delegates returned to Zhengzhou that night under the leadership of Li Zhenying. In the early morning of February 1, under the direction of Wu Peifu, the whole city of Zhengzhou declared martial law, and the military and police loaded with live ammunition and banned the deputies from holding meetings. The deputies were not afraid of intimidation and held the inaugural meeting of the Federation of Trade Unions according to the original plan, and more than 130 representatives of the Beijing-Hankou Railway workers and more than 30 guests, under the leadership of Li Zhenying, Xiang Ying, and others, disregarded the obstruction of the military and police, rushed into the Puyuan Theater to hold the inaugural meeting. The military and police immediately surrounded the scene, and then the military police rushed to the rostrum, blackmailed the deputies, and withdrew from the venue for 5 minutes, otherwise there would be bloodshed. Ignoring the warnings of the reactionary authorities, Li Zhenying, in his capacity as secretary of the Beijing-Hankou Railway Federation Of Trade Unions, shouted slogans at the meeting: "Long live the establishment of the Beijing-Hankou Railway Federation of Trade Unions!" In order to strive for freedom and human rights, the Beijing-Hankou Railway Federation of Trade Unions decided to hold a general strike of the All-Road General League from February 4, and that night the Cpc Caucus of the Beijing-Hankou Railway organized a meeting of representatives of various branches, and Li Zhenying attended the meeting, and the meeting decided to temporarily change the team that was originally preparing for the Federation of Trade Unions into the Jinghan Road Strike Committee, with Li Zhenying and Zhang Guotao as members of the strike committee, and at the same time decided that the office address of the Beijing-Hankou Railway Federation Would be relocated from Zhengzhou to the riverbank. After the meeting, Li Zhenying immediately took a train to the riverbank and officially issued the "Declaration on the Strike of All Workers of the Beijing-Hankou Railway Federation of Trade Unions" on the same day. On February 4, workers on the entire Beijing-Hankou Railway went on strike at the same time. On the morning of February 6, the Hubei Federation of Trade Unions summoned representatives of wuhan trade unions to organize condolence teams to come to jiang'an, and Li Zhenying delivered a thank-you speech on behalf of the Beijing-Hankou Railway Federation of Trade Unions: "Our general strike is one of the major keys to the fate of our entire working class. We are not fighting for wages and time, but for freedom and human rights. We are the defenders of freedom and Chinese rights, co-workers! How great is the responsibility of our Jinghan workers! The insensitive society has long needed our red blood to smoke it, co-workers! In the line of fire to overthrow the warlords, we should be the forwards and move forward! Don't back down!" On the evening of February 6, Li Zhenying and Zhang Lianguang, as plenipotentiaries of the Beijing-Hankou Railway Federation of Trade Unions, negotiated with Zhang Housheng, chief of staff of the Xiao Yaonan faction of the Hubei Overseer, on the strike at the office of the Jiang'an Federation of Trade Unions. Zhang listened and went away in anger. The next day, the "February Seventh" tragedy that shocked China and foreign countries occurred. In order to avoid greater sacrifices, the Federation of Trade Unions issued an order to resume work. On February 10, Li Zhenying secretly traveled from Jiang'an to Zhengzhou to prepare to convey the orders of the Federation of Trade Unions, arrange to rescue the arrested people, and care for the families of the victims. From July 16 to 23, 1922, the "Second Congress" of the Communist Party of China was held at the residence of Li Da, a representative of the "Second Congress" at No. 625, Fuddri, Nancheng Road, Shanghai, and the 12 deputies attending the "Second Congress" were: Chen Duxiu, Zhang Guotao, and Li Da, members of the Central Bureau, Yang Mingzhai, representative of Shanghai, Luo Zhanglong, representative of Beijing, Xu Baihao, representative of Hubei, Cai Hesen, representative of Hunan, Wang Gemei, representative of Shandong, Tan Pingshan, representative of Guangdong, Li Zhenying, representative of the Secretariat of the China Labor Union, and Shi Cuntong, representative of the Provisional Central Bureau of the Chinese Socialist Youth League. The name of another person is unknown. After the "27" massacre, trade unions at all levels were closed, the workers' movement was temporarily at a low ebb, and party organizations and party activities were forced to go underground, and Li Zhenying returned to Shanghai from Zhengzhou according to party instructions. Soon, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China sent Li Zhenying to the north to continue the workers' movement. In March 1923, Li Zhenying arrived in Beijing, and subsequently, Li Dazhao, head of the northern party organization of the CPC, sent Li Zhenying and Chen Weiren to the northeast to carry out party group work and workers' movement. After arriving in Harbin, Li Zhenying served as a reporter for the progressive newspaper Chenguang Bao, and used his identity as a reporter as a cover to carry out revolutionary activities. During his work at the Morning Light Newspaper, Li Zhenying immersed himself in hard work, and soon made the Morning Light Newspaper popular with intellectuals and progressive youth. As the content of newspaper reports became more and more radical and the viewpoint of propagating Marxism-Leninism became more and more obvious, it gradually attracted the attention of the authorities, and serious differences arose within the newspaper. In order to calm the differences, Li Zhenying decided to quit the Morning Light News agency and organize the Harbin News Agency and the Youth College. On September 16, 1923, the Harbin News Agency was established, which was both the propaganda position of the Chinese Communist Party in Harbin and the base for secret party group activities, and Li Zhenying served as the director of the news department of the news agency. The news agency established operational links with the Harbin Radio Station, so that the news agency directly supplied telegram manuscripts from the radio, and the English and Russian press releases were translated into Chinese by Li Zhenying and skillfully adapted, and compiled and distributed to local newspapers and periodicals in Harbin City and foreign ports, and many anti-imperialist news reports were used by radio stations and newspapers. As a reporter for a news agency, Li Zhenying also often went deep into various organs, organizations, and schools to conduct news interviews and extensive contacts with people from all walks of life and the working masses in order to expand anti-imperialist and anti-feudal propaganda. At the same time as founding the Harbin News Agency, Li Zhenying also prepared to establish the Harbin Youth College, "the purpose of the college is to study scholarship, exchange knowledge, publicize culture, and improve society", and the college offers courses "divided into political economy group, literature group, philosophy group, sociology group, and industrial group." In addition, there are English classes, Russian classes, etc. The Harbin Youth College founded by Li Zhenying, Chen Weiren, and others has created conditions for the establishment and development of the Communist Party and youth league organizations. Soon, the Harbin Party Organization was established, and at the same time, a temporary line of communication for the Party was established, and it was responsible for escorting the Communists out of Russia. Due to the frequent activities of Li Zhenying and Chen Weiren in Harbin, which aroused the vigilance of the local authorities and was followed and monitored by secret agents, In December 1923, Li Zhenying was forced to move to Dalian to carry out work. After Li Zhenying came to Dalian, he quickly became acquainted with Guan Xiangying, who worked as a handyman at the Taedong Daily in Dalian. Guan Xiangying was born in Jinxian County, Liaoning Province (now Jinzhou District, Dalian City) to a poor Manchu peasant family, in 1922, 20-year-old Guan Xiangying graduated from the Dalian Fushimi Taigong School, to work as a handyman in the "Taidong Daily" agency, after knowing Li Zhenying, Li Zhenying often preached Marxism to Guan Xiangying and helped Guan Xiangying read revolutionary books such as "The Communist Manifesto," "The State and revolution," and "The Program of the Russian Communist Party." On January 12, 1924, Li Zhenying and Chen Weiren left Dalian to return to Shanghai and reported in detail to the Party Central Committee on their work in Dalian over the past year. Because Li Zhenying had made remarkable achievements in the work of the workers' movement in the northeast, in January 1924, the Party Central Committee again sent Li Zhenying to Dalian to carry out work. After arriving in Dalian, Li Zhenying actively engaged in revolutionary activities among the workers under the cover of being an English teacher, and after Li Zhenying's hard work, the workers' organizations in Dalian developed rapidly, and the entire Dalian area and the south Manchuria railway workers established their own trade union organizations. Dalian printing industry a total of more than 70 factories, a total of more than 1200 workers, on April 28, 1924, Dalian China Printing Workers' Federation was formally established, which is also the first formal establishment of the industry-wide trade union organization. At the same time, Li Zhenying also introduced Guan Xiangying to join the Socialist Youth League, and Guan Xiangying was also the first member of the Communist Youth League in Dalian. Soon, Li Zhenying returned to Shanghai and brought Guan Xiangying to Shanghai, sending an important backbone talent to the Party Central Committee. Soon after arriving in Shanghai, Guan Xiangying was sent to the Soviet Union to study, and in January 1925, Guan Xiangying joined the Communist Party of China at the Eastern Communist Labor University in Moscow, and it can be said that Li Zhenying was the guide of Guan Xiangying's revolutionary road. After the outbreak of the Northern Expedition, the workers in Shanghai, in order to cooperate with the Northern Expeditionary Army and overthrow the reactionary rule of the Beiyang warlords, held three armed uprisings under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. In order to hold an armed uprising, on September 8, 1926, the Shanghai District Committee held a special meeting, which decided that Li Zhenying was one of the three leading members of the Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions, serving as the director of the Propaganda Department and also serving as a leading member of the Dock Workers' Movement Committee. In October, Li Zhenying was appointed to participate in the presidium of the Shanghai District Committee of the Communist Party of China, and Li Zhenying was one of the most important leading members in the three armed uprisings of the workers in Shanghai, and made important historical contributions to the three armed uprisings of the Shanghai workers. In October 1926, after the Northern Expeditionary Army occupied Wuchang, it immediately transferred the main force to Jiangxi to fight against the troops of the warlord Sun Chuanfang. When Sun Chuanfang's troops lost in Jiangxi, Zhejiang Governor Xia Chao and Niu Yongjian, the representative of the Nationalist government in Shanghai, agreed to break away from Sun Chuanfang, submit to the Nationalist government, and march to Shanghai. The Shanghai District Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to cooperate with Niu Yongjian to organize a joint uprising to help Xia Chao seize Shanghai. On October 17, the Shanghai District Committee of the Communist Party of China prepared for the first armed uprising, appointing Luo Yinong as the secret commander-in-chief of the uprising and Li Zhenying as the public commander-in-chief of the uprising. At the same time, the command office of the Workers' Self-Defense Regiment was set up, and Li Zhenying was one of the members. On the 19th, Li Zhenying was again reappointed as the internal secret commander-in-chief. On the night of October 23, the first armed uprising began, and due to the failure of Xia Chao's troops, coupled with insufficient preparation for the uprising and the weakness of the workers' ranks, the first armed uprising was ultimately defeated. On October 24, the Presidium of the Shanghai District Committee of the Communist Party of China held an extraordinary meeting, which summarized the lessons learned from the failure of the first uprising and instructed the district committee to appoint Li Zhenying as the commander-in-chief. When the Eastern Route Army of the Northern Expedition occupied Hangzhou and the vanguard troops arrived in Jiaxing, Zhejiang, the Shanghai District Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to take advantage of this favorable opportunity to once again lead the Shanghai workers to hold an armed uprising and overthrow the rule of the warlord Sun Chuanfang. On February 19, 1927, the Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions issued a strike order of the General League, and mobilized 360,000 people to participate in the strike, and by 12 noon on the 22nd, representatives from all walks of life in Shanghai, the Kuomintang, and the Communist Party formed the "Shanghai Citizens' Provisional Revolutionary Committee", and Li Zhenying was elected as one of the five leading members of the committee. Under the leadership of the Provisional Revolutionary Committee of the Shanghai Citizens, the general strike of the Shanghai workers was turned into an armed uprising, and from 6 p.m. to the morning of the 24th, fierce street battles broke out between the insurrectionary workers and the reactionary warlords, and the uprising was once again defeated due to the brutal suppression of the enemy. In order to conscientiously sum up the experience and lessons of the failure of the first two uprisings, on March 5, 1927, the Shanghai District Committee held a meeting of the Presidium of the District Committee, attended by Chen Duxiu, Li Zhenying and others, and the meeting decided to actively prepare for and lead the Shanghai workers to hold the third armed uprising. In order to strengthen the leadership of the third armed uprising and win victory in the uprising, Zhou Enlai, secretary of the Central Military Commission of the CPC Central Committee and secretary of the Military Commission of the Zhejiang District CPC Committee, was directly responsible for leading the uprising. After 30 hours of fighting, at 6 p.m. on March 22, the whole of Shanghai was occupied by workers, and the third armed uprising of workers was victorious.

On April 12, 1927, Chiang Kai-shek launched the "April 12" coup in Shanghai, and after the coup, Li Zhenying was arrested by Chiang Kai-shek as the chief communist. On April 25, various newspapers issued a wanted notice: "It was found that 20 people, including the existing reactionary communists Lin Jun and Li Bozhi (i.e., Li Zhenying), were in the rear of the Shanghai riots and propagating communism. If the primary person is found, each reward is 1,000 yuan, and the accessory is rewarded with 500 yuan per yang. Faced with the white terror, Li Zhenying was forced to leave Shanghai for Wuhan. From April 27 to May 9, 1927, the "Five Congresses" of the Communist Party of China were held in Wuhan, and Li Zhenying attended the meeting as a representative of the Shanghai Organization of the Communist Party of China, at which Li Zhenying was elected as an alternate member of the Central Committee. At the beginning of August, Li Zhenying attended the famous "87" conference. A total of 22 people attended this important meeting, of which only Mao Zedong, Li Zhenying, and Lu Shen, who were alternate members of the Central Committee, attended the meeting. (Remarks: The entire list of participants in the 1987 conference includes: Li Weihan, Qu Qiubai, Zhang Tailei, Deng Zhongxia, Ren Bishi, Su Zhaozheng, Gu Shunzhang, Luo Yinong, Chen Qiaonian, Cai Hesen.) The alternate members of the Central Committee are: Li Zhenying, Lu Shen, and Mao Zedong. The members of the Central Supervision Commission are: Yang Zai'an and Wang Hebo. The representatives of the Communist Youth League are: Li Zifen, Yang Shannan, and Lu Dingyi. Representatives of Hunan, Hubei, and the Central Military Commission are: Peng Gongda, Zheng Chaolin, and Wang Yifei. In addition, there was Rominazi, a representative of the Comintern, niu Man, his assistant Niu Man, and Deng Xiaoping, secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. In mid-October, Li Zhenying, Xiang Zhongfa, member of the Politburo of the CPC Central Committee, and five others led a Chinese delegation to the Soviet Union to participate in the commemoration of the tenth anniversary of the October Revolution held in Moscow, and then went to Germany and Belgium with Xiang Zhongfa to attend the enlarged meeting of the Council of the Great Alliance Against Imperialism. After returning to China, Li Zhenying served as the secretary of the Chinese workers' delegation headed by Su Zhaozheng and attended the Fourth Congress of the Red Workers' International, after which Li Zhenying returned to Shanghai. In order to strengthen the leadership of the CPC Shandong Provincial CPC Committee, the CPC Central Committee sent Li Zhenying to Shandong to serve as a member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Shandong Provincial CPC Committee, in charge of the labor movement and inspection work. From June 18 to July 1, 1928, Li Zhenying attended the "Sixth National Congress" of the Communist Party of China held in Moscow, and returned to China to engage in labor movement work in the Shandong Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China. In January 1929, Li Zhenying was ordered to return to Shanghai and continue to work in the workers' movement in Shanghai, and in November 1929, Li Zhenying attended the Fifth National Labor Congress and was elected director of the Organization Department of the Executive Committee. On January 7, 1931, the Fourth Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was held in Shanghai, and Li Zhenying attended the meeting as a representative of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. At this meeting, Wang Ming, with the support of Mifu, a representative of the Communist International, gained the leadership of the CPC Central Committee, and Li Zhenying, Luo Zhanglong, and others openly opposed Wang Ming's ascension to power at the meeting. After the meeting, Li Zhenying, Luo Zhanglong, and others set up the "Central Extraordinary Committee" to continue opposing Wang Ming, and Li Zhenying was appointed as the director of the organization of the "Central Extraordinary Committee" and the secretary of the Second Jiangsu Provincial CPC Committee. In June, Li Zhenying went to Hong Kong to carry out activities to split the party, but was resisted by the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, and soon returned to Shanghai. Because of the illegal establishment of a second party with Luo Zhanglong and others, in July, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to expel Li Zhenying, Luo Zhanglong and others from the party. On February 13, 1932, the "Central Extraordinary Committee" dissolved itself. In June, Li Zhenying was arrested by the Kuomintang in Shanghai and imprisoned in Shanghai Longhua Prison, but after several harsh interrogations, he never revealed his identity or treason, and was finally acquitted in November. After his release from prison, Li Zhenying issued a statement that he would no longer participate in revolutionary activities. On the evening of December 18, 1932, Li Zhenying suddenly returned to his long-lost home. His body was extremely weak, with serious injuries to his ribs and legs, which were caused by severe beatings in prison. Li Zhenying's wife was very surprised to see her husband's situation. Li Zhenying's wife was named Wang Xuezhen, and they were married in July 1919, but Li Zhenying joined the Enlightenment Society shortly after their marriage, and began to travel around in the south and north of the south of the sea, and the newlywed wife was separated from each other for many years. Wang Xuezhen told Li Zhenying's sister Li Baozhen the news of her husband Li Zhenying's return home, and Li Baozhen rushed over on December 19 after learning about it, and seeing that his brother was seriously injured, he and his sister-in-law Wang Xuezhen sent Li Zhenying to the hospital and conducted a careful examination. The result of the examination is that his ribs have long been fractured, and because the fracture has been suppurated after a long time without receiving timely treatment, surgery must be performed immediately. However, the cost of surgery is very high, and the family cannot afford to do the operation at all, because in the years when Li Zhenying went out to carry out the labor movement, Li Zhenying's mother and wife, as women, did not have any livelihood skills, and they all relied on Li Baozhen to earn a meager income as a midwifery nurse in the hospital to support the family of three. As a result, the family could not afford to do the operation, and finally had to buy some anti-inflammatory drugs to go home and apply conditioning to Li Zhenying's wound. Originally, Li Baozhen's income alone to support three women was very stressful, and now with the addition of an older brother who needs medication, the family's economic situation is even more stretched. When Li Zhenying saw this situation, he took his sick body to the yuanlong silk satin zhuang Hu Yiye's tutoring hall to make a living, mainly to teach English to students. After teaching for half a year, Li Zhenying stopped teaching English and went to the counter of The YuanLong Silk Satin Village to help take care of the business. The salary is 7 yuan per month, and you can go home for a day off after five days of work. When Li Zhenying went home to rest, he always did not sleep, and he kept writing at night until three or four o'clock in the morning, and then sent out what he wrote at night after dawn. Li Zhenying's family, mother, wife, sister, are ordinary people with no culture, they do not understand what Li Zhenying is doing, so Li Zhenying does not tell them. However, Li Zhenying's selfless work eventually worsened his already injured physical condition, the constant inflammation of the ribs had hurt the internal organs, and the serious swelling of the injured legs had affected his actions. In April 1938, Li Zhenying fell ill, and on May 7, he died at home, completing his 38-year-old life.

At the time of Li Zhenying's death, Tianjin was under Japanese control. His mother and wife, fearing that Li Zhenying would become the target of the enemy's pursuit and that his family would be implicated, burned all the letters, documents, newspapers, and even photographs written by Li Zhenying during his lifetime. After the founding of New China, Li Zhenying's wife Wang Xuezhen and sister Li Baozhen were very excited to hear that Li Zhenying and Zhou Enlai, then premier of the country, had fought together and were revolutionary comrades-in-arms. When they got home, the two turned the house upside down to find the relevant information, but the important documents had long been burned by them, and they finally found only one photo. Li Baozhen and his sister-in-law Wang Xuezhen managed to contact Li Sanren, a veteran party member, one of the organizers of the May Fourth Movement who had revolutionized with Zhou Enlai, and whose wife, Jin Yingchao, and Deng Yingchao, were classmates. As for Li Zhenying, Li Sanren not only knew that he was a member of the Awakening Society, but also a fellow prisoner (after being arrested by Kuomintang agents, Li San and Li Zhenying were locked up in the same prison). Therefore, after learning of Li Zhenying's situation, Li Sanren was very concerned and successively wrote letters to the relevant leaders of the central authorities to explain the situation. Premier Zhou Enlai attached great importance to this matter, and instructed Li Sanren to "take care" of li shanren's letter, and after the document was transmitted to the Tianjin municipal government, the Tianjin side immediately invited Li Zhenying's sister Li Baozhen and Li Sanren to discuss the matter of taking care of it. Then, Premier Zhou Enlai also sent someone to Tianjin to find Li Zhenying's family and investigate their living conditions. Soon, according to Premier Zhou Enlai's "care" instructions, the Tianjin Municipal Government arranged For Li Zhenying's sister Li Baozhen to work at the Nantou Kiln Health Center. At the same time, the Tianjin municipal government also gave Li Zhenying's mother and wife a living allowance of 16 yuan per month. 

Those pioneers a hundred years ago (Li Zhenying)