
Babies suffer from congenital fissures, a bowel growing outside the body at birth, and miraculously survive after surgery

author:Fun facts about the world every day
Babies suffer from congenital fissures, a bowel growing outside the body at birth, and miraculously survive after surgery

Millie Woodward was born at 11:11 p.m. on December 11 last year with a rare genetic defect that caused her gut to grow in vitro, and fortunately, the condition has been reversed by undergoing surgery. This is a picture of the day Of Little Mary was born, and it looks so pathetic. At that time, her mother knew that her daughter was in such a situation, and she was really frightened.

Babies suffer from congenital fissures, a bowel growing outside the body at birth, and miraculously survive after surgery

Her parents learned during a 12-week maternity scan that Millie had a fissure, but Millie gave birth by caesarean section in the birth plan, and within a few hours her organs were implanted. Laura, a 24-year-old mother, said that looking at her now, you would never think that the little girl went through such a complicated and special thing. When the ultrasound doctor tells Laura with a grim face that she's sorry, her whole world is about to collapse. Doctors say that you can choose to beat up the child, you can also give birth, this disease has a high survival rate, but also can be cured. But after the most stressful moment of her life, she still came to her parents, which was really grateful. The couple already have children Ava, 7, Zachary, 5, and Tommy, 2. Everyone was proud of Millie, she was such a beautiful and strong little girl.

Babies suffer from congenital fissures, a bowel growing outside the body at birth, and miraculously survive after surgery

When she came, the paramedics wrapped her bare organs in plastic wrap and held the child's mother for a while, and the things that had been worrying about her for months from the obstetric examination to the birth were in front of Laura's eyes. Millie underwent small bowel reversal surgery at Alder Hey Children's Hospital in Liverpool, where the small and large intestines were inserted and the operation went very smoothly.

Babies suffer from congenital fissures, a bowel growing outside the body at birth, and miraculously survive after surgery

Laura added that now she just had a bulging navel showing up, a little smaller than her friends. I tried not to coddle her, but I wanted to protect her as much as I could, and she was perfect in every way.

In China, there are many celebrity children who also have congenital diseases, such as Ni Ping's son, Wang Ji's son and Wang Fei's daughter, but as a parent, they have not given up treatment, even if they need to take care of it for a lifetime, which is really great love. Many of the child's illnesses will not be so serious in the strong warmth of affection.

This article is titled: Fluttershy

This article is edited: x-sis

Original source: dailystar

(Welcome to pay attention to "Translating the Eyes to See the World", the article is originally published, please do not reprint)

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