
Giant insect - Pingdao giant sand borer

The Pingdao giant sand borer (zhōng), the largest species in the order Orthoptera, is known locally as "Vita Ponga" – the god of the ugly world because of their ugly appearance.

Giant insect - Pingdao giant sand borer

Distributed on New Zealand's Island of Little Baril, the population of sand borers is now at risk due to invasion by foreign enemies due to rodents brought in by humans.

Giant insect - Pingdao giant sand borer

The average length is 70 mm, and the large ones can grow up to 110 mm.

Giant insect - Pingdao giant sand borer

It has a strong mouth organ, the hind legs are extremely long and developed, and it is an omnivorous, nocturnal insect.

Giant insect - Pingdao giant sand borer

They feed mainly on plant fruits, rotting animal carcasses, and other insects.

Giant insect - Pingdao giant sand borer

When they are threatened and provoked, their hind legs will be raised and their jaws will be opened as a warning, and many people will call them because they have been bitten: terrible giant grasshoppers!

Giant insect - Pingdao giant sand borer