
Video丨Hunan well-known enterprises to promote the "three high and four new" strategic special double election meeting was held at the Lake University of Technology

author:Red Net


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Video丨Hunan well-known enterprises to promote the "three high and four new" strategic special double election meeting was held at the Lake University of Technology

The scene of the launching ceremony of the double election meeting.

RedNet Moment October 12 news (reporter Su Liya correspondent Tan Shanqi Liu Chengzong) in order to solidly promote The "three highs and four new" strategy in Hunan and promote and support college graduates to achieve employment through multiple channels, on October 12, the "2021 Autumn Hunan Well-known Enterprises" to promote the "three highs and four new" strategic double election meeting jointly organized by Hunan University of Technology, Hunan Provincial Talent Market, Changsha County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Zixing Municipal Party Committee Talent Office and Cixi Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau was held at Hunan University of Technology. 236 high-quality enterprises from inside and outside the province have provided more than 10,000 jobs for more than 8,000 graduates of the class of 2022. Li Ruomei, vice president of Hunan University of Technology, and Luo Fang, member of the party group and chief accountant of the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, attended the launching ceremony.

The double selection meeting is not only a platform for enterprises to attract talents and gather talents, but also a stage for college students to contribute their wisdom and efforts. Wu Yonghui, director of the Admissions and Career Guidance Office of Hunan University of Technology, introduced that in recent years, the school has taken the initiative to provide services and build a platform for graduates and employers. Especially under the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, schools and employers have overcome difficulties, actively responded, and taken the initiative to serve, so that the employment of graduates can be steadily promoted and gradually improved.

Video丨Hunan well-known enterprises to promote the "three high and four new" strategic special double election meeting was held at the Lake University of Technology

Graduates learn about corporate jobs.

At the special double selection meeting, there are constantly graduates coming to the job search consultation in front of the enterprise booth. "As graduates, we should take the initiative to find jobs and take the initiative to find opportunities for employment." Huang Yuchao, a 2022 master's degree graduate of the School of Literature and Journalism and Communication, believes that as a graduate, he should have the courage to take the initiative to find employment, rather than waiting for the family's arrangement or waiting for the arrival of opportunities, he hopes to achieve his life goals through his own hard work.

It is understood that Hunan University of Technology has a total of 8160 doctoral, master's and undergraduate graduates in 2022, involving green packaging, machinery, electronics, management, civil engineering, art and design and other industries. The double selection will have 236 household units such as China Railway 25th Bureau, Lens Technology, TBEA, Zhuzhou Hongda Polymer Materials and other 236 household units, covering 15,500 positions in manufacturing, construction, information technology service industry, etc., providing graduates with a variety of choices.