
Countdown to 2 days! 2021 Hunan Satellite TV "Chinese Spring Festival Gala" top ten surprise spoilers

author:Bright Net

"Four Seas and One Spring" 2021 Global Overseas Chinese Chinese Spring Festival Gala will meet with overseas Chinese and Chinese around the world at 19:30 on February 12, the first day of the Chinese New Year. With the theme of "Concentric Circles, Chinese Year", the party used a number of wonderful stages to ignite the Chinese soul and Chinese dream of overseas Chinese around the world, carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture, promote the understanding of Chinese culture by the people of the world, and bring an audio-visual feast to the audience, so that the Chinese heart of the global Chinese people "warmed".

The9 youth interprets the New Year song

Cai Guoqing and Xiaotong Aifugeni joined forces to fight in the spring

Countdown to 2 days! 2021 Hunan Satellite TV "Chinese Spring Festival Gala" top ten surprise spoilers

In this year's Chinese Spring Festival Gala, the youth positive energy girl group the9 is coming strongly, and the partner Dragon and Lion Group will bring a lively and unique opening show stage to the audience. The9 sings the New Year on the drum-shaped stage, and the vibrating sound waves spread out from the drums to the four sides, sending the audience full of Vitality new year blessings wave after wave, allowing the audience to experience the enthusiasm and joy of the New Year. CNC Lion Head Vision creates a strong "Chinese flavor" and is committed to creating a warm stage with many surprises and full of new taste. Pass on the positive energy of youth, and the expectation value is bursting!

Countdown to 2 days! 2021 Hunan Satellite TV "Chinese Spring Festival Gala" top ten surprise spoilers

Cai Guoqing, a popular actor with actor Yu Xiaotong, rapper AiFugeni, and li Haofei, a new generation host, jointly transformed into the New Year painting immortals, leading the New Year painting dolls Xiao Onion and Xu Weiluo to gather at the Chinese Spring Festival Gala to bring the audience a stage with both novelty and creativity. The song combines rap, nursery rhymes, Peking Opera and other musical methods to show the traditions of Chinese new customs and the new changes of the times, and the traditional classics and emerging trends are coming together. The global Chinese welcome the New Year paintings full of flavor, the gods and immortals in the New Year paintings have come alive and come to the scene to celebrate the spring together, and the door gods, vesta gods, and wealth gods take turns to fight, reflecting the "Chinese tide" of traditional New Year customs, taking the audience into a happy and lively Chinese New Year's Eve together.

Chinese memory Mao Amin and the9-Liu Yuxin surprised the same stage

Creative show golden song hot dance

Countdown to 2 days! 2021 Hunan Satellite TV "Chinese Spring Festival Gala" top ten surprise spoilers

On the stage of this Chinese Spring Festival Gala, the powerful singer Mao Amin surprised the new singer the9-Liu Yuxin. Ignite the stage with a creative combination of affectionate slow song and fast song and dance, bring dance competitions that highlight their respective styles, evoke the audience's memories of the times with high-pitched and loud songs, and lead the audience to reminisce about the golden years. What kind of wonderful "chemical reaction" will this new combination produce? Let's look forward to it together!

The golden song singer Yang Qianwei's modern brother Liu Yuning

Staged the Transnational Love Singing 2021 Happiness Suite

Countdown to 2 days! 2021 Hunan Satellite TV "Chinese Spring Festival Gala" top ten surprise spoilers

Even if it is far away, my thoughts about you are close at hand. Even the sound of the dripping rain outside the window is thinking of your voice. Miriam Yang and her modern brother Liu Yuning will use songs to tell their feelings, using songs to interpret the mental journey of a pair of transnational lovers. I believe that there are many multinational couples who are crossing thousands of mountains and rivers, crossing difficulties and obstacles, and still love each other deeply.

Wan Qian Zhenghao Liu Muzhou sang affectionately

A family letter that crossed the ocean touched the audience

Countdown to 2 days! 2021 Hunan Satellite TV "Chinese Spring Festival Gala" top ten surprise spoilers

Powerful actor Wan Qian and the new generation of singers Qian Zhenghao and Liu Muzhou will collaborate on a moving song, telling the thoughts of their families from a first-person perspective and bringing countless emotions with sincere singing. There was also a letter from overseas compatriots, "Dear Mom and Dad, how are you?" such emotional words poked the audience's heart deeply, making the audience burst into tears.

Convey warmth and hope with healing songs

Zhou Shen once again joined Hunan Satellite TV Chinese Spring Festival Gala

Countdown to 2 days! 2021 Hunan Satellite TV "Chinese Spring Festival Gala" top ten surprise spoilers

No matter how the world changes, the shackles of love will always smooth out the confusion, illuminate the way forward, and guide the way. Strength singer Zhou Shen will convey the warm musical power with healing songs. When the beautiful and ethereal voice hovers above the stage, the audience will see that there will be a little starlight on the vast ocean, and will ride the wind and waves to convey hope.

"Meipai descendants" Hu Wenge Mao Xiaotong sunnee Yang Yunqing cross-border cooperation

New forms present the power of the towel

Countdown to 2 days! 2021 Hunan Satellite TV "Chinese Spring Festival Gala" top ten surprise spoilers

As the essence of China's country, Peking Opera will be performed on stage in a new creative form on the stage of this Chinese Spring Festival Gala, cleverly matching the classic singing segments of Huangmei Opera and Yu Opera. "Mei Pai Descendants" Hu Wenge broke the boundaries of the co-actor Mao Xiaotong, Thai Chinese singer Sunnee Yang Yunqing, jointly performed the opera "Towel", singing the cultural heritage of Chinese drama to the world with the lens, carrying forward the style of the towel and highlighting the charm of civilization. At the same time, with a beautiful visual feast and melodious auditory enjoyment, it injects new strength into traditional opera and shows the beauty of traditional Chinese art to overseas Chinese and Chinese around the world.

Ayunga He Changxi incarnated as a humble gentleman

Travel through historical allusions to show the world Chinese culture

Countdown to 2 days! 2021 Hunan Satellite TV "Chinese Spring Festival Gala" top ten surprise spoilers

The Chinese national culture has a long history, and in the long history of 5,000 years, it has formed a noble moral code, a complete etiquette norm and excellent traditional virtues. Ayunga and He Changxi will transform into ancient dancing princes at this year's Chinese Spring Festival Gala, and work with the costume restoration team to shuttle through the historical allusions of etiquette culture and show the world the breadth and depth of Chinese culture.

The Chinese light Lang Lang Tan Yuanyuan cooperated

Art breaks the boundaries and integrates to create a beautiful audio-visual feast

Countdown to 2 days! 2021 Hunan Satellite TV "Chinese Spring Festival Gala" top ten surprise spoilers

International piano master Lang Lang and international ballet artist Tan Yuanyuan joined the Chinese Spring Festival Gala, and the art breakthrough integration brought a great sense of breathing and artistic piano dance, interpreting a beautiful scene of ice and snow melting, spring blossoms, and FangFei waiting, and also pinning good wishes for the new year. It is believed that the joint interpretation of two outstanding music artists will surely present a beautiful audio-visual feast for the audience.

The new arrangement shows youthful vitality

Shang Wenjie Bai jugang sang about Great China

Countdown to 2 days! 2021 Hunan Satellite TV "Chinese Spring Festival Gala" top ten surprise spoilers

The famous electronic singer-songwriter Shang Wenjie and the emerging singer Bai Jugang, two original music producers, jointly interpreted old songs and new songs, new arrangements, different feelings, integrated rap into songs, and sang the great China in the hearts of young people. This song pushes the atmosphere of the whole audience to a climax, singing the love of the Song and singing the strong national cohesion and cultural self-confidence of the Chinese nation. A strong China is the strength of our overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese in the world.

You and I are both Chinese dreamers

Han Lei Wu Yan condensed the Chinese dream

Countdown to 2 days! 2021 Hunan Satellite TV "Chinese Spring Festival Gala" top ten surprise spoilers

2020 is a special year, but no matter where we are or when we are, we have not stopped chasing our dreams. National singers Han Lei and Wu Yanning sang "Chinese Dream Chaser" with moving singing, and we are all Chinese dreamers. The ordinary casts greatness, and heroes come from the people. We are proud of the excellent results achieved by Brilliant China, and China has become more colorful because of us.

Shine on China, show the wind and bones, and feel the Chinese soul boiling with blood. The evening party showed the strong national cohesion and indomitable vitality of the sons and daughters of China through a number of programs, so that the world could see Chinese culture, Chinese strength and Chinese spirit. "Spring in all seas" 2021 Global Overseas Chinese Chinese Spring Festival Gala will be held at 19:30 on February 12, the first day of the Chinese New Year, at Hunan Satellite TV to celebrate the festival with overseas Chinese and chinese around the world! Countdown to 2 days, stay tuned!

Concentric circles, Chinese year

The Chinese Spring Festival Gala gives you a New Year's greeting

Scan the code to get the creative red envelope cover

Pass on warmth to friends and family

Celebrate the Lunar New Year full of warmth and love

Source: Hunan TV

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