
Comrades who destroy chinese vocabulary

author:Love Life ILife

First of all, do people still call colleagues and friends comrades?

It is estimated that some will be used on very special occasions, and very few.

Comrade was not originally a word. The meanings of the words "same" and "zhi" are superimposed to refer to "the same ambition". It first appeared in Zuo Qiuming's "Chinese Jin Yu IV", "Tongde is one heart, and one heart is comrade." "Only with common moral standards and moral cultivation can we have the same state of mind and thought, and therefore we can have common aspirations with one heart."

The reason for the previous sentence " the same surname is the same virtue " is that people with the same surname in the ancient past are all related by blood and worship the same totem, so they can have the same nature, that is, they can cultivate the same character from an early age, so their moral standards are consistent.

On Heng And Self-Discipline Chapter" "The heart is difficult and it is easy, friends and comrades, do not choose the land, muddy and hurtful, what is the effect of the world?" The word "comrade" is extended, using comrade as a title to refer to people with the same aspirations.

Comrades who destroy chinese vocabulary

As for why the heart is comradely, the heart is linked to the ambition, because in the Chinese tradition, the heart is the place of thinking, and the thought is generated from it, rather than thinking from the brain as people know today.

For example, all the words related to thinking in Chinese have hearts, such as enthusiasm, love, experience, care, confidant, wish, carefulness, knowing heart, intention, kindness, worry, loyalty, conscience, etc., there are dozens of them.

And the words related to the heart, such as: intention, forget, wish, urgency, feeling, thinking, forbearance, thought, encouragement, loyalty, slackness, anger, thought, resentment, fear, grace, etc., all express thoughts or ideas.

It can be seen that comrade is a very meaningful word that was produced in ancient times.

The title of comrade, in ancient times, had the same meaning as the words "gentleman" and "jun", and it was the title of a friend.

In modern times, the word comrade has been given a new meaning. The most famous is Dr. Sun Yat-sen's "Testament of the Prime Minister": "The revolution has not yet succeeded, and comrades still have to work hard." ”

Comrades who destroy chinese vocabulary

In fact, as early as 1918, Mr. Sun's "Letter to Comrades at Home and Abroad" and "Letter to Comrades in Nanyang" and those members of the League who were bent on overthrowing the Qing Dynasty called each other "comrades", which was decent and tragic.

As a result, the word comrade turned around gorgeously, from a small zhi to a friend, into a generous person with great ambition for the country.

Comrades who destroy chinese vocabulary

The revolutionary army in Hankou was transporting artillery to the front

The new meaning given to it by the Communist Party of China was that in 1921, the program of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China stipulated: "Anyone who recognizes the party's program and policies and wishes to become a loyal party member, after being introduced by a party member, regardless of gender or nationality, can be accepted as a party member and become our comrade." ”

At this point, the comrades of the country mentioned by Dr. Sun Yat-sen were divided into two factions: the Communist Party and the Kuomintang.

After the founding of New China, the title of "comrade" became the mutual title of the people of all ethnic groups in the country, and comrades were widely used, and all those who aspired to build a new China were comrades.

Comrades who destroy chinese vocabulary

In terms of Chinese mainland titles, comrades have a narrow political meaning of comrades (within the system or the same political party) and comrades with a broad non-political meaning (elders or colleagues in the same unit or position).

In 1959, Comrade Mao Zedong specifically instructed everyone to call each other "comrades."

After that, although few young people used it, the term comrade has been widely used in party organizations, league organizations, and elderly people.

It lasted until the 1970s and 1980s, when the title was skewed by the Hong Kong film and television industry. The term gay began to refer to sexual minorities.

There are two ways to say it.

Hong Kong director and screenwriter Edward Lam named his inaugural gay film festival the Hong Kong Gay Film Festival in 1989.

Hong Kong film critic Mike Lam may have used the word "gay" when writing for Film Biweek or Magazine. And it most likely appeared in a film review he wrote for the gay film Early Frost. After that, Lin Yihua chose to name his film festival after "Comrade".

Whatever the origin, it shows that this usage originated in the Hong Kong film and television industry.

Since then, the title of comrade has become popular in Taiwan, overseas Chinese groups and Chinese mainland, and even the media and activities have been used accordingly.

Comrades who destroy chinese vocabulary

To date, although the use of "gay" to refer to sexual minorities has existed in the civil community, the use of this use has not been recognized by the official and linguistic circles. In the latest edition of the Modern Chinese Dictionary, words such as pm2.5 and "give power" are included, but there is no such meaning under the term "comrade".

In 2016, the political meaning of "comrade" was emphasized. The Sixth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China adopted the Several Guidelines on Political Life within the Party under the New Situation (2016), which requires that "the comradely relationship of democracy and equality within the Party be upheld, and all comrades within the Party shall be called comrades".

Chinese is both ancient and young, lively and serious, and the Chinese language is also full of vitality with deep precipitation.

However, her youth, liveliness, and vitality do not mean that anything can be added, and the addition of any foreign word or meaning should be careful and cautious, so as to ensure the purity of the Chinese language.

We cannot expect a stained Chinese language to survive another five thousand years.

#Destroy the Chinese vocabulary # three comrades