
Guan Guan Ju Dove, in the River Continent - Word Cloud "Reading" Poetry Introduction Works Archive Works Information Good Sentence Selection A Book Word Cloud Xiao Zhu has something to say written at the end

author:A book of word clouds
Guan Guan Ju Dove, in the River Continent - Word Cloud "Reading" Poetry Introduction Works Archive Works Information Good Sentence Selection A Book Word Cloud Xiao Zhu has something to say written at the end

Read the Psalms

"Guan Guan Ju Dove, in the River Continent." Ladies and gentlemen. The familiar sentences of the hour have always felt that there is an indescribable hazy beauty. Let's find a different kind of poetry in the word cloud.





Zhou Dynasty


Literature, poetry

The Book of Poetry is the first collection of poems from ancient China, collecting poems from the early Western Zhou Dynasty to the middle of the Spring and Autumn Period (the eleventh century BC to the sixth century BC), and only 305 poems are extant. In terms of content, the Book of Poetry can be divided into three parts: "Wind", "Ya", and "Ode", which is rich in content and reflects all aspects of social life in the Zhou Dynasty, including labor and love, war and servitude, oppression and rebellion, customs and marriage, ancestor worship and banquets, and even celestial phenomena, landforms, animals, plants, etc., with high research value and artistic appreciation value.

1. The mountain is up, and the scenery is stopped. - "Xiaoya Cheyi (xiá)"

2. Those who know me are worried, and those who do not know me are called what I want. - "Guofeng Wang Feng Huang Li"

3, once upon a time, I went to the past, Willow Yiyi. Now I come to think, rain and snow. The road is long, and the thirst is full of hunger. My heart is sad, and I don't know I am sad. - "Xiaoya Tsai wei"

4. Hands like soft hands, skin like gelatin. The collar is like a qiú (qiú) grub (qí), and the teeth are like a rhinoceros (hù). The first moth eyebrow of the mantis (qín), the smile is clever, and the beautiful eyes are looking forward to it. —— "Guofeng, Weifeng, Shuoren"

Guan Guan Ju Dove, in the River Continent - Word Cloud "Reading" Poetry Introduction Works Archive Works Information Good Sentence Selection A Book Word Cloud Xiao Zhu has something to say written at the end

Poetry verse cloud

Every verse is emotional, and the beauty of the verse can be seen in every word. "Gentlemen", "women", "brothers", "parents", "husbands" narrate family marriage love, and "nobles", "China", "princes", "sacrifices", and "samurai" depict grand pictures of social life, which is probably the reason why the poetry is still praised by people today.

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Reference:[1] Long Hanchen edited the Book of Poetry of Traditional Chinese Culture Readers

[2] Classification number query in the figure

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