
What a man must know in his old age

author:Jojo life chronicles

Ancients Cloud: Thirty and Standing. This means that thirty is the age at which things are done. For men, it's all true. But life always seems to give us too much pressure and too little space, emotional entanglement, career ups and downs, and so on. So what do men have to know before they turn thirty? Let's take a look.

What a man must know in his old age

1. Career is always first

While money is not a panacea, it is impossible without money. Although this sentence is very cheesy, it definitely makes sense. Until you turn 30, focus most of your energy on your career.

What a man must know in his old age

2. Don't take money too seriously

Don't complain that you have a low salary now, bank deposits below 4 figures, you can't see the future, now all you have to do is to study hard, even if your diploma is high, how to apply theory to practice still needs a long exercise process, society will always be the most extensive university, it makes the knowledge you learn far more important than what you learn in school, so again, you don't mind too much about low education. Before the age of 30, there are still very few people who buy a car and a house on their own.

What a man must know in his old age

3. Learn to be considerate of your parents

Don't think they are nagging, when you become a father, you will know the poor parents of the world, in their eyes you are still a child, but they are really old, now you have to make them happy, maybe as long as you have a phone call, a little gift, you can make them feel at ease, it is easy to do.

What a man must know in his old age

4. Make good friends

Friends have a great impact on your life, don't meet too many wine and meat friends, at least have a friend who can help you at a critical moment, if you meet such a person, just grasp it, it will be useful in the future, whether he is rich or poor.

What a man must know in his old age

5. Don't believe in love too much

There must be love in the heart, but please don't say and don't believe those mountain alliance sea oaths in Aunt Qiongyao's novel, there is no eternity in the world, what is important is responsibility, but the woman's heart is a needle, the heart has changed, everything has become in vain, all you have to do is to shoot when you should shoot, don't hesitate when you should let go. Love before the age of 30 is not fake, but it's just that most people don't have the ability to really grasp it, so learn to do what they can.

What a man must know in his old age

6. Don't get addicted to anything

The so-called plaything and loss of will, online games are played before you leave the school, you do not have extra time and energy to spend on it now, otherwise you will have to pay back what you overdraft. A person should have interests and hobbies, but please distinguish between the weight and the weight.

What a man must know in his old age

7. Young does not fail

Don't be discouraged when you encounter setbacks, young people should always maintain a positive attitude. Failed, start over; Lost, fight for something else. Missed, to analyze, next time, to grasp; Childish, next time, mature. It doesn't matter, it will be fine, even if it reaches the extreme, don't give up, I believe you can survive. Don't be negative, it will be fine. What was wrong in the past, in the past, can never be recalled in the past. Now, it's good, tired, and comfortable. Don't be sad, there will always be someone to support you.

What a man must know in his old age

8. Don't easily worship or despise a person

Everyone has idols, but please have your own personality. Don't deliberately imitate a person, because you are you, unique, unique, have self-confidence. Also don't completely deny a person, everyone is valuable, if you can't understand him, please learn to accept.

What a man must know in his old age

9. Be responsible

No matter how you have been, please start being a person of integrity from now on. Men should be responsible, whether it is work or life, a responsible person can make others feel safe, in order to make others feel that you are a trustworthy person. We don't want to be cowardly, but please don't hurt the people who love you and the people you love, especially the kind girls, because there are not many good girls in this world, even if you don't want to have them, please let her keep her beautiful heart.

What a man must know in his old age

10. A man's appearance doesn't matter

Don't worry too much about your looks and height, a man with a good heart and integrity is far more handsome than those who have a handsome appearance and a straight body but a dirty heart. If someone is judging people by their appearance, don't care too much, because you don't have to feel sorry for a low-level fun person.

What a man must know in his old age

11. Learn to protect the body

Don't think that smoking and drinking and staying up all night is okay now. That's because your body is in the prime time of your life. After the age of 30, you can understand the meaning of the word incompetent, the body is the capital of the revolution, without a good body can not do anything, so try to let yourself live a regular and healthy life.

What a man must know in his old age

12. Don't feel like you can't get anything done

You are not qualified to talk about success now, except of course if you have tens of millions of assets. A career that is too fixed at the beginning is not necessarily a good thing, but perhaps in the process of constantly changing careers, you will learn more knowledge and can tap your potential and find the job that suits you best.

What a man must know in his old age

13. Please work hard

Even if your current job is boring and how low-level, please take it seriously, know that any successful person starts from the smallest thing, maybe you can't learn how great knowledge you are now, but at least you have to learn a good working attitude and working methods, which is very important for the future.

What a man must know in his old age

14. Please take feelings seriously

Don't envy those playboys who change women like shoes, the love of the scene is just to make you waste time and energy, the most painful thing for a person is not to find a lover, but there is no love in the heart, when you turn my love for you 3 words into the words you are easiest to say, then it is difficult for you to find true happiness in the world of love. Love is not fair, there is always a person who pays more than the other party, even if there is no result, don't feel worthless, because your payment is not only for her, but also for your own love, paying for love is very valuable, praise yourself.

What a man must know in his old age

15. Please be a little childlike

Deep down, even if it's just a small corner, please keep a childlike heart, not childish, but sometimes being simple will make you very happy. So don't worry too much about gains and losses, life is not perfect.

Finally, learn to respect others so that others will respect you.