
Does he love you a little more? Give uncertain feelings off the series list, at a glance 1. Do you only think of him? 2. Is he hot and cold to you? 3. What did he give you? 4. Did he repeat the "tragedy"? 5. Are you afraid you won't fall in love with someone else again?

author:Ai Qing said emotional

In love, we will always argue with ourselves in some issues. For example, he loves you a little more, or you love him a little more; he is not good enough to you, not enough; whether he loves you like you and him, whether he has always loved you as he did when they met. If you're dating someone who used to go after you like crazy and loved you, and he came to see you every day, but now you see some clues, you feel like you might need to let go, whether you should break up with him or not.

As the song sings: "Love is a long journey, dreams have happiness and dreams have pain, sorrow and joy are the road of the world, I can sew and mend." Wondering if a man likes you is like knowing when to break up with a boyfriend confuses you, and no matter how many people you ask for advice, you don't always get a definite answer. Imagining how to break up with someone you love is difficult and scary, even if he's leaving your whole being exhausted and your whole heart shattered. Breaking up and giving up are both very difficult things, just like people who were once in a coma, waiting to wake up, letting sweet love lose vitality and stifling the hope of love, it is equally difficult.

Does he love you a little more? Give uncertain feelings off the series list, at a glance 1. Do you only think of him? 2. Is he hot and cold to you? 3. What did he give you? 4. Did he repeat the "tragedy"? 5. Are you afraid you won't fall in love with someone else again?

Xiao Liu met her boyfriend at a party, although the two people established a romantic relationship, but the boyfriend's imminent departure made Xiao Liu upset and unable to stop.

At the beginning, the boyfriend would always appear at the door of the company on time when he left work, and then accompany her to go shopping, buy her good food, see the clothes that Xiao Liu liked, and did not wait for her to open her mouth, the boyfriend went forward to rush to pay the money, afraid that Xiao Liu had half a point of obstruction. Always buy some street snacks, sometimes two people eat it, but also specially pack a portion, for Xiao Liu to take home to eat. Colleagues in the company said that Xiao Liu has been fattened by her boyfriend since she made a boyfriend. Xiao Liu is also immersed in the sweetness of love.

But recently, her boyfriend rarely came to pick her up and rarely accompanied her shopping. Sometimes she calls over, and her boyfriend hangs up first because there's something going on over there. Xiao Liu felt that there was something wrong with her boyfriend, so she wanted to talk to him and ask him what was going on. But the boyfriend did not say anything, did not come to pick up because of the recent company things, to work overtime, do not accompany her shopping is not not love her, casually gave Xiao Liu five hundred yuan, stuffed in Xiao Liu's bag. Asked why the phone was missing, he said that he had been busy lately and would contact her when he had time. This made Xiao Liu, who had originally decided to break up without a word, feel that her boyfriend also had bitter feelings, and he should not always make unpleasant trouble for these sesame big things, and he should be more considerate of her.

Does he love you a little more? Give uncertain feelings off the series list, at a glance 1. Do you only think of him? 2. Is he hot and cold to you? 3. What did he give you? 4. Did he repeat the "tragedy"? 5. Are you afraid you won't fall in love with someone else again?

That day, her boyfriend watched a movie with her, but it was still hot and cold, which made Xiao Liu reborn the idea of breaking up.

In fact, there is a reason why Xiao Liu wants to put forward the idea of breaking up, the boyfriend's attitude is on the one hand, Xiao Liu's control over this relationship is not enough, but also on the one hand. Her feelings are some signals, but these signals are sometimes blocked by her boyfriend's explanation, so that Xiao Liu has some interference when receiving signals and understanding information.

There are many girls like Xiao Liu who are led away in their feelings, and they have little judgment. So what are the signs of breaking up or falling into a unrequited relationship? If it's a sign of a breakup, how do you decide and when?

Does he love you a little more? Give uncertain feelings off the series list, at a glance 1. Do you only think of him? 2. Is he hot and cold to you? 3. What did he give you? 4. Did he repeat the "tragedy"? 5. Are you afraid you won't fall in love with someone else again?

Here are a few items listed to see if that matches your situation. Maybe it's time to let go of your unrequited lover, maybe you should doubt love. When you don't know how to tell, whether he likes you or is cheating on you, you may wish to ask yourself the following questions and adjust yourself and your relationship in time.

Do you spend a lot of time thinking about your man when you're awake? Would you spend hours online reading about the latest developments and shopping for his circle of friends to the last sentence "Friends show only one month"? Will you listen to songs that remind you of him and find a way to meet him? If the answer to these questions is "yes," then you're probably experiencing something called compulsive love.

Compulsive love is when one person has a compulsive desire to possess and protect another person, but is unable to accept rejection or failure. Love is a wonderful, open emotion. Obsession is a cruel and destructive thing. So, if your love for your man has reached the point of being "obsessed", then it's time to let go. Although this is like pouring cold water, but not pouring, it means that your love will be deadlocked, and the love of "moths to the fire" will have to pay a heavy price.

Does he love you a little more? Give uncertain feelings off the series list, at a glance 1. Do you only think of him? 2. Is he hot and cold to you? 3. What did he give you? 4. Did he repeat the "tragedy"? 5. Are you afraid you won't fall in love with someone else again?

Is he hot and cold to you? Sometimes, does he look like the guy you love? There were times when he was grumpy and cold, and there was no pleasure in being with him. Unless he suffers from bipolar disorder, the capricious man who treats his woman will not be interested in you. If a man wants something, especially a woman, he will go out of his way to get it. If your man only wants a few if there are no days and nothing else, then he simply doesn't make any effort to keep you. If your man isn't particularly fond of you, then let him go.

Does he love you a little more? Give uncertain feelings off the series list, at a glance 1. Do you only think of him? 2. Is he hot and cold to you? 3. What did he give you? 4. Did he repeat the "tragedy"? 5. Are you afraid you won't fall in love with someone else again?

Being with someone who is hot and cold to you can often upset people. Worse, it's hard to spot and judge such a man. Has he stopped asking how you're doing? Has he stopped asking you out? Does he stop giving you snacks to go home? No more letting you go to some events together? Does he stop listening when you speak, or doesn't seem to care about your thoughts at all? A man like this has nothing to offer you.

For many women, when they're trying to save a relationship, once had hope for it, they become so weak and so bent on saving it that they don't notice that the love they once had was gone. She would say more and take the initiative to find some topics of interest to fill the other person's indifference and silence. She would take the initiative to invite the other person on an outing, although he didn't have the heart to go out with her at all. She would try to arrange everything that could be done together, but the woman did not notice that her man had already checked out by the time she went to prepare for the early morning. Didn't want to tangle with her anymore, didn't want to waste time, he'd had enough.

Take a moment to think about what he's done for you lately, and if unfortunately the number listed above is zero, then it's time to let it go.

Does he love you a little more? Give uncertain feelings off the series list, at a glance 1. Do you only think of him? 2. Is he hot and cold to you? 3. What did he give you? 4. Did he repeat the "tragedy"? 5. Are you afraid you won't fall in love with someone else again?

Are you and him stuck in a cycle of ups and downs? There are days like when things get as bad as they used to and you want to cry and he tells you he needs space and then disappears for a long time and comes back a few weeks later to tell you how much he misses you. If you find yourself in such a cycle, like a roller coaster, with feelings that are shaky and make you uneasy, then it's time to let go.

Does he love you a little more? Give uncertain feelings off the series list, at a glance 1. Do you only think of him? 2. Is he hot and cold to you? 3. What did he give you? 4. Did he repeat the "tragedy"? 5. Are you afraid you won't fall in love with someone else again?

Do you sometimes feel that you can't leave him, because if you leave, you are no longer the same person you were; are you only afraid of the future, worried that you can't go on alone; if you feel that way, then it's time to let go.

If it's with him because of fear that there won't be a better person, then that's a wrong idea. Although you doubt the relationship deep down, you don't admit that the relationship is not for you at all, and even the slightest sober judgment is not enough, and it is even more difficult to leave him. For the sake of your happier life and love, you have to seriously consider whether it's time to give up a love that's hard to repair. Is he good to you? Is your love for him worth it? Are you worried that you will never love again? If you don't have a clear answer to these few questions, then you may have been stuck in the bottleneck of feelings and easily suffocated yourself.

Sometimes, love is a lock that cannot be opened, or a dead button, do not let go early, can only be tied tighter and tighter, and finally have to get a wound, a face of blood, a scar. This is one of the natures of love, and it either treats me as a treasure or dies with me. Romantic is a fairy tale, the danger is the game, for the game of love with a high danger coefficient, it is necessary to be clear about its process and be able to control it, so that it will be more rational to love, more rational to be loved.