
In 1950, China's first batch of diplomatic ambassadors, nearly 80% of the "general ambassadors", before taking office, He Yi, Wang Jiaxiang II, Huang Zhensan, Peng MingzhiSI, Tan Xilin V, Wang Youping VI, Cao Xiangren VII, Ji Pengfei VIII, Ni Zhiliang JIU, Luo Guibo X, Geng Biao X11, Yuan Zhongxian XII, and Han Nianlong

author:Xuanxi XIII
In 1950, China's first batch of diplomatic ambassadors, nearly 80% of the "general ambassadors", before taking office, He Yi, Wang Jiaxiang II, Huang Zhensan, Peng MingzhiSI, Tan Xilin V, Wang Youping VI, Cao Xiangren VII, Ji Pengfei VIII, Ni Zhiliang JIU, Luo Guibo X, Geng Biao X11, Yuan Zhongxian XII, and Han Nianlong

The great leader Chairman Mao

"A loyal soldier, as brave as a lion, as docile as a baby, who knows only how to carry out orders."

In 1950, the roaring north wind swept the land, Beijing ushered in the first Spring Festival of New China, and the happiness in people's hearts had long driven away the cold, and all that was left was joy.

In the bustling crowd of the Qianmen railway station, a group of people were particularly eye-catching, and the dust was scattered on the cheeks of the soldiers, as if they had come from far away, with simple luggage, wives and children, but still energetic.

The children are particularly curious about the new world, looking east, west, looking at the "ding-dong" tram for a while, staring at the fragrant hotel for a while, Beijing after liberation is really good!

The soldiers eventually reached their destination, the Xinhua Hotel on Qianmen Coal Market Street, a two-story wooden building that was not perfect, but at the time it was ranked second only to the Beijing Hotel and the Six Nations Hotel in Beijing.

They were the generals among the first diplomatic ambassadors of the new China who were about to take office.

On October 1, 1949, the great leader Chairman Mao solemnly announced the founding of New China at Tiananmen Square, and immediately the decisions of "starting another land stove", "cleaning up the house and inviting guests", and "one-sided" entered the implementation stage.

In less than a month, 11 countries, including the Soviet Union, Bulgaria, Hungary, and North Korea, announced the establishment of diplomatic relations with China.

In 1950, China's first batch of diplomatic ambassadors, nearly 80% of the "general ambassadors", before taking office, He Yi, Wang Jiaxiang II, Huang Zhensan, Peng MingzhiSI, Tan Xilin V, Wang Youping VI, Cao Xiangren VII, Ji Pengfei VIII, Ni Zhiliang JIU, Luo Guibo X, Geng Biao X11, Yuan Zhongxian XII, and Han Nianlong

The first diplomatic ambassadors

Where there is a country, there must be a handover, and where there is a handover, there must be an envoy. On November 8, 1949, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs was formally established, and Premier Zhou concurrently served as foreign minister, and the first problem before Premier Zhou was that there were not enough diplomats.

To this end, a number of army generals with rich experience in struggle and real talents and hard work have stepped onto the diplomatic stage. First of all, outstanding cadres with culture, foreign language knowledge, and experience in foreign work are selected, and all armies are required to recommend one division-level and two regiment-level cadres for selection.

At one point, such as Su Yu, deputy commander of Sanye at that time, Xu Guangda, commander of yiye and one corps, Zhou Shidi, commander of the eighteenth corps of the North China Field Army, and Xiao Ke, chief of staff of Siye, all became candidate ambassadors.

After several agreements, the dust settled on the list of the first batch of ambassadors abroad, and Ambassador To the Soviet Union Wang Jiaxiang, Ambassador to Hungary Huang Zhen, Ambassador to Poland Peng Mingji, Ambassador to Czechoslovakia Tan Xilin, Ambassador to Romelia Wang Youping, Ambassador to Bulgaria Cao Xiangren, Head of The Delegation to the Democratic Republic of Germany Ji Pengfei, Ambassador to the Dprk Ni Zhiliang, Ambassador to Vietnam Luo Guibo, Ambassador to Sweden Geng Biao, Ambassador to India Yuan Zhongxian, Ambassador to Pakistan Han Nianlong, Ambassador to Myanmar Yao Zhongming, Ambassador to Mongolia Ji Yatai, Ambassador to Indonesia Wang Renshu and Minister to Switzerland Feng Xuan.

So what were the positions of these ambassadors before they became diplomatic ambassadors? How many people are from general backgrounds?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >, Wang Jiaxiang</h1>

In 1950, China's first batch of diplomatic ambassadors, nearly 80% of the "general ambassadors", before taking office, He Yi, Wang Jiaxiang II, Huang Zhensan, Peng MingzhiSI, Tan Xilin V, Wang Youping VI, Cao Xiangren VII, Ji Pengfei VIII, Ni Zhiliang JIU, Luo Guibo X, Geng Biao X11, Yuan Zhongxian XII, and Han Nianlong

Wang Jiaxiang

Born in 1906 in Jing County, Anhui Province, Wang Jiaxiang has a emaciated face and always wears a pair of gold wire glasses.

In his youth, Wang Jiaxiang participated in the anti-imperialist patriotic movement, and at the age of 19, he went to Moscow to study at Sun Yat-sen University, and after further study, he became a famous "red professor".

After entering the Jiangxi Soviet District in 1931, Wang Jiaxiang became the second director of the General Political Department of the Red Army after Chairman Mao, and the importance of the commander, chief of staff, political commissar, and director of the political department in a team was self-evident.

Wang Jiaxiang, who initially supported Wang Ming, slowly discovered that Chairman Mao's "rural encirclement of the city" was the best way to meet China's needs at that time, and eventually sided with Chairman Mao.

In the continuous exchanges with Chairman Mao, Wang Jiaxiang felt more and more that Chairman Mao's strategizing and far-sightedness were far-sighted. At the Zunyi meeting, Wang Jiaxiang was the first to speak and cast a crucial vote that allowed Chairman Mao to regain command of the party and the Red Army, and at this point, chairman Mao, Zhou Enlai, and Wang Jiaxiang's "military trio" was born.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Wang Jiaxiang continued to serve as director of the General Political Department of the Central Military Commission and concurrently served as acting director of the General Political Department of the Eighth Route Army, becoming an important figure in our army.

According to his qualifications, if he participated in the 1955 award, he would be able to become a recipient of the rank of general.

After the founding of New China, Wang Jiaxiang, who was originally the director of the Urban Work Department of the Northeast Bureau and the acting director of the Propaganda Department, became the first ambassador to the Soviet Union and served as vice minister of foreign affairs because of his outstanding achievements in English and Russian and outstanding diplomatic ability.

On October 20, 1949, Wang Jiaxiang left Beijing for his post and took a train to the Soviet Union, opening the Sino-Soviet chapter.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >2, Huangzhen</h1>

In 1950, China's first batch of diplomatic ambassadors, nearly 80% of the "general ambassadors", before taking office, He Yi, Wang Jiaxiang II, Huang Zhensan, Peng MingzhiSI, Tan Xilin V, Wang Youping VI, Cao Xiangren VII, Ji Pengfei VIII, Ni Zhiliang JIU, Luo Guibo X, Geng Biao X11, Yuan Zhongxian XII, and Han Nianlong


Born in 1909 in Tongcheng, Anhui Province, Huang Zhen was the political commissar of Chairman Mao's "capable of writing and being able to use martial arts".

In 1931, the 918 Incident broke out, and the 22-year-old Huang Zhen took part in the Ningdu Uprising in Ningdu, Jiangxi Province, with a fist to repay the heart of the country, and became a member of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army.

In 1934, the fifth anti-"encirclement and suppression" failed, the central main Red Army had to implement a strategic shift in order to get rid of the encirclement and pursuit of the Kuomintang army, and began the Long March, and Huang Zhen also climbed snowy mountains and crossed grasslands with his troops.

With the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the rapidly growing Huang Zhen successively served as the political commissar of the Jinji-Hebei Yu Military Region, the deputy director of the Political Department of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army, and the deputy political commissar and director of the Political Department of the Taihang Military Region.

By the time of the Liberation War, Huang Zhen had become the political commissar of the Ninth Column of the Jinji-Hebei Luyu Field Army and the director of the First Office of the General Political Department of the Central Military Commission.

At the end of 1949, Huang Zhen and his wife Zhu Lin finally returned to their hometown after nearly 20 years of absence, and Huang Zhen, who saw the countryside scene and heard the sound of the township, was in tears.

Soon, Huang Zhen, who had received the order, returned to Beijing and became the first ambassador of the new China to Hungary. Four years later, having accumulated diplomatic experience, he went to Indonesia as ambassador and accompanied Premier Zhou to the Asian-African Conference, witnessing Premier Zhou's diplomatic style.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >3, Peng Mingji</h1>

In 1950, China's first batch of diplomatic ambassadors, nearly 80% of the "general ambassadors", before taking office, He Yi, Wang Jiaxiang II, Huang Zhensan, Peng MingzhiSI, Tan Xilin V, Wang Youping VI, Cao Xiangren VII, Ji Pengfei VIII, Ni Zhiliang JIU, Luo Guibo X, Geng Biao X11, Yuan Zhongxian XII, and Han Nianlong

Peng Mingji

Born in 1905 in Changning, Hunan Province, Peng Mingji can be said to be a first-term student of Huangpu who was delayed by injuries.

Judging from Peng Mingji's resume, it is really regrettable.

In 1927, the Nanchang Uprising broke out, Peng Mingji's 73rd Regiment was left in Sanheba to block the enemy, at that time was a company commander, but the battle losses were heavy, the troops were almost exhausted, he was seriously wounded in his left leg and passed out, fortunately saved by a kind farmer, but then lost contact with the organization, and joined the Gui army to wait for the opportunity, regrettably did not go to Jinggangshan.

Three years later, when Peng Mingzhi returned to the Red Army, he was a rank lower than the position of the Northern Expeditionary Army as the platoon commander of the Red Third Army, and at this time, Lin Biao, a disciple of Huangpu, was already the commander of the Red Fourth Army.

After participating in the Long March, Peng Mingzhi grew rapidly, and after graduating from the Kang Da, he became the chief of staff of the 1st and 2nd Divisions of the Red 1st Army, and participated in the battles of Zhiluo Town, the Eastern Expedition, and the Western Expedition.

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Peng Mingzhi succeeded Yang Dezhi as the commander of the 685th Regiment of the 115th Division, and participated in the famous Battle of Pingxingguan, which severely damaged the Japanese army.

In 1938, Peng Mingzhi led his troops south to central China, opened up the Sulu Border Anti-Japanese Base Area, founded the Sulu Yu Detachment, and served as the commander of the First Brigade of the Eighth Route Army.

Since then, the 685th Regiment has been reorganized into the first detachment of the Fifth Column of the Eighth Route Army, and after the Anhui Incident, it was transferred to the New Fourth Army and became the Seventh Brigade of the Third Division of the New Fourth Army, with Peng Mingji as the brigade commander.

However, no one expected that Peng Mingji, who had become an important general on his own, would stay in the post of brigade commander for ten years.

After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Peng Mingzhi led the 3rd Division and 7th Brigade of the New Fourth Army to the northeast, and during the Siping Defense Battle, the troops suffered tragic sacrifices, Peng Mingzhi became ill with overwork, and tuberculosis was serious.

After the founding of New China, Peng Mingji, who served as deputy commander of the Siye Thirteenth Corps, commander of the Beijing Garrison District, and commander of the Nanning Garrison District, was appointed deputy commander of the Guangxi Military Region and a member of the Guangxi Provincial People's Government.

Soon Peng Mingzhi was appointed ambassador to the Polish People's Republic, and two years later, after returning to China, he became the commander of the Hebei Provincial Military District, catching up with the 1955 title and becoming a lieutenant general.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >4, Tan Xilin</h1>

In 1950, China's first batch of diplomatic ambassadors, nearly 80% of the "general ambassadors", before taking office, He Yi, Wang Jiaxiang II, Huang Zhensan, Peng MingzhiSI, Tan Xilin V, Wang Youping VI, Cao Xiangren VII, Ji Pengfei VIII, Ni Zhiliang JIU, Luo Guibo X, Geng Biao X11, Yuan Zhongxian XII, and Han Nianlong

Tan Xilin

Born in 1908 in Changsha, Hunan Province, Tan Xilin was admitted to the Whampoa Military Academy at the age of 18, became a Whampoa Fifth Term student, and became a platoon leader in Ye Ting's independent regiment after graduation.

When Chairman Mao led the Autumn Harvest Uprising, Tan Xilin was also one of them, and after the success of the uprising, he followed Chairman Mao to Jinggangshan and served as the commander of the 1st Division of the 1st Army of the Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army.

One day in 1928, Chairman Mao was conducting an investigation under jinggang Mountain, when suddenly a group of local armed forces appeared and surrounded Chairman Mao's location, Tan Xilin learned the news, immediately rushed to the rescue, successfully repelled the bandit army, and saved Chairman Mao, for which Tan Xilin also received a nickname of "General of Rescue Driver".

Since then, Tan Xilin has been appointed head of the Central Military Commission's Guard Regiment, specializing in protecting Chairman Mao and other leading comrades.

When the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression broke out, Tan Xilin served as commander of the Anhui River Military Region and acting commander of the 7th Division of the New Fourth Army, and participated in the struggle to consolidate and develop the Jinpu Road West and Anhui River base areas and the anti-stubborn and anti-"sweeping" operations.

During the Liberation War, he served as the commander of the 7th Division of the Shandong Field Army, the first deputy commander of the Yuwan Soviet Military Region, the acting commander of the Jiaodong Military Region, and the commander of the 32nd Army of the People's Liberation Army.

Tan Xilin, who led the liberation of Qingdao, became the first deputy commander of the Shandong Military Region and the commander of the Qingdao Garrison Headquarters after the founding of New China.

In the middle of winter 1949, Tan Xilin, then the first deputy commander and chief of staff of the Shandong Military Region, was preparing to implement the plan of the military region's party committee to strengthen the construction and defense of the newly liberated Changshan Archipelago, consolidate the coastal defense of the entire Shandong Peninsula from Laizhou Bay to Jiaozhou Bay, and safeguard the security of the eastern coastal area of the newborn People's Republic of China.

At this time, an order from the Central Military Commission and an order from the Organization Department of the Central Committee arrived, and Tan Xilin quickly handed over his work, reported to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Beijing, and became the ambassador to Czechoslovakia.

In October 1954, Tan Xilin, who had finished his career as diplomatic ambassador, returned to the nostalgic troops and became lieutenant general at the rank of second year.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >5, Wang Youping</h1>

In 1950, China's first batch of diplomatic ambassadors, nearly 80% of the "general ambassadors", before taking office, He Yi, Wang Jiaxiang II, Huang Zhensan, Peng MingzhiSI, Tan Xilin V, Wang Youping VI, Cao Xiangren VII, Ji Pengfei VIII, Ni Zhiliang JIU, Luo Guibo X, Geng Biao X11, Yuan Zhongxian XII, and Han Nianlong

Wang Youping

In August 1910, Wang Youping was born in a peasant family in Majia Village, Xincheng, Shandong Province, striving for progress and hoping to change his destiny, he joined the progressive group "Fu Chen" Book Club while studying.

Exposed to new culture and new ideas, he began to participate in the student movement frequently, but it was so difficult to save the country, Wang Youping was soon expelled from the school.

Wang Youping, who returned home, fell into confusion and did not know where to go, after repeated consideration, he deeply felt that it was difficult to save the country by only examining sports, so he bid farewell to his hometown at the age of 20 and joined Feng Yuxiang's Northwest Army.

In the autumn of 1930, Wang Youping arrived in Jiangxi with the Kuomintang 26th Army, and with a progressive ideological foundation, he successfully joined the Communist Party of China and became the head of the Chinese Soldiers Branch of the 26th Army, successfully organizing the Ningdu Uprising.

After the uprising, Wang Youping joined the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army and became a branch member of the Cadre Regiment of the Central Military Commission from platoon leader to Red Fifth Army.

After the failure of the fifth "anti-encirclement and suppression" battle, the Red Army had to start a twenty-five-thousand-mile long march, during which Time Wang Youping served as a member of the Central Working Group and the secretary of the branch of the Central Health Institute, and under extremely difficult conditions, he always went deep among the masses with revolutionary enthusiasm, raised supplies, and carried out the work of the people's movement.

At the end of 1935, Wang Youping successfully fought for Gao Fuyuan, the commander of the captured officer colonel of the Northeast Army, providing an important guarantee for communicating the contact between the Communist Party of China and the Northeast Army.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Wang Youping was sent to northwest Lubei and successively served as director of the political department of the advance column of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army, director of the political department of the New Eighth Brigade of the 129th Division, and director of the Urban Work Department.

After the outbreak of the Liberation War, Wang Youping served as director of the Political Department of the 3rd Military Subdistrict of the Ji'nan Military Region, political commissar of the 3rd Military Subdistrict of the Jiluyu Military Region, director of the Political Department of the Jiluyu Military Region, director of the Political Department of the Yuwan Soviet Military Region, deputy political commissar of the 15th Army of the Second Field Army of the People's Liberation Army, and director of the Political Department of the 5th Corps, and participated in the Battle of Huaihai and the Battle of Crossing the River.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Wang Youping, acting director of the Political Department of the Erye Five Corps, was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and became the ambassador to Romania, and then served as the ambassador of Norway, Cambodia, Cuba, Vietnam, Malaysia and the Soviet Union, working abroad for more than 30 years.

Wang Youping is also the most-appointed and longest-serving envoy in China so far.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >6, Cao Xiangren</h1>

In 1950, China's first batch of diplomatic ambassadors, nearly 80% of the "general ambassadors", before taking office, He Yi, Wang Jiaxiang II, Huang Zhensan, Peng MingzhiSI, Tan Xilin V, Wang Youping VI, Cao Xiangren VII, Ji Pengfei VIII, Ni Zhiliang JIU, Luo Guibo X, Geng Biao X11, Yuan Zhongxian XII, and Han Nianlong

Cao Xiangren

In 1914, Cao Xiangren was born in Daye, Hubei Province, born in a poor peasant family, he lost his mother at the age of 4 and his father at the age of 9, living alone and miserable, and had to help people herd cattle and help long-term workers survive.

Fortunately, Cao Xiangren completed the first elementary school with the support of relatives and friends, and this experience also laid the foundation for his future life.

In 1929, at the age of 15, Cao Xiangren participated in the armed uprising of peasants in southeastern Hubei and successfully entered the revolutionary ranks.

Two years later, Cao Xiangren entered the radio training class, which also opened his road to electrical investigation, and he was also appointed as the head of the radio training class and the secretary of the branch of the Red Third Army.

In the communication and reconnaissance work, Cao Xiangren's radio transceiver technology improved rapidly, especially his hearing was extremely sharp, and he could distinguish which enemy station and which operator was on duty through the telegraph operator's sending method and the difference in the sound of different machines, and sometimes he could distinguish without wearing headphones.

Cao Xiangren can be said to be a rare genius of telekinesis in the world in modern times, and is known as the "Three Masters of Deciphering" by Zeng Xisheng and Zou Bizhao.

In May 1932, Cao Xiangren was transferred to the Spy Section (Reconnaissance Station) of the General Headquarters of the Red Army, fighting side by side with Zeng Xisheng to decipher the enemy's code.

After that, Cao Xiangren became the chief of the fourth section (deciphering section) of the Second Bureau of the Central Military Commission. On October 19, 1935, the Second Bureau of the Central Military Commission arrived in Wuqi Town, northern Shaanxi province with the Long March of the Central Red Army, and during the "anti-encirclement and suppression" struggle, he and his comrades-in-arms deciphered a large number of enemy codes, which was praised by Chairman Mao as the "lantern" of the Red Army's Long March.

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Cao Xiangren, who had outstanding telegraphy ability, became the director of the Second Bureau of the Central Military Commission, which was specially responsible for intercepting intelligence work, and was responsible for technical reconnaissance and intelligence work at the Yan'an headquarters.

During the Liberation War, Cao Xiangren concurrently served as the director of the Second Bureau and the Director of the Intelligence Department of the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region, and then served as the director of the Intelligence Department of the Northeast Democratic Coalition Army, and the director of the Northeast Military Region and the Second Bureau of the Northeast Field Army.

After the founding of New China, Cao Xiangren served as deputy chief of staff of Siye and principal of the Confidential Engineering School of the Central Military Commission, and soon he entered the eyes of the central authorities with outstanding ability and was recruited to serve as the ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to Bulgaria.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > seven, Ji Pengfei</h1>

In 1950, China's first batch of diplomatic ambassadors, nearly 80% of the "general ambassadors", before taking office, He Yi, Wang Jiaxiang II, Huang Zhensan, Peng MingzhiSI, Tan Xilin V, Wang Youping VI, Cao Xiangren VII, Ji Pengfei VIII, Ni Zhiliang JIU, Luo Guibo X, Geng Biao X11, Yuan Zhongxian XII, and Han Nianlong

Ji Pengfei

In 1910, Ji Pengfei was born in Linyi County, Shanxi. Although he was born into a small landlord family, he lost his mother at an early age, and his father was also infected with smoke and gambling, and soon the family fell into the middle of the road.

The young Ji Pengfei had to rely on his grandmother for his life, and he suffered the hardships of life from an early age.

After graduating from elementary school, his family, who could not make ends meet, could no longer support him to continue his studies, and only had to work in a shop in Xi'an to buy salt to make ends meet.

At a time when life was confused, Feng Yuxiang's Northwest Army recruited cadets in the army hospital opened in Xi'an, which gave Ji Pengfei "a window", Ji Pengfei did not miss this opportunity, participated in the examination, with a good cultural foundation, he stood out.

In the hospital's work, Ji Pengfei came into contact with Marxism, and was deeply attracted, and followed Feng Yuxiang Wuyuan oath to devote himself to the revolution.

After several years of growth, Ji Pengfei went from medical care to a military doctor with the rank of captain.

In 1931, Ji Pengfei launched the Ningdu Uprising with the Twenty-sixth Army, announced his participation in the revolution, and became a member of the Red Army.

After joining the Red Army, Ji Pengfei became the chief of the military medical department of the Fifth Red Army, and under extremely difficult conditions, Ji Pengfei still solved the problem of insufficient sanitary items such as cotton cloth and medicine by mobilizing the enthusiasm of the masses and soldiers.

However, just when the medical and health work in the Soviet union was on the right track, the fifth "anti-encirclement and suppression" failed, and the Red Army was forced to march. Climbing snowy mountains and crossing meadows, Ji Pengfei had seen too many lives and deaths, and as logistics medical personnel, they had been walking at the end of the line.

In 1940, due to his excellent work, Ji Pengfei was appointed as the political commissar of the New Fourth Army's Northern Jiangsu Advancing Column, and successfully transformed from doctor to general.

During his tenure as the political commissar of the New Fourth Army's Northern Jiangsu Advancing Column, Ji Pengfei led the team to open up the anti-Japanese base area in northern Jiangsu, opened up the passage between the Eighth Route Army in North China and the New Fourth Army in the south, and provided a stable rear area for the anti-Japanese cause.

After the outbreak of the Liberation War, Ji Pengfei became the commander of the 7th Column of the North China Field Army, and under the command of Su Yu, participated in the "Seven Wars and Seven Victories" of the Soviet-Chinese Campaign, annihilating the Kuomintang 49th Division.

At the beginning of the founding of New China, Ji Pengfei, who had made outstanding achievements, served as the political commissar of the Sanye Nine Corps and the political commissar of the Hangzhou Garrison District.

In November 1949, a paper order was delivered to Ji Pengfei, who was only 39 years old and became the head of the mission to the German Democratic Republic.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >8, Ni Zhiliang</h1>

In 1950, China's first batch of diplomatic ambassadors, nearly 80% of the "general ambassadors", before taking office, He Yi, Wang Jiaxiang II, Huang Zhensan, Peng MingzhiSI, Tan Xilin V, Wang Youping VI, Cao Xiangren VII, Ji Pengfei VIII, Ni Zhiliang JIU, Luo Guibo X, Geng Biao X11, Yuan Zhongxian XII, and Han Nianlong

Ni Zhiliang

In 1900, Ni Zhiliang was born in Beijing to a poor family, his father was a street vendor, and now an ordinary housewife, in order to make a living, his father had to go out to borrow money.

Every time the "New Year's Close" comes, the door of the house is lined with people who come to collect debts. Even so, his visionary father still sent 8-year-old Ni Zhiliang to a private school.

The sensible Ni Zhiliang learned that the opportunity to study was not easy to come by, and he worked extremely hard, and was admitted to the national high school in Beijing with excellent results. However, at the age of 16, the family really could not open the pot, and Ni Zhiliang had to give up the opportunity to continue his studies and become an apprentice in a grocery store.

Soon, Ni Zhiliang, who had been blessed by the owner, left the grocery store and joined Duan Qirui's brother-in-law Wu Guangxin's 2nd Mixed Brigade as a soldier. Because of his knowledge, he soon became a platoon leader.

But in the midst of warlord melee, China's road ahead is dark, and the people are in the depths of the water, Ni Zhiliang does not want to continue to stay in Wu Guangxin's team, he wants to change.

In January 1926, Ni Zhiliang was successfully admitted to the Whampoa Military Academy, and became a Whampoa IV student, became a classmate of Lin Biao and Zhang Lingfu, and joined the Communist Party of China under the influence of Zhou Enlai.

In 1932, Ni Zhiliang served as the commander of the Red Fourth Army and the commander of the 11th Division of the Red Fourth Front, during which he led his troops to participate in the struggle to create and develop the revolutionary base area in Eyu-Anhui and various anti-"encirclement and suppression" operations, and achieved major results.

Because of his meritorious combat and good command, Ni Zhiliang served as the chief of staff of the Red Fourth Front, and was called the "Four Giants" along with Xu Xiangqian, Chen Changhao, and Wang Shusheng.

After the baptism of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, Ni Zhiliang became the commander of the West Manchuria Military Region, the vice president of the Northeast Military and Political University and the Central South Military and Political University.

After the founding of New China, Chairman Mao appointed Ni Zhiliang as the first Chinese ambassador to the DPRK. After the outbreak of the Korean War, he submitted a report on the "likely landing of US troops in the Inchon area" with extremely high military attainment, chairman Mao and Premier Zhou attracted great attention, but the DPRK did not take sufficient vigilance.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Nine, Luo Guibo</h1>

In 1950, China's first batch of diplomatic ambassadors, nearly 80% of the "general ambassadors", before taking office, He Yi, Wang Jiaxiang II, Huang Zhensan, Peng MingzhiSI, Tan Xilin V, Wang Youping VI, Cao Xiangren VII, Ji Pengfei VIII, Ni Zhiliang JIU, Luo Guibo X, Geng Biao X11, Yuan Zhongxian XII, and Han Nianlong

Luo Guibo

Luo Guibo was born in Ganzhou, Jiangxi in July 1907, on the same day of the same month of the same year as Xiao Ke.

At the age of 19, Luo Guibo began to participate in the revolution and seek the way to save the country, because of his outstanding ability and rapid growth, he soon became one of the founders of the revolutionary base area in the Southern Jiangsu Region.

In 1930, the 23-year-old Luo Guibo became the commander and political commissar of the Red 35Th Army, while in comparison, the 23-year-old Su Yu and Xiao Ke were only division commanders.

In 1934, after the failure of the fifth "anti-encirclement and suppression" campaign, the Red Army began the Long March, and Luo Guibo also followed him to climb the snowy mountains and cross the meadows, serving as the political commissar of the 3rd Battalion of the Red Army Cadre Regiment, and after the Long March, he became the director of the Political Department of the Red Army's teaching mentor.

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Luo Guibo served as the political commissar of the New 358 Brigade of the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army and participated in the establishment of the anti-Japanese base area in northwestern Jin. In the Battle of the Hundred Regiments, he served as the commander of the southern line of the Jinsui Border Region and made outstanding military achievements.

After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Luo Guibo became the commander and political commissar of the Jinzhong Military Region, and made great contributions to the liberation of Shanxi after the Fenyang Campaign, the Linfen Campaign, the Jinzhong Campaign, and the Taiyuan Campaign.

After the founding of New China, Luo Guibo, who served as the commander of the Taiyuan Garrison District, became the director of the General Office of the Central Military Commission, and his desks were all spelled out with Mr. Zhu.

In January 1950, Luo Guibo was informed to carry out a special mission to Vietnam as a liaison representative, and luo Guibo became the general adviser in Vietnam, performing basically the post of envoy.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >0, Geng Biao</h1>

In 1950, China's first batch of diplomatic ambassadors, nearly 80% of the "general ambassadors", before taking office, He Yi, Wang Jiaxiang II, Huang Zhensan, Peng MingzhiSI, Tan Xilin V, Wang Youping VI, Cao Xiangren VII, Ji Pengfei VIII, Ni Zhiliang JIU, Luo Guibo X, Geng Biao X11, Yuan Zhongxian XII, and Han Nianlong

Geng Biao

In 1909, Geng Biao was born in Liling, Hunan Province, into a martial arts family, and his father Geng Chunan was a leader in the Xiang Army when he was young, and because of his strong martial arts, he was selected as a palace guard.

When the Eight-Nation Alliance captured Beijing, Geng Chunan escorted Cixi and the Guangxu Emperor to Xi'an to avoid disaster, and because of his meritorious escort, he was given the "Tiger's Head double hook".

Coming from such a family, Geng Biao also practiced martial arts, and his weapons could be described as proficient.

People have bad luck and bad luck, the moon has clouds and sunshine, the Geng family quickly fell with the fall of the Qing Dynasty, and Geng Biao, who was 7 with him, had to flee with his parents, even though he had a martial art, he had nowhere to show it, until he met the party organization.

In 1925, Geng Biao, who participated in the workers' struggle, gloriously joined the Chinese Communist Youth League, and thereafter actively carried out guerrilla struggle, and served as the leader of the Liu (Yang) and Li (Ling) guerrilla groups, actively carrying out guerrilla struggle and cooperating with the main Red Army.

In September 1930, Comrade Geng Biao was instructed by the Party to lead a guerrilla group to join the Red Army, and successively served as a staff officer of the 9th Division of the 3rd Army of the Red 1st Army, the leader of the division cadre teaching team, and the chief of the combat education section. After that, he served as the commander of the 4th Regiment of the 2nd Division of the 1st Red Army.

During the Long March, the 4th Regiment of the 2nd Division of the Red 1st Army has always served as a difficult pioneer task, which can be described as opening mountains and mountains, breaking waters, encountering enemy troops, and no matter what, they must kill a bloody road.

In the Battle of Xiangxi on the way of the Long March, the officers and men of the Red Fourth Regiment sacrificed their lives and forgot their deaths, dared to fight and dare to charge, and repeatedly repelled the enemy's attacks.

After the Liberation War began, Geng Biao returned to the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region and served as chief of staff of the Jin-Cha-Ji Field Army, successively participating in the organization of the Zhengtai Campaign, the Qingcang Campaign, and the Baobei Campaign, and even more in the strategic offensive stage, participating in the command of the famous Qingfengdian Campaign and the Shijiazhuang Campaign.

In May 1948, he was appointed deputy commander and chief of staff of the 2nd Corps of the North China Military Region, leading the troops to participate in the Pingjin Campaign, the Taiyuan Campaign, and the Ningxia Campaign, making important contributions to the victory of the National Liberation War.

After that, Geng Biao, who served as the deputy commander of the 19th Corps of Ichino, was recruited and sent to Sweden as ambassador to Sweden.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >11, Yuan Zhongxian</h1>

In 1950, China's first batch of diplomatic ambassadors, nearly 80% of the "general ambassadors", before taking office, He Yi, Wang Jiaxiang II, Huang Zhensan, Peng MingzhiSI, Tan Xilin V, Wang Youping VI, Cao Xiangren VII, Ji Pengfei VIII, Ni Zhiliang JIU, Luo Guibo X, Geng Biao X11, Yuan Zhongxian XII, and Han Nianlong

Yuan Zhongxian

In 1904, Yuan Zhongxian was born in Changsha, Hunan Province, a small pottery factory owner family, originally the ancestors were not rich, Yuan Zhongxian's father continued to improve himself, began to buy land, open a factory, and accumulated some wealth.

In 1915, Yuan Zhongxian, who was the first highest in Changsha, met Xiao Jinguang, a major general of new China, and was admitted to the First United County Middle School in Hunan Province, and met Ren Bishi, one of the "Five Secretaries".

In 1921, Yuan Zhongxian, who was admitted to the First Type A Industrial School in Hunan Province in the name of his brother, met Chairman Mao through Guo Liang's introduction, and under their introduction, entered the organization and began the revolution.

After the first cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, Yuan Zhongxian was admitted to the Whampoa Military Academy with excellent results and became a first-term student of Huangpu, and became a classmate of Zuo Quan and Chen Geng.

After the Zhongshan incident, Yuan Zhongxian resolutely withdrew from the Kuomintang and insisted on defending his loyalty to the organization.

After that, Yuan Zhongxian joined the Twentieth Army led by He Long and served as the chief of staff of the 6th Regiment, and followed He Long to participate in the Nanchang Uprising, after which Yuan Zhongxian served as the chief of staff of the 3rd Division of the newly organized 20th Army and a member of the Party Committee of the 3rd Division.

During the Long March, Yuan Zhongxian insisted on carrying out the party's underground activities in Hunan, actively developed the party's organization, and served as the secretary of the Xiangjiang Special Committee.

In the counter-offensive stage of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, in order to strengthen the anti-Japanese struggle in the Jiaodong region, the central authorities decided that the Jiaodong District Party Committee and the Central Military Commission, Xu Shiyou as the commander of the military region, and Yuan Zhongxian as the chief of staff of the military region.

During the Liberation War, Yuan Zhongxian served as the political commissar of the Eighth Corps of the Third Field Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, the acting chief of staff of the Third Field Army and the East China Military Region, and participated in the battles of Huaihai and Crossing the River.

On the eve of the Battle of the Crossing River, the British Navy openly provoked, and after the Purple Quartz ran aground, it sent three warships to support it, and at this time Yuan Zhongxian was the commander of the Zhenjiang Front, and was fully responsible for mediating with the British and handling the Purple Quartz incident.

In the negotiations of the British, Yuan Zhongxian behaved in a humble, courteous and courteous manner, and fully demonstrated his excellent diplomatic ability, and it was also because of this that after the founding of New China, Yuan Zhongxian was transferred from the political commissar of the Three Wilds and Eight Corps to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and became the first diplomatic ambassador to India.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > XII</h1>

In 1950, China's first batch of diplomatic ambassadors, nearly 80% of the "general ambassadors", before taking office, He Yi, Wang Jiaxiang II, Huang Zhensan, Peng MingzhiSI, Tan Xilin V, Wang Youping VI, Cao Xiangren VII, Ji Pengfei VIII, Ni Zhiliang JIU, Luo Guibo X, Geng Biao X11, Yuan Zhongxian XII, and Han Nianlong

Han Nianlong

In 1910, Han Nianlong was born in Huairen, Guizhou, because of his family's relatively good fortune, he began to receive education at a very young age, and after graduating from Zunyi No. 3 Middle School, he originally wanted to think of Beijing or Shanghai, which opened his eyes.

However, the Guizhou warlord Zhou Xicheng was narrow-minded and did not want Guizhou's talent drain, so he introduced a high-pressure policy of not allowing Qian students to go out to study.

In order to avoid the search, Han Nianlong carried 200 pieces of ocean, walked to Chongqing, then took a boat to Nanjing, and finally arrived in Shanghai by train, and finally became a student of Chinese public schools and achieved his wish to study.

The founder of the Chinese public school, Ma Junwu, a celebrity from Guangxi, and Han Nianlong, who focused on the U.S. economy during his school years, hoped to save the barren country through his studies. This experience also laid a solid foundation for his later diplomatic career.

In 1935, Han Nianlong joined the Communist Party of China and joined the anti-Japanese guerrillas on Chongming Island in Shanghai.

After several storms, by the end of the Anti-Japanese War, Han Nianlong had become the director of the political department of the third column of the New Fourth Army's Jiangsu-Zhejiang Military Region, and later served as the director of the political department of the eighth column of the Central China Field Army and the director of the political department of the fourth column of the Huaye.

When the 33rd Army was founded, he was appointed political commissar of the 33rd Army, becoming a general under Chen Yi who could fight a good war. After the founding of New China, Han Nianlong concurrently served as the deputy political commissar of the Shanghai Garrison District.

In 1950, when the Korean War broke out, Han Nianlong was appointed as the head of the Volunteer Army Prisoner of War Regiment, responsible for the management of prisoners of war, and then the newly established Ministry of Foreign Affairs was in urgent need of talents, and Han Nianlong became a conscripted target.

When a paper was transferred to him, he still wanted to stay in the army, after all, he was a soldier, and in the end he chose to obey the order, obey the command, and become the first ambassador to Pakistan.

In 1950, China's first batch of diplomatic ambassadors, nearly 80% of the "general ambassadors", before taking office, He Yi, Wang Jiaxiang II, Huang Zhensan, Peng MingzhiSI, Tan Xilin V, Wang Youping VI, Cao Xiangren VII, Ji Pengfei VIII, Ni Zhiliang JIU, Luo Guibo X, Geng Biao X11, Yuan Zhongxian XII, and Han Nianlong

foreign ministry

After the founding of New China, the newly established Ministry of Foreign Affairs urgently needed talents. When considering the issue of the selection of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chairman Mao said: "The Platon Army has trained a large number of cadres and is a place where cadres are produced. ”

Under chairman Mao's instructions, the Central Committee decided to select a number of outstanding cadres within the Platon To work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Premier Zhou, who was in charge of diplomatic work at the time, after consideration, selected a group of young military cadres to enter the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, so these diplomats became out-and-out "general ambassadors."

Soldiers, who regard obedience to orders as their duty and their duty to defend their homeland, abandon their own aspirations and make firm choices without complaint or regret when the motherland needs them.

Even when they stand on the front line of New China's diplomacy that they are not familiar with, facing the challenges of new posts and facing new missions, they are still like soldiers charging and fighting on the battlefield, fearless and brave.

Text/Xuan Xi XIII