
Biologists say that chickens and Tyrannosaurus rex are closely related, what is the relationship between the two? It is actually the same root and the same origin

author:The world of popular science

Science magazine published a paper on T. rex 11 years ago, geneticist John Asara reported in the article that in the femur of T. rex found 7 protein remnants and domestic chickens are very similar, but have little to do with modern reptiles, which suggests that T. rex is more suitable for modern birds such as chickens in the same evolutionary branch, and soon after, biologists found that the evolutionary branch of T. rex is between crocodiles and birds, which looks as if birds such as chickens, ducks, geese and other birds as we know are evolved from T. rex. Is this really the case?

Biologists say that chickens and Tyrannosaurus rex are closely related, what is the relationship between the two? It is actually the same root and the same origin

In fact, no, biologists just want to show that the dinosaurs and birds represented by T. rex are relatively similar in evolutionary branches, in fact, there is no direct inheritance relationship between the two, and the idea that birds such as chickens are descendants of T. rex is a misreading.

Biologists say that chickens and Tyrannosaurus rex are closely related, what is the relationship between the two? It is actually the same root and the same origin

We all know that dinosaurs have been extinct in a natural disaster 65 million years ago, but in fact, dinosaurs have not been extinct, or not completely extinct, more and more evidence shows that the birds are now descendants of ancient dinosaurs, such as the chickens we raise, their distant ancestors are actually theropod dinosaurs, the emergence of such dinosaurs is actually earlier than the Tyrannosaurus rex, they evolved to 65 million years ago When most of the dinosaur families became extinct, there have been many theropods that evolved wings and could fly. At this time, some theropods have actually become birds, so birds have appeared before the extinction of the dinosaurs.

Biologists say that chickens and Tyrannosaurus rex are closely related, what is the relationship between the two? It is actually the same root and the same origin

But T. rex lived until the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, and in that huge natural disaster, the T. rex completely disappeared, then the evolution of the T. rex was terminated, and the chicken was a bird, and its ancestors could only be theropod dinosaurs, not T. rex.

Biologists say that chickens and Tyrannosaurus rex are closely related, what is the relationship between the two? It is actually the same root and the same origin

Theropod dinosaurs appeared earlier than Tyrannosaurus rex, in fact, Tyrannosaurus rex is also a branch of the evolution of theropod dinosaurs, and birds belong to another branch. In terms of biological classification, Tyrannosaurus rex belongs to the sauropod → diplodoorum→ sauropods→ theropod suborder → tyrannosaur family→ tyrannosaur subfamily→ → tyrannosaurs → rex tyrannosaurs; and domestic chickens belong to the ornithischia → → chickaceae→ pheasant family→ pheasant family→ the original chicken genus→ red protofowl → chicken. Due to the difference in time, the two have been greatly different in taxonomy, and the earliest birds also belong to the theropod suborder, so both birds and Tyrannosaurus rex originated from theropod dinosaurs, each of which is a branch of this dinosaur, and there is no direct inheritance relationship.

Biologists say that chickens and Tyrannosaurus rex are closely related, what is the relationship between the two? It is actually the same root and the same origin
Biologists say that chickens and Tyrannosaurus rex are closely related, what is the relationship between the two? It is actually the same root and the same origin

It's as if primates evolved into several branches, we humans and gorillas belong to the primates, but we can't say that humans originated from gorillas, humans and gorillas are just different branches of the evolutionary development of the lineage after the emergence of primates.

Biologists say that chickens and Tyrannosaurus rex are closely related, what is the relationship between the two? It is actually the same root and the same origin

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