
Gem gem responds to the infringement of "Wolf Disco", posting evidence and trying to prove innocence

author:Cat's Eye Entertainment

On February 3, Gem Gem posted a feed on social media platforms and uploaded a live video to respond positively to Finnish music producer Vilho ihaksi's allegations of infringement of "Wolf Disco", posting evidence to prove his innocence.

Gem gem responds to the infringement of "Wolf Disco", posting evidence and trying to prove innocence

He first posted the track file in his computer and the accompaniment of the unhydrographic version, and mainly emphasized the problem that the file could not be obtained without payment, and we could clearly see that these things were present in his computer.

Gem gem responds to the infringement of "Wolf Disco", posting evidence and trying to prove innocence

He then posted a purchase record for the arrangement, which cost a total of 99 knives, which is an unlimited version, even if it is used for commercial performances, it is completely no problem, so until now, the use of gem gems for arrangements is still within the normal range.

Gem gem responds to the infringement of "Wolf Disco", posting evidence and trying to prove innocence

And when Gem gem performed commercially, his songs were also marked with ihaksi in the arrangement.

Gem gem responds to the infringement of "Wolf Disco", posting evidence and trying to prove innocence

At the same time, he also opened the song introduction of qq music, and we can clearly see that the arrangement part is still signed by ihaksi.

Gem gem responds to the infringement of "Wolf Disco", posting evidence and trying to prove innocence

Gem gem also sent out chat records that he had actively contacted the author, hoping to buy the exclusive copyright of this accompaniment, but the original author responded that he was not interested in selling the exclusive accompaniment and recommended the use of unlimited rent.

Gem gem responds to the infringement of "Wolf Disco", posting evidence and trying to prove innocence
Gem gem responds to the infringement of "Wolf Disco", posting evidence and trying to prove innocence

The original author then sold the copyright to the song for $5,000 to a Taiwanese, who is said to have contacted Gem gem, saying that he wanted to collaborate on a Minnan version of the song, and he would have a large share of the funds, and the evidence would be uploaded later.

Gem gem responds to the infringement of "Wolf Disco", posting evidence and trying to prove innocence

After the matter was hotly searched, gem gem's agent posted a chat record, saying that the other party Mr. Chen had obtained the copyright of the accompaniment, and the two parties had already begun to negotiate cooperation, and gem gem had not responded to this matter because it did not want to occupy public resources.

Gem gem responds to the infringement of "Wolf Disco", posting evidence and trying to prove innocence

(Image from the Internet)

As early as January 10, the original author sent a video accusing gems of infringement, and sent a lawyer's letter to gem gems on January 15.

Gem gem responds to the infringement of "Wolf Disco", posting evidence and trying to prove innocence

Gem gem did not respond, and also performed an adapted version of "New Year Disco" at the Spring Festival Gala, and donated all the copyright proceeds of "Wild Wolf Disco".

Gem gem responds to the infringement of "Wolf Disco", posting evidence and trying to prove innocence

The outcome of this infringement war depends on the subsequent development.