
Ma Chun: Pure and elegant, as far as the painting says

author:Shenyang Daily

"The person who paints must look at the work and let the work speak" - Ma Chun

The Internet can be said to be a tool that we must not leave in our work and life at present, and when we encounter people and things that we do not know very well, our habits are often to check on the Internet. This time, we wanted to know about Mr. Ma Chun, who was over the age of a painter, but we found nothing on the Internet.

On May 29, 2016, through the introduction of Wu Xiuhui, president of the Shenyang Hall of Fame Calligraphy and Painting Institute, we waited for Mr. Ma Chun at the Hall of Fame Calligraphy and Painting Institute, who did not bring a computer or a mobile phone, but only his paintings, one by one, spread out, and we took pictures...

Ma Chun: Pure and elegant, as far as the painting says
Ma Chun: Pure and elegant, as far as the painting says

▲Ma Chun's works

As the topic of exchange unfolded, we learned that Ma Chun, who was born in Shenyang in 1953, met Mr. Zhu Pucun, a famous artist of Gongbi flowers and birds, in 1973, and Zhu Pucun studied under Chen Zhifo, the grandmaster of the Chinese Gongbi generation. Yan Shaoxiang, Zhu Pucun, Shen Yanyi and Yang Renkai are in the industry and call them the "Four Elders of Calligraphy and Painting". Since 1973, Ma Chun and Mr. Zhu Pucun studied the creation of flowers and birds in gongbi until Mr. Zhu's death.

Ma Chun: Pure and elegant, as far as the painting says

▲In the early autumn of 2009, Ma Chun took a group photo with Zhu Pucun (right).

"Whoever paints has to look at the work. Now there are many albums on the market, and I often look at them, and through the albums, I can see what a person is painting, and I can also see the trend of the genre in this field. I'm also preparing a picture book, and I'm also thinking about what title my picture book uses, and I'm going to call it —let the painting speak, use such a theme. I think I have at least one more year to paint the works that were selected for the album. Ma Chun said.

"Every painter has his own style, everyone's experience is different, and finally forms their own style, and the style is a person's personality, a kind of tempering for a long time." Style is the character of people, to put it bluntly, is people's understanding of beauty. ”

"I loved to draw when I was a kid, and the paintings I drew in the first grade of elementary school were shown by the teacher in the art class of the sixth grade. Since the first grade, the teacher has asked me to participate in the drawing board newspaper, which is a great encouragement to me. When I was in my 10s, I began to copy ancient paintings, preferring the flowers and birds of the Song people. I feel that in addition to the delicacy of the Song people's flowers and birds, there is also a kind of dashing, a kind of freehand, and a kind of feeling. ”

"In 1973, I happened to meet Mr. Zhu Pucun in the painting club run by Sandongqiao Commune on Huashan Road in Huanggu District at that time, and Mr. Zhu was 60 years old at the time, and from then on I began the process of studying calligraphy and painting with Teacher Zhu."

"We all learn about art and then we don't know enough. After learning and then knowing enough, Teacher Zhu Pucun wrote me this sentence, I framed at home, often look at. Learning is always learning, endlessly. The same goes for painting, which is explored every day. Lack of knowledge is to study deeply, of course, but also to see the understanding. ”

Ma Chun: Pure and elegant, as far as the painting says

▲ Zhu Pucun inscription - learning and then knowing insufficient

Ma Chun: Pure and elegant, as far as the painting says
Ma Chun: Pure and elegant, as far as the painting says

"One day in 2014, I brought my own sketches, which can have more than 100 paintings, and asked Mr. Zhu Pucun to see them. Unfortunately, he had a cold, and I wasn't going to bother him anymore. He sat there and said look, look, I opened the paintings one by one, he took a cane, looked very carefully, which place is well drawn, which place has a problem, which place has an extra leaf... He pointed it out. ”

Ma Chun: Pure and elegant, as far as the painting says

▲ The 99-year-old Zhu Pu existed to comment on Ma Chun's works

"Teacher Zhu Pucun is always encouraging, he never hurts your self-esteem, respects you very much, always affirms the advantages first, and then proposes which places should be improved and better." Praise can make people progress, and everyone has strengths, depending on how you find them. Teacher Zhu is kind and kind, and I feel that the process of learning to paint is also learning to be a person. ”

"I think the key to a painting is composition, composition is the first step, line is the second step, and then color. Teacher Zhu Pucun said that the essence of Chinese painting is one word - Ya. If you paint China with elegant taste, it is a good painting. ”

"Therefore, the first thing my painting pays attention to is composition, the picture can not be more flowers and leaves, nor can it be less, the inscription, the use of the seal, the position, how much, but also strictly considered."

"There is also the fact that paintings should have ancient meanings, and innovation is the opposite of ancient meanings." Between ancient meaning and innovation, seven is ancient and three is new, hoping to achieve both foundation, thought, and sense of the times. ”

"A painting must make people look very beautiful. Art puts beauty in front, then this painting must be beautiful, I am a painter's brush, I pursue the aesthetic - elegant, fresh, natural. ”

"Why talk about nature? The source of all works is in nature, and it is inexhaustible. A small piece of grass, you use your feelings to express, it may be a fine product. ”

"If you want to paint well, you have to give up a lot of things. Doing things like painting is a point, a line, and a little bit of accumulation. I am passionate, but when I paint I can calm down, and a painting is a day. Tiredness is certain, and the experience of painting is fun. ”

Ma Chun: Pure and elegant, as far as the painting says
Ma Chun: Pure and elegant, as far as the painting says

"Copying ancient paintings is best to use two methods, first of all, like, exactly the same, like, indicating that you have mastered the skills of the ancients, copying the second time, you have to use your creativity to paint, after mastering the skills, plus your own creativity to copy, the combination of the two, I think is the best." From copying to sketching, to creation, the Trinity, people with ideas, are not dead, will come out. ”

"I think that if the work has vitality, it should also be sketching, sketching is not reproducible, your feelings and emotions are in it." When Kang Youwei commented on the painting, he once said: Sketching into the gods. This kind of creation can be said to be a real art, the unity of heaven and man. ”

"Then there is appreciation, identification and appreciation, and continuous improvement." Appreciation is very critical, for example, Xu Beihong, not talking about how he paints, but saying that he can appreciate ancient and modern Chinese and foreign works, Zhang Daqian is a pen to go to the world. ”

Ma Chun: Pure and elegant, as far as the painting says
Ma Chun: Pure and elegant, as far as the painting says
Ma Chun: Pure and elegant, as far as the painting says
Ma Chun: Pure and elegant, as far as the painting says

▲ "My calligraphy is learned from Yan Zhenqing, the charm of calligraphy, there are bones and flesh, the key is pen and ink, how to use pen and ink, I pay great attention to the pen and ink of calligraphy and painting." ”

Ma Chun: Pure and elegant, as far as the painting says

▲Calligraphy creation

"Gong pen painting with pastel, the color is getting lighter and lighter, this will be a trend for me, to what extent, basically use a color, seemingly single, actually elegant, Chinese painting with ink can be painted, the so-called ink is divided into five colors."

Ma Chun: Pure and elegant, as far as the painting says

"I feel that the color of my painting will become more and more simple, more and more light, but there must be color, there must be pen and ink, on the basis of ink, with a light color, this color, will be the color of feelings, the picture needs to express what feelings, I will use what color tone, fully use a single color to express, this will be my future pursuit." 」

Ma Chun: Pure and elegant, as far as the painting says
Ma Chun: Pure and elegant, as far as the painting says
Ma Chun: Pure and elegant, as far as the painting says

Shenyang Daily reporter Zhao Wei wang Xiaohui

New Media Editor Yaqi

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