
Pork is too expensive to eat, these 6 kinds of chicken methods on the table to eat out, every day does not weigh three cups of chicken white cut chicken large plate chicken tiger skin pepper stuffed chicken breast steamed chicken leg broiler chicken meatballs

author:Foraging in the market
Pork is too expensive to eat, these 6 kinds of chicken methods on the table to eat out, every day does not weigh three cups of chicken white cut chicken large plate chicken tiger skin pepper stuffed chicken breast steamed chicken leg broiler chicken meatballs

After a misty autumn rain, the temperature drops sharply, and morning and evening can already feel the slightest coolness. But the price of pork is very hot, almost a price a day, never thought that the price of pork can rise to 30 yuan, really some can not afford to eat. Fortunately, there are a lot of meat that can replace pork, the price has not risen too much, chicken has recently been a regular customer on my family table, chicken meat is tender, delicious, high protein content, low fat content, and delicious cooking methods more, on nutritional value and taste, not worse than "expensive" pork, today to share 6 kinds of chicken methods, eat all on the table, every day is not the same.

Pork is too expensive to eat, these 6 kinds of chicken methods on the table to eat out, every day does not weigh three cups of chicken white cut chicken large plate chicken tiger skin pepper stuffed chicken breast steamed chicken leg broiler chicken meatballs

Ingredients required: chicken wings, rice wine, soy sauce, sesame oil, pork fat, sugar, salt, soy sauce, shallots, ginger, garlic.

1, the thinly sliced fat pork in the pan to refine the lard, simmer the oil slowly over low heat, directly with lard can also be, about a spoonful and a half of the amount.

2: Stir-fry the shallots, ginger and garlic in lard. Wash and drain the chicken wings and fry them in a pan until golden brown on both sides.

Pork is too expensive to eat, these 6 kinds of chicken methods on the table to eat out, every day does not weigh three cups of chicken white cut chicken large plate chicken tiger skin pepper stuffed chicken breast steamed chicken leg broiler chicken meatballs

3, chicken wings on both sides of the golden brown, in turn the cup of raw soy sauce, rice wine, sesame oil poured, light soy sauce is about 3 spoons, rice wine 5 spoons, sesame oil 1 spoon look, stir-fry, let the ingredients fully melt. Add 1 scoop of sugar, 1 scoop of soy sauce, salt to taste.

4: Pour all the chicken wings and soup into the casserole, add the right amount of water to submerge the chicken wings, cover the pot and simmer for 45 minutes on medium-low heat.

Pork is too expensive to eat, these 6 kinds of chicken methods on the table to eat out, every day does not weigh three cups of chicken white cut chicken large plate chicken tiger skin pepper stuffed chicken breast steamed chicken leg broiler chicken meatballs
Pork is too expensive to eat, these 6 kinds of chicken methods on the table to eat out, every day does not weigh three cups of chicken white cut chicken large plate chicken tiger skin pepper stuffed chicken breast steamed chicken leg broiler chicken meatballs

Ingredients required: three yellow chicken, ginger, chives, rice wine, salt, peanut oil, soy sauce

1, the choice of white cut chicken ingredients is naturally the most important, first of all, you have to ensure that it is a whole fresh chicken, can not use frozen refrigerated chicken, I do not recommend using half of it. Prepare the ginger and chives to taste.

2, find a large and deep pot, can easily drown the whole chicken is better, fill with water, add three spoons of salt, three spoons of rice wine, ginger slices and chives, bring to a boil over high heat. In the process of boiling water, the chicken feet are stuffed into the chicken belly and the abdominal cavity is propped up to facilitate the operation of the meeting.

3, after boiling water for 5 minutes, turn the low heat to make the water bubble, and then start "hanging water", hold the chicken head in your hand, put the whole chicken body in the pot, swim in the water, the time is about 10 seconds, and then lift up and drain the water for 30 seconds, so repeat 3 times, the skin of the chicken is basically cooked.

Pork is too expensive to eat, these 6 kinds of chicken methods on the table to eat out, every day does not weigh three cups of chicken white cut chicken large plate chicken tiger skin pepper stuffed chicken breast steamed chicken leg broiler chicken meatballs

4, soak, turn the heat to the minimum heat, immerse the whole chicken in water, do not cover the pot lid, keep the water temperature not boiling, according to the size of the chicken, soak for 25-35 minutes.

5, over the ice water, quickly stimulate the chicken hot and cold, will make the outer skin completely tight, the taste is crisp q bomb, the chicken will become tight. Soak in ice water for 5-8 minutes. Fish out the chicken and chop it, first remove the chicken legs, then the wings, the neck of the chicken, and finally the chicken body in half, cut into even pieces of chicken.

Pork is too expensive to eat, these 6 kinds of chicken methods on the table to eat out, every day does not weigh three cups of chicken white cut chicken large plate chicken tiger skin pepper stuffed chicken breast steamed chicken leg broiler chicken meatballs
Pork is too expensive to eat, these 6 kinds of chicken methods on the table to eat out, every day does not weigh three cups of chicken white cut chicken large plate chicken tiger skin pepper stuffed chicken breast steamed chicken leg broiler chicken meatballs

Ingredients required: native chicken, large potatoes, green peppers, beer, onions, garlic, sugar, Pixian bean paste, green onion, ginger, dried chili peppers, star anise, peppercorns, fragrant leaves, cinnamon.

1: Cut the chicken into large pieces, soak in water to remove part of the blood water, peel the potatoes and cut the hob pieces in cold water for later, slice the onion, ginger and garlic, onion, green and red pepper hob pieces.

2, after the chicken nuggets have been cleaned, boil water on the fire, add peppercorns, cooking wine, ginger slices, after the water is boiled, put the chicken nuggets into the boiling water, the chicken nuggets can be fished out of the cold water rinse.

3, potatoes boiled to seven ripe, if not too troublesome, you can also use oil to fry better, cut into hob pieces for later.

Pork is too expensive to eat, these 6 kinds of chicken methods on the table to eat out, every day does not weigh three cups of chicken white cut chicken large plate chicken tiger skin pepper stuffed chicken breast steamed chicken leg broiler chicken meatballs

4, put in more than a dozen rock sugar to fry sugar color, when the soup color becomes red and bubbling, put the blanched chicken into the pot to quickly stir-fry, after staining with sugar, add two large spoons of Pixian bean paste with oil and fry for a while, then continue to stir-fry the chicken. Add garlic, green onion, ginger, dried chili pepper, star anise, peppercorns (you can also use peppers), fragrant leaves, cinnamon and continue to stir-fry for a while.

5: Add a whole bottle of 500 ml beer, add 2 spoons of soy sauce, pour in potatoes, cover the pot, start the chicken stew over medium heat, simmer for about 30 minutes, add green and red peppers, onions, salt, stir-fry over high heat to collect the juice out of the pot and plate.

Pork is too expensive to eat, these 6 kinds of chicken methods on the table to eat out, every day does not weigh three cups of chicken white cut chicken large plate chicken tiger skin pepper stuffed chicken breast steamed chicken leg broiler chicken meatballs
Pork is too expensive to eat, these 6 kinds of chicken methods on the table to eat out, every day does not weigh three cups of chicken white cut chicken large plate chicken tiger skin pepper stuffed chicken breast steamed chicken leg broiler chicken meatballs

Ingredients required: chili pepper, chicken breast, egg, shallot, ginger, garlic, salt, sugar, cooking wine, pepper to taste

1: Remove the seeds from the pepper and rinse with water. Cut the chili into short and evenly sliced pieces, grated chicken breast, chopped onion, ginger and garlic, put it in a bowl with the chicken, beat the eggs, add the right amount of salt, sugar, cooking wine, pepper and stir well, marinate for 10 minutes.

2: Stuff the marinated chicken into the chili chunks, and after filling, dip the dried starch in the exposed places at both ends of the chili peppers. Prepare a bowl of sauce: 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon each of oyster sauce and sesame oil, a small amount of MSG, add half a bowl of water, stir well and set aside.

Pork is too expensive to eat, these 6 kinds of chicken methods on the table to eat out, every day does not weigh three cups of chicken white cut chicken large plate chicken tiger skin pepper stuffed chicken breast steamed chicken leg broiler chicken meatballs

3: Heat the oil in a wok to 80% heat and pour the chili peppers into the pan. Fry the meat at both ends until slightly browned, then fry the rest of the chili pepper until it is wrinkled.

4: Pour in the sauce, stir evenly, cover the pot and simmer until the juice is lathered, turn off the heat and get out of the pot.

Pork is too expensive to eat, these 6 kinds of chicken methods on the table to eat out, every day does not weigh three cups of chicken white cut chicken large plate chicken tiger skin pepper stuffed chicken breast steamed chicken leg broiler chicken meatballs
Pork is too expensive to eat, these 6 kinds of chicken methods on the table to eat out, every day does not weigh three cups of chicken white cut chicken large plate chicken tiger skin pepper stuffed chicken breast steamed chicken leg broiler chicken meatballs

Ingredients required: chicken thigh, shallot, garlic, ginger, millet pepper, cooking wine, old dried tempeh chili oil, soy sauce, white pepper 1 spice spoon, monosodium glutamate, sugar, salt to taste.

1, after washing the chicken thigh meat, chop into small pieces, rinse the blood water for later; cut the shallots into sections, ginger and garlic into mushrooms for later, like to bring some spicy flavor, you can chop up a millet pepper and set aside.

2, chicken blanched water, add three spoons of cooking wine to the water, the chicken nuggets under the cold water pot, after the water boiled, the chicken discoloration after fishing out the water control for later.

Pork is too expensive to eat, these 6 kinds of chicken methods on the table to eat out, every day does not weigh three cups of chicken white cut chicken large plate chicken tiger skin pepper stuffed chicken breast steamed chicken leg broiler chicken meatballs

3: Blanch the chicken in a bowl, add 1 spoonful of old dry mom tempeh chili sauce, 2 spoons of soy sauce, a small amount of pepper, monosodium glutamate, sugar seasoning, and then add the right amount of salt according to personal taste, grasp well and marinate for 20 minutes.

4: Put the marinated chicken thighs into an open dish, add enough water to the steamer, and steam for 20 minutes in a large pot

Pork is too expensive to eat, these 6 kinds of chicken methods on the table to eat out, every day does not weigh three cups of chicken white cut chicken large plate chicken tiger skin pepper stuffed chicken breast steamed chicken leg broiler chicken meatballs
Pork is too expensive to eat, these 6 kinds of chicken methods on the table to eat out, every day does not weigh three cups of chicken white cut chicken large plate chicken tiger skin pepper stuffed chicken breast steamed chicken leg broiler chicken meatballs

Ingredients required: chicken breast, cucumber, green onion, ginger, glutinous rice flour, cooking wine, five-spice powder, pepper, chicken essence, salt.

1, after the chicken breast is processed clean, cut into small pieces and added to the wall breaker, according to the amount of chicken, put in the appropriate amount of spring onion and ginger slices, and crush the ingredients into a puree.

2: Cut the cucumber into small cubes, marinate it slightly with salt to kill the water, add 2 spoonfuls of glutinous rice flour, a spoonful of spice powder and pepper, add the appropriate amount of salt and chicken essence, and 2 spoons of cooking wine to set aside.

3: Pour the stirred chicken puree into a bowl, mix it with the prepared seasoning, and use chopsticks to stir in one direction for 3 minutes.

Pork is too expensive to eat, these 6 kinds of chicken methods on the table to eat out, every day does not weigh three cups of chicken white cut chicken large plate chicken tiger skin pepper stuffed chicken breast steamed chicken leg broiler chicken meatballs

4: Boil water in a pot, use tiger mouth to knead the chicken puree into a ball shape, after the water boils, pinch into the pot in turn. Keep the water in the pot on medium heat, and when the chicken meatballs are boiled until they float, the balls are basically cooked.

5, the cooked balls into cold water to cool, to further enhance the taste of the tendons, after complete cooling, you can fish out the water control and eat.

Pork is too expensive to eat, these 6 kinds of chicken methods on the table to eat out, every day does not weigh three cups of chicken white cut chicken large plate chicken tiger skin pepper stuffed chicken breast steamed chicken leg broiler chicken meatballs

Cooking skills are limited, just for reference, eat fun, tomorrow will update the other six recipes of chicken: spicy chicken diced, kung pao chicken, spicy chicken shredded, rice wine chicken nuggets, yellow braised chicken, hibiscus chicken slices.

Original graphics, plagiarism must be investigated! I am a foraging record of the city, and I have been fighting with the world for many years, and I am still glorious and full of interest! Like to focus on eating, drinking, and having fun, updating recipes and food anecdotes every day, following me, and sharing the world with you.