
He admired Bruce Lee Kung Fu and confessed that Donnie Yen Kung Fu was very good!

author:Fighting videos

Shi Tianlong can be said to be the ultimate fan of Bruce Lee! He imitated Bruce Lee a lot and once played Bruce Lee! Shi Tianlong has real kung fu, and people who have watched his videos know that his double-click stick is very good, and there are very thick calluses on his hands, which are left behind by years of practicing kung fu, a real martial artist.

He admired Bruce Lee Kung Fu and confessed that Donnie Yen Kung Fu was very good!

Shi Tianlong's outstanding achievements in martial arts and film and television acting, as well as his divine martial arts similar to Bruce Lee's, have been recognized by the martial arts and performing arts circles as "contemporary Bruce Lee", "young martial arts fighter", "Chinese contemporary boxing master", "kung fu strength entertainer" and so on.

He admired Bruce Lee Kung Fu and confessed that Donnie Yen Kung Fu was very good!

In the past, when Zhen Zidan was interviewed, he said that Bruce Lee's kung fu was not good, many people could beat Bruce Lee, let Zhen Zidan fire a little, of course, also let many dragon fan friends, fiercely despised a bit, thinking that Zhen Zidan and Bruce Lee are not a grade at all, there is no qualification at all.

He admired Bruce Lee Kung Fu and confessed that Donnie Yen Kung Fu was very good!

Shi Tianlong should be said to be a most loyal dragon fan, is the earliest establishment of domestic boxing training and learning institutions, imitation of learning Bruce Lee's kung fu, filmed movies, I heard that it is also real fighting, but the movies he made, generally not hot, nothing everyone can see, give people a different feeling, anyway feel very awkward.

He admired Bruce Lee Kung Fu and confessed that Donnie Yen Kung Fu was very good!

Now the filming industry is so hot, there are countless action movies, there are not many who really know kung fu, as a martial artist, people like Shi Tianlong are really a minority, and they are really people who love martial arts.

Pay attention to Chinese fighting, kung fu fighting video, add [Kung Fu 521] WeChat public number: gf521ko

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