
Years of Sorghum Red Year Cultural Festival Text/Wang Blonde

author:Yi Xue Hongbo

Red Sorghum was originally from Mo Yan's "Red Sorghum Family", and now it has changed from "Nine Nine Green Killing Mouth", and finally fixed on the name of "Red Sorghum", which has become the pride and pride of Gaomi people. So much so that now when traveling 9.6 million square kilometers of land in China, once you raise the word "secret", the people there will give us a thumbs up and praise us. Let our hearts immediately think of Mo Yan's brother, think of red sorghum, like I was in Xi'an in November 2015, in a small park by the Great Wall with an elderly man, asked where we came from, I said it was Gao Mi, the old man immediately raised his eyebrows and danced, exported a sentence "Red Sorghum", Mo Yan great writer, the first person in China's Nobel Prize. It's just too familiar. He also said, "You have made a mistake in your high secrets, and you can't help it." I heard that the "Red Sorghum" movie was directed by him, he and Mo Yan adapted and cooperated, we Gaomi and Xi'an have a relationship, after saying that the old man is full of smiles like chrysanthemums. The old man was very happy, and then hummed a few interludes from "Red Sorghum", "Sister, you boldly go forward, go forward, don't look back...". Then, laugh and lean forward and back to join in a musical. We gathered to go back to the hotel, the old man and our 10 donkey friends, one by one to shake hands, I have a feeling, the old man shook hands with great strength. From this, I feel not only the strength of the handshake, but more importantly, the power of "Red Sorghum", but also the love affair between Mo Yan and Director Zhang Yimou, which closely links Gaomi and Xi'an, especially winning China's first Nobel Prize, achieving a breakthrough of zero, this commemoration is of great significance, gratifying and congratulatory, and it is worth entering the merit book of Chinese history.

The birth of "Red Sorghum" has changed the history of China's Nobel Prize, and also changed Gaomi's yesterday, opening a new page, bringing vigor and vitality to Gaomi, from the field to the countryside to the city. Can the people be unhappy and happy when planting sorghum, singing sorghum songs, performing sorghum plays, telling sorghum stories, dancing red sorghum dances, drinking sorghum wine, eating sorghum sugar, holding sorghum cultural festivals, establishing a red sorghum development group, building red high density, and painting big high density with heavy colors and heavy strokes?

Year after year, the annual "Red Sorghum" cultural festival held by our Gaomi people has opened again, how solemn and beautiful and colorful. This year, everyone knows that the epidemic is raging and the people are all at risk. However, at this unusual moment, the feast of the "Red Sorghum" Cultural and Art Festival, such as its holding, the sound of gongs and drums, the epidemic is far away, as if to bring auspicious omens to the people of Gaomi, it cannot but be said that this is the auspiciousness and luck brought by Gaomi 'Red Sorghum' to the people of Fengcheng!

This year's cultural festival is more wonderful than any other, the province's forty-five large-scale art dajia collective participation, is the icing on the cake of the festival, at the same time, also brought their fine art products, exhibited in Gaomi, can be described as this cultural festival "Full Han Seat" to the extreme. It is the people of Gaomi who have been met with the highest standards in the new era. All of these wonderful things are due to the charm of "Red Sorghum". How can we not give her a thumbs up? Why not be happy and high for her? In the moment of joy and boiling, of course, we must not forget the credit of Teacher Mo Yan, and once again say to you that "Teacher Mo has worked hard"!

Red sorghum has reddened the dense heavens, the high-density land, the high-density fame, and the happy gaomi nearly one million people.

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