
Black-throated stone pedun, 2016.11.05, shanghai Lingang District

The black-throated stone thrush ( scientific name : saxicola torquata ) is a bird of the family Grebeaceae , the genus Lithophalus.

Black-throated stone pedun, 2016.11.05, shanghai Lingang District

The male has a black head , throat and feathers , a large white spot on the neck and wings , a white waist , and a brown breast. The female is darker and less black , with a pale white throat.

Black-throated stone pedun, 2016.11.05, shanghai Lingang District

Black-throated stone often live alone or in pairs, generally nesting in small trees or shrubs under the edge of the meadow or in the tower head moss grass or in the hollow tree hole, mainly feeds on insects, but also eats a small number of plant fruits and seeds, the breeding period is 4-7 months, 1-2 nests per year, each clutch lays 5-8 eggs, inhabiting low mountains, hills, plains, meadows, swamps, field shrublands, wilderness and shrublands along lakes and rivers, all over Asia, Europe, Africa, North America and other places.

Black-throated stone pedun, 2016.11.05, shanghai Lingang District

The black-throated stone peacon has been listed on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species in 2015.

Black-throated stone pedun, 2016.11.05, shanghai Lingang District
Black-throated stone pedun, 2016.11.05, shanghai Lingang District
Black-throated stone pedun, 2016.11.05, shanghai Lingang District
Black-throated stone pedun, 2016.11.05, shanghai Lingang District
Black-throated stone pedun, 2016.11.05, shanghai Lingang District
Black-throated stone pedun, 2016.11.05, shanghai Lingang District
Black-throated stone pedun, 2016.11.05, shanghai Lingang District

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