
Sprinkle love on every child

author:Jinan Huaiyin District Procuratorate

General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly pointed out in the report of the Nineteenth National Congress: When the youth are prosperous, the country is prosperous, and when the youth are strong, the country is strong. If the younger generation has ideals, skills, and responsibilities, the country will have a future and the nation will have hope. Since the beginning of this year, the Laiwu District Procuratorate has conscientiously implemented the decision-making and deployment of higher levels, based on the performance of procuratorial duties, solidly carried out the practical activity of "I do practical things for the masses", further strengthened measures, innovated models, and improved mechanisms around the unshirkable responsibility and mission of strengthening the judicial protection of minors, continuously polished the brand of juvenile procuratorial work of "winning the "common 'win' and not 'Lai'", and fully protected the healthy growth of young people, which was fully recognized by people's congress deputies, CPPCC members, and all sectors of society.

Punishment and crackdown + care and rescue

Make every effort to protect the lawful rights and interests of minor victims

Sprinkle love on every child

○ "One-stop" forensic rescue document counter-signing ceremony

○ "One-stop" care center for minors

The Laiwu District Procuratorate insists on strictly and promptly approving arrests and prosecutions for crimes against minors, ensuring accurate and effective accusations of crimes. Use the "one-stop" care center for minors, and through the close cooperation of multiple departments such as "procuratorial police doctors", carry out one-time investigation and inquiry, evidence collection, examination and treatment, psychological counseling, and judicial assistance for minor victims, effectively avoiding the problem of minor victims being "re-harmed" due to repeated questioning. Sign and thoroughly implement documents such as the "Opinions on Establishing a "One-Stop" Evidence Collection and Assistance Mechanism for Victims in Criminal Cases of Sexual Abuse of Minors", forming a good work pattern of professional case handling and socialized protection cooperation and joint efforts to protect minors.

Punishment according to law + accurate help and education

Make every effort to help juvenile delinquents return to society

Sprinkle love on every child
Sprinkle love on every child

Public hearings

In view of juvenile delinquency, the Laiwu District Procuratorate has overcome the two tendencies of simply leniency or simple crackdown, strictly implemented the criminal policy of blending leniency with severity, and applied non-prosecution measures to the greatest extent possible in juvenile crime cases where the initial crime, incidental crime, minor criminal circumstances, the victim has a relatively large fault, and the two sides have reached an agreement on compensation and understanding. Comprehensively analyze minors' personality characteristics, growth experiences, family backgrounds, criminal motives, and other such circumstances, varying from person to person, and formulate targeted assistance and education programs. At the same time, in response to issues such as the sale of electronic cigarettes to minors in supermarkets around schools, pre-litigation procuratorial suggestions for public interest litigation were issued to relevant departments in a timely manner, and after the relevant departments received the procuratorial suggestions, they jointly carried out investigation actions, which promoted the comprehensive management of the school and the surrounding environment.

Symptom and root cause + social prevention

Make every effort to purify the environment in which minors grow up

Sprinkle love on every child
Sprinkle love on every child
Sprinkle love on every child

○ Carry out "Procuratorial Open Day" activities

Sprinkle love on every child

○ "Policy Publicity into villages (communities)" activities

○ "Rule of Law into The Campus" series of activities

Continue to implement the "Opinions on The In-depth Implementation of the Supreme People's Procuratorate's "No. 1 Procuratorial Recommendation" to Further Strengthen the Rule of Law Education Work in Primary and Secondary Schools (Kindergartens)," the "Interim Measures for the Entry Inquiry of Teachers and Staff in Laiwu District," and the "Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Compulsory Reporting System for Cases of Violations of Minors in Laiwu District," organize procuratorial personnel to go deep into schools and kindergartens under their jurisdiction to conduct supervision and inspections, sort out the information of incumbent teachers and staff throughout the district, and suggest that the District Education and Sports Bureau handle the work of teachers and staff with records of violations of law and discipline, and build a "firewall" for campus safety. Carry out the procuratorial open day activity of "Procuratorial Love and Protect the Future Together", publicize the relevant background and main contents of the "No. 1 Procuratorial Recommendation" to people's congress deputies, MEMBERS of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and all sectors of society, and actively seek support from all sectors of society. Carry out the "Youth Rule of Law Education Publicity Month" activities, inviting more than 600 primary and secondary school students from Wenshui School, Lukuang Middle School, Wu Boxiu School and other jurisdictions to carry out study on the theme of rule of law in batches at laiwu youth rule of law education bases; carry out "rule of law into schools" activities, holding 8 rule of law lectures in urban and rural schools such as Garden School and Xueye Central Middle School; jointly carry out the activity of "policy publicity into villages (communities)" for the care and protection of orphaned children in conjunction with relevant departments to popularize laws and policies for the protection of minors; carry out "inspection school peers, The summer safety education activities of "Gongshu Weilai" make the youth rule of law education base a summer "punch card" for children.

Entering a new era, the people not only hope that children can enjoy better cultural education, but also care about children's physical and mental health, growth environment and educational atmosphere. The Laiwu District Procuratorate closely focuses on the concerns of the people's livelihood, and while severely cracking down on juvenile-related crimes in accordance with the law, it strengthens communication, exchanges, and cooperation with families, schools, relevant functional departments, mass organizations, and social institutions, mobilizes the resources of all sectors of society, forms a joint force for the protection of minors, creates a safe and stable campus environment, social environment, and rule of law environment for the healthy growth of adolescents, and works together to help teenagers buckle the "first button of life" so that children can thrive under the sunshine of the rule of law.

Source: Laiwu District People's Procuratorate