
"Thank you for smoking"

author:The House of World Cinema

"Smoking is harmful to health".

I don't know how many times this phrase has been repeated, but it has no effect on the smokers.

China Tobacco has maintained seven "world firsts":

Tobacco planting area first;

The first tobacco leaf purchase;

First in cigarette production;

Cigarette consumption first;

The number of smokers in the world is the highest;

Tobacco profit tax first;

The number of people who died from smoking-related diseases was the highest.

"Thank you for smoking"

"Fallen Angel" Li Jiaxin, Dawn

According to statistics, there are about 350 million smokers in China, 60% of men over 15 years old smoke, and 1.2 million Chinese die of tobacco-related diseases every year.

Tobacco companies have become one of the world's profiteering industries, and they will spend a lot of money to package products for their own interests.

Smoking = advanced, smoking = enjoyment, improving the additional attributes of cigarettes, so that consumers can dedicate their money.

"Thank you for smoking"

"Fancy Years" Liang Chaowei

If it's not an official requirement, you may not see the slogan "Smoking is harmful to health" printed on every cigarette case.

In order to change this situation, we have also made many efforts to control tobacco smoking.

In 2006, the FCTC issued by the World Health Organization came into force in China;

In 2013, government departments issued the Notice on Matters Related to Leading Cadres Taking the Lead in Banning Smoking in Public Places;

"Thank you for smoking"

Cities such as Beijing have also successively issued smoking bans, and smoking in non-smoking areas such as public places can be fined by individuals and business units.

The support for smoking bans from top to bottom has turned the majority of smokers into smokers, who can only sneak two sips in unresolved areas.

"Thank you for smoking" became a favorite word of encouragement for tobacco companies.

Regarding the contradictions between groups such as smokers, tobacco companies, and anti-smoking organizations, there are few film and television works to show one or two.

An industry that endangers human health, an industry that promotes the national economy.

Such a contradictory state of the tobacco industry is revealed in this 14-year-old film:

"Thank You for Smoking"

"Thank you for smoking"

Looking at the title, you know that the protagonist of the film is on the side of the tobacco company, the protagonist is the façade of the American Tobacco Company, and his job is to fight against anti-smoking groups, environmental groups and scientific groups in the United States.

In the face of many obstacles, to persuade people to smoke, for the best interests of the company.

"Thank you for smoking"

smoke, smoke, smoke that cigarette

tex williams;the mckinney sisters - tex halloween

"Thank you for smoking"
"Thank you for smoking"

In a variety of cigarette packaging screens, accompanied by the brainwashing song of "smoke, smoke", the film kicks off.

The film begins with a television controversy in which Nick is confronted with the "Anti-Adolescent Smoking Mothers Association", the "Lung Association", and the "Health and Human Services Agency".

"Thank you for smoking"

Because a 15-year-old boy develops cancer from smoking, they gather here to discuss the pros and cons of "smoking."

Nick is a well-tongued debater who throws out irrefutable remarks.

"Thank you for smoking"

As a tobacco company, every smoker is their consumer, and they are the ones who least want consumers to die.

Instead, organizations such as health agencies are the ones who want smokers to die, because it increases the government's budget for investment in the agency to promote tobacco control and smoking bans.

"Thank you for smoking"

Once there is a conflict of interest, the topic becomes no longer clear.

In the movie "Deadly Magic", it is mentioned that the magic method is divided into three stages.

Replace reality with fiction, steal the sky for the day, and turn decay into magic.

Nick used this technique, first using the topic of group interests instead of the discussion of the pros and cons of smoking;

This is followed by a discussion of the relationship between the tobacco company and the smokers;

Finally, he pointed the spearhead at the opposing side and withdrew from the circle of argument himself.

"Thank you for smoking"

This time, with his tongue, he successfully won the argument and suppressed the opponent.

But contrary to his career success, his failed family, his wife divorced him, custody of his son was in the hands of the woman, and Nick was only able to spend some time with his son on weekends.

He also had few friends, and the best of them were Poly, who worked in the alcohol industry, and Bobby, who was in the military.

"Thank you for smoking"
"Thank you for smoking"

The industry in which the three are located is highly controversial, and there are not a few people who die under their products every year.

On weekend evenings, the three of them would get together to talk about life and work, and exchange experiences in dealing with various troubles.

They also named this intimate small group "Death Merchants."

"Thank you for smoking"

Nick's job after that was to make smoking acceptable to the general public, and the best channel of publicity was the movie.

Smoking shots in many movies create a handsome beauty of the characters, and the side guides the audience to try.

(Criticize Wong Kar-wai by name!) )

He hooked up with Hollywood producers and prepared to invest in science fiction films, inserting product plots:

"Thank you for smoking"

Brad Pitt and Catherine Zeta Jones a cigarette after the wrap.

For just $25 million, you can get smoking propaganda footage from top superstars.

Things seem to be going well, but the threat behind it is creeping in.

In order to get close to Nick and get inside information, the beautiful reporter did not hesitate to betray the beauty to get information.

On the other hand, officials who promote the anti-smoking ban to win votes also see Nick as a thorn in the eye.

"Thank you for smoking"

Secretly, he kidnapped Nick, put him on a smoking cessation patch, and the nicotine content in his blood soared, and he was admitted to the hospital.

This also made him fall ill and never smoke again, otherwise it would lead to nicotine allergy and death.

The reporter also compiled the news collected from the bed and made a press report, and Nick saw that he was in danger.

"Thank you for smoking"

His flipping point is only in the last debate drama of the tongue war group, and it is up to you to dig it out yourself.

"Thank you for smoking"

Although the film is based on the perspective of Nick and other tobacco beneficiaries, it always uses black irony to explore social issues such as smoking.

There is not even a single shot of cigarettes and smoking in the whole film, and it is not filled with didactic logic to the audience.

"Thank you for smoking"
"Thank you for smoking"
"Thank you for smoking"
"Thank you for smoking"

Smoking shots of old movies that were p-dropped

The film puts the harm of cigarettes and the advantages and disadvantages of the group on the table, and only records the choices made by all parties for the sake of interests.

Whether or not to choose to smoke is up to you.

You can smoke, but only if you don't hurt others and are forced to be poisoned by second-hand smoke.

Do not violate the rules of the public area, do not complain about the pain and suffering caused by the aftermath.

Choosing to smoke should also bear the responsibility of accepting the consequences.

The 1986 British drama "Yes, Prime Minister" also provided new ideas for the majority of smokers:

"Thank you for smoking"
"Thank you for smoking"
"Thank you for smoking"
"Thank you for smoking"
"Thank you for smoking"
"Thank you for smoking"
"Thank you for smoking"
"Thank you for smoking"

Increase taxes, reduce pension expenditures, and alleviate population pressure.

You can use this thought to anesthetize yourself and "make a great contribution to the country" by smoking.