
All district-level leaders went deep into some key projects to carry out on-site research activities

author:Internet information Jinnan

On October 21, Liu Hui, secretary of the district party committee, led a team to go deep into the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Tianjin), Luping Xinzhuang Bay, Luping Xianshuigu Bay, Luping ShuangqiaoHewan and Jiawo Gegu Modern Agricultural Industry Demonstration Park and Xiguanfang Village to conduct field research and detailed information on the progress of exhibition holding, green screen construction, modern agriculture, rural revitalization, and grass-roots party building. Cui Hongmei, secretary of the party leading group of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, and Fang Yun, chairman of the District CPPCC Committee, attended the meeting.

Comrade Liu Hui stressed that in recent years, Jinnan District has adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, conscientiously implemented Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization and the important requirements of "three efforts" put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping for Tianjin's work, deeply integrated into the major national strategy of coordinated development of Beijing,Tianjin and Hebei, closely focused on the work requirements of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, overcome difficulties, really grasped hard work, forged ahead, and accelerated the promotion of the "double carbon" work pilot demonstration area and green ecological demonstration area, innovative development gathering area, The construction of the convention and exhibition economic function area, the green and high-quality development of Jinnan has achieved phased results. All leading cadres at the district level should bear in mind the "two overall situations" and be concerned about the "great power of the country", implement the new development concept in a complete, accurate, and comprehensive manner, further enhance their political judgment, political understanding, and political execution, resolutely implement the decision-making and deployment of the party Central Committee and the work requirements of the municipal party committee, and give full play to the role of the "key minority." In particular, newly arrived district leaders should understand Jinnan as soon as possible, become familiar with Jinnan, so that they can understand Jinnan and deeply cultivate Jinnan, and comprehensively enhance the efficiency and level of jinnan's green and high-quality development. It is necessary to consciously practice the people-centered development thinking, closely integrate the study and education of party history, carry out in-depth practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses", implement the "report to the masses" system, concentrate on doing a good job in the construction of inclusive, basic, and bottom-up people's livelihood, accelerate the completion of people's livelihood shortcomings, do a good job in people's livelihood, promote common prosperity, and effectively make the people's sense of gain more complete, the sense of happiness more sustainable, and the sense of security more secure. It is necessary to anchor the first-class standards, with the determination and persistence of "the wind and things should be long and the amount of attention" and the tenacity and hard work of "holding fast to the green mountains and not relaxing", have the courage to take responsibility, take the lead in the work, and support the bottom of the real word, continue to deepen the "post responsibility training" activities, make overall plans for the development of the exhibition service guarantee, the construction of green ecological barriers, the development of modern agricultural industries, the creation of beautiful villages, the construction of rural grass-roots party building, and other work, and promote the green and high-quality development of Jinnan to a new level with the spirit of "nailing nails".

In the activity, all the leading cadres at the district level learned in detail about the achievements and next development ideas of our district in terms of green screen construction, rural revitalization, and grass-roots party building through on-site inspection, listening to reports, on-site exchanges, etc. Everyone said that Jinnan District seized the historic window period of major strategic opportunities, economic and social development achieved remarkable results, the exhibition of the National Convention and Exhibition Center, the green barrier of the big green field, the agricultural paradise with tourists, and the ecologically livable field village showed the vitality and vitality of the green and high-quality development of Jinnan, which was exciting and deeply encouraged. The next step will be to closely focus on the work of the district party committee and the district government center, based on the responsibilities of the post, scrupulously fulfill their duties, unity and cooperation, pioneering and innovative, and continue to struggle to accelerate the promotion of green and high-quality development in southern Jinnan.

The relevant departments of the district and the responsible comrades of Xinzhuang Town, Xianshuigu Town, and Gegu Town attended the meeting separately.

Source: Jinnan Government Affairs Network