
Loudi Orthopedic Hospital carried out the "famous Chinese medicine" into the community free clinic activities

author:Loudi News Network

Loudi News Network News (Correspondent Li Zhongzhong Zhou Hong) In order to carry out the practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses" in the study and education of party history, in response to the work deployment of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Hunan Provincial Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine to "facilitate the use of Traditional Chinese medicine and use Traditional Chinese medicine with confidence" and the provincial "grass-roots benefiting the people", Loudi Orthopaedic Hospital actively carried out the "famous Chinese medicine" into the community Traditional Chinese medicine free medical service activities.

On July 8th, Xie Jun, vice president of Loudi Orthopaedic Hospital, chief expert of spine department and pain characteristic expert, and Fu Xiliang, director of Fu's orthopedic studio, led 8 people from internal medicine, pediatric orthopedics, traditional Chinese medicine special nursing clinic, and medical education department to Baihong Xuefu City to carry out free clinic activities. Experts provide high-quality Chinese medicine services and popularize Chinese medicine knowledge through on-site free clinics and health publicity of Chinese medicine knowledge, so as to facilitate the masses to see famous Chinese medicine doctors at their doorstep.

In the activity, Xie Jun used traditional ethnic medicine (Mongolian medicine, Tibetan medicine) to innovate and improve, combined the essence of traditional Chinese medicine with modern advanced pharmaceutical technology, and matched a variety of traditional Chinese medicine external applications from the group to apply compresses to patients with neck, waist and leg pain; Fu Xiliang paid attention to the diagnosis and treatment of patients who came to see a doctor through the look, smell, question, and cut of traditional Chinese medicine, and at the same time, from the perspective of modern medicine, combined with physical examination, image data provided by patients, etc. to answer questions for the people and prescribe chinese medicine prescriptions; director of internal medicine, Chief physician Li Hua instructed the public to adjust their living habits and eating habits appropriately for common diseases and multiple diseases, avoid overwork, exercise scientifically, and teach them some practical health care methods; Peng Fangbing, director of pediatric orthopedics, received some children equipped with internal fixation materials, and he reminded parents of children to pay attention to their children's activities and living habits, and remember to go to the hospital within the specified time to remove internal fixation Tang Fuzhen, Director of the Nursing Department, uses a variety of appropriate TCM techniques such as ear acupuncture bean pressing and copper gua sha to relieve various symptoms and discomforts for patients, and guides everyone to simple and easy TCM health care methods.

The scorching sun does not diminish the enthusiasm of experts to serve the masses. The event completed more than 120 free consultations, distributed more than 150 copies of publicity materials, and distributed free bone injuries, bone disease plasters, internal medicine basic disease drugs and heat prevention and cooling drugs according to the actual situation of patients.

Traditional Chinese medicine is the traditional treasure of the Chinese nation, as a public second-class first-class Chinese medicine bone injury hospital, Loudi City Bone Injury Hospital will "inherit the essence of chinese medicine, promote the technology of traditional Chinese medicine", highlight the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine bone injury treatment, implement the "Chinese medicine to benefit the people" plan, serve the health needs of the masses, popularize a healthy lifestyle to the grass-roots people, provide high-quality medical resources, let the masses experience the simple and flexible experience of traditional Chinese medicine, and continuously improve the health level of the masses.