
Inventory of the Saint Seiya Hades' tall and arm-length hades Preface: Text:

author:Oki brother said anime

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Yesterday, when it came to the Holy Domain ranking 88 constellations of the three tall saints, tall and strong men in each lineup of so many, here to exclude the navy of the several face value bearers, the netherworld demon star has a total of 108, handsome looks, ugly appearance some of the characters also have, like Arudiba, Tan such as giant warriors also have, today to take stock of the "Saint Seiya" in the Pluto King Hades those tall and long arm fighters.

Inventory of the Saint Seiya Hades' tall and arm-length hades Preface: Text:


A giant from Sicily in Greek mythology, the earth storm star Gugado

The Earth Storm Star is in the list of the Seventy-Two Hellfires, and the Sky Storm Star is only one word difference, the Sky Storm Star in the Myth of Pluto lc is the Bennu Bird Fire, the strength is comparable to the three giants, the Earth Storm Star Gugado did not reach that level, but is also a tough general, the height of 197 cm Gugado is a member of the Radamandis Legion, after the outbreak of the holy war, he was ordered to go to the Holy Land to monitor The Saga and his party, Gugado firmly believes that as long as he serves the Pluto King, he can get eternal life, but this expectation is ruthlessly exposed by Shaga, Gugado took the Virgo palace with him unwilling to die.

Inventory of the Saint Seiya Hades' tall and arm-length hades Preface: Text:

Gugado's most impressive thing is his bright red cloak and his incredibly fast punches, in the animated version of the star arrow who has already understood the seventh sense, his speed is particularly fast, Mu, who was blocked by Babilon, was almost knocked apart by Gugado, and because no one in his eyes was ambushed by the Shaga Heavenly Demon and fixed his life in the sixth house.

Inventory of the Saint Seiya Hades' tall and arm-length hades Preface: Text:


In the future, it will return to the number one of the west, the celestial star Locke

195cm tall Locke is the third prison of the purgatory hell guard, the third prison is to punish those who commit the crime of being too stingy or wasteful in the world, to endure the hard work of pushing the boulder forever, Locke as a Tianzi level warrior still has a certain brain, he does not have three opponents who come from the front, but sets an ambush where the opponent must pass, and then launches a wave of attack.

Inventory of the Saint Seiya Hades' tall and arm-length hades Preface: Text:

It's just that the Saint Seiya who can go deep into the underworld are all elite-level warriors, and there is a top gold leader like Garon, how can he be trapped by a few stones, Locke launched a skill rolling bombing boulder in shock, and the purple dragon who has experienced hundreds of battles is best at dealing with such a simple physical output warrior, a move Lushan Ascending Dragon Overlord, the Celestial Star has not yet reported its name and has returned to the west.

Inventory of the Saint Seiya Hades' tall and arm-length hades Preface: Text:


In the future, he returned to the second number of the west, the heavenly defeat star Ivan

Ivan is 192cm tall, is also a Tianzi level of the Hell Fighter, assisting Locke town to guard the third prison, in the Pit Fighters claim to have one of the best strange powers, if it is to meet the previous generation of small lions, Regulus must be like against Baioret and he is in a strength of a competition, but this time the Holy War Saint Seiya has raided the other side's base camp, Athena's side must quickly fight and meet the goddess, plus encounter the glacier that people don't talk much about, plus the companion Purple Dragon around him has already shot in front, The meritorious white bird did not give him a chance to speak, and killed the opponent with a diamond star fist.

Inventory of the Saint Seiya Hades' tall and arm-length hades Preface: Text:


The tallest of the Pluto Fighters, the Celestial Ugly Star Stand

The deadly beetle Stand is the guardian of the Fifth Hellfire Hell, the height of the Celestial Ugly Star has reached 260cm, such a height makes him "proud" of the underworld, 20cm taller than the highest martial immortal in the Sacred Realm, Alujadi, Stand is not only outstanding in height, but also one of the elderly warriors among the Hades, he is 35 years old when he appears in the battle, and in the Saint Seiya series that emphasizes youthfulness, he is also considered incorruptible (of course, it cannot be compared with Shi Ang and Tong Hu).

Inventory of the Saint Seiya Hades' tall and arm-length hades Preface: Text:

The deeper into the hinterland, the stronger the keyness of the fortress, The stronger the strength of the fortress, Steder can guard the fifth prison, enough to prove that he still has some strength, Pluto is not blind, will not let a waste wood to guard such a key place, after the battle with Philakis, the purple dragon and the glacier have fainted in the past, so the battle of the difference in strength The two did not see at all, and when they woke up, Steder's huge body had collapsed.

Inventory of the Saint Seiya Hades' tall and arm-length hades Preface: Text:

Thank you for reading, the above content by Chong Ge said anime original debut, I am Chong Ge, a free writer who pursues American text, like my memory to add attention, welcome to communicate from time to time.

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