
Glutinous rice learned to do this, it is really fragrant, there are vegetables and meat, the whole family wants to eat every day

author:One brother food record

The country is based on the people, the people take food as the sky, hello to all the old gourmets! Speaking of glutinous rice, it is a common coarse grain in life, it is sweet, warm, and has the effect of cold resistance and nourishment. It has a sticky and sweet taste, which many people love to eat, and the food made with glutinous rice is also particularly popular. Today, I will teach you to use glutinous rice to make a delicious, simple method, rich ingredients, interested friends hurry up to learn it!

Glutinous rice learned to do this, it is really fragrant, there are vegetables and meat, the whole family wants to eat every day

【Sticky rice balls】

【Basic Ingredients】Glutinous rice, carrots, pork belly foam, garlic, ginger, shallots, cooking wine, soy sauce, edible salt, cooking oil, pepper

【Basic steps】

1. Prepare a bowl of glutinous rice, wash it, and soak it in water for another 4 hours. After 4 hours, the glutinous rice is soaked and has been sucked up. Take out the steamer, spread the cage cloth in the cage drawer, put the glutinous rice on the cage cloth, spread it flat, then poke a few holes in it, cover the pot lid, turn on the high heat and boil the water, steam the glutinous rice for 30 minutes.

Glutinous rice learned to do this, it is really fragrant, there are vegetables and meat, the whole family wants to eat every day

2. Prepare a carrot, wash the carrot first, and then peel off the carrot skin with a peeler. Then, put the carrots on the board, first use a kitchen knife to cut the slices diagonally, then put the slices of carrots diagonally down, cut them into strips, and finally, cut them all into cubes. Chop the chopped carrots and put them all on a plate for later. Wash a green onion and cut into green onions to set aside.

Glutinous rice learned to do this, it is really fragrant, there are vegetables and meat, the whole family wants to eat every day

3. Prepare a few shiitake mushrooms, put them in water, add a little flour to the water, and wash the shiitake mushrooms with flour water. Wash the mushrooms, dry them and place on a board. First, use a kitchen knife to cut off the roots of the shiitake mushrooms, and then, cut the remaining mushroom lids into strips, and finally cut into cubes. After cutting, the chopped shiitake mushrooms are placed on a plate and set aside.

Glutinous rice learned to do this, it is really fragrant, there are vegetables and meat, the whole family wants to eat every day

4. Prepare a few garlic, put it on the board first, use the back of the knife to pat hard, beat the garlic, and then easily peel off the garlic skin. Then, cut the peeled garlic repeatedly with a kitchen knife and cut it into garlic foam. Take out a small piece of ginger, wash the soil on the surface, then control the dry water, place it on the board, first cut into silk, and finally cut into ginger foam. Two put together for later.

Glutinous rice learned to do this, it is really fragrant, there are vegetables and meat, the whole family wants to eat every day

5. Take out the wok, pour the appropriate amount of cooking oil into it, and turn on the oil over high heat. When the oil temperature is high, pour the prepared meat foam into the hot oil, and stir-fry it with a spatula to cook the meat foam. When the meat foam is fried and discolored, pour the garlic foam and ginger foam into the pot and stir-fry together to make it fragrant.

Glutinous rice learned to do this, it is really fragrant, there are vegetables and meat, the whole family wants to eat every day

6. Wait for the aroma to be fried in the pot, pour in some cooking wine, you can give the meat foam to fishy, continue to stir for a while, add the soy sauce to color, continue to stir the ingredients. After a minute, pour the diced shiitake mushrooms and diced carrots into the pot, stir-fry continuously, stir-fry a few times, add the right amount of salt and pepper to the pot to taste, then pour in some water, continue to fry until the ingredients are cooked, you can turn off the heat out of the pot.

Glutinous rice learned to do this, it is really fragrant, there are vegetables and meat, the whole family wants to eat every day

7. When the 30-minute time comes, the glutinous rice is steamed. Turn off the heat, lift the cage cloth out of the pot and pour the sticky rice into a large bowl. Add a little cooking oil to the sticky rice, sprinkle a little pepper and salt, put the prepared green onions into it, bring disposable gloves, and use your hands to grab the sticky rice and spices and mix evenly.

Glutinous rice learned to do this, it is really fragrant, there are vegetables and meat, the whole family wants to eat every day

8. Prepare a roll of plastic wrap, tear out a section and put it on the board, grab a handful of sticky rice, lay it flat on the plastic wrap, and then, scoop a spoonful of fried meat filling on the sticky rice, then close the plastic wrap, wrap the glutinous rice in the middle, wrap the meat filling in the middle, and pinch it vigorously. Then remove the plastic wrap, tidy it up by hand, and a round sticky rice ball is ready.

Glutinous rice learned to do this, it is really fragrant, there are vegetables and meat, the whole family wants to eat every day

9. Make the remaining sticky rice and meat stuffing like this, make a delicious rice ball, and we have today's sticky rice balls! With this method, you can make more points at a time, put it in the refrigerator for freezing, and take it out and steam it when you want to eat it! This rice ball is soft and fragrant, and it can be used as a rice and a dish, which is really great!

Glutinous rice learned to do this, it is really fragrant, there are vegetables and meat, the whole family wants to eat every day

【Love Tips】

1. Because the soaking time of glutinous rice is relatively long, it is recommended that you prepare early.

2. The meat foam is relatively easy to prepare, you can chop the meat foam yourself, you can also use a blender, which is very convenient.

Today's sticky rice balls are shared here, every day I will share a home-cooked food for everyone, thank you for watching, like friends to help like, pay attention to Oh! See you tomorrow, thank you!