
Appreciation of Ancient Poetry in the Middle School Entrance Examination: Song Jie's "Seed Pine"

author:The King of Wisdom

【This question is selected from the 2021 Yantai City Secondary School Entrance Examination in Shandong Province】

Huixue Wang's "Special Topics on The Appreciation of Ancient Poems in the Secondary Examination Language"

Read the poem below and complete the following sub-questions. (4 minutes)

Seed pine

[Qing] Song Jie

A green onion color, moved to The Ten Thousand Peaks.

A few branches of the first crane, the lone stem has been a dragon.

The sun is thin and thin, and the wind is loud and heavy.

The cold years can be proud, why should the doctor seal?

[Comment] (1) The sun is thin and thin: the sun is dim and the clouds are approaching. (2) Dafu Feng: According to the "History of Qin Shi Huang Benji", Qin Shi Huang sealed Mount Taishan in the 28th year, and in the event of a storm, under the rain and pine trees, the pine tree was sealed as the "Five Doctors".

Song Ji (1634-1713), zi mu zhong, number mantang, also known as Xipi. A native of Shangqiu, Henan. Fill the guards with the shadow of the minister. In Kangxi Zhong, he was appointed as the governor of Huangzhou Prefecture, moved to Jiangxi Inspector, transferred to Jiangning Inspector, and was transferred to the official Shangshu.

10. Please use your imagination and associations to describe the picture shown in the poem "Several branches of the first crane, lonely stem has become a dragon".

【Analysis】 Examine the ability to depict pictures in poems. You should grasp the main scene in the poem and reproduce the picture in your own language. When describing, one must be faithful to the original poem, and the other must be recreated with one's own associations and imaginations, and the language should strive to be beautiful.

Describe the picture question, and use the imagination on the basis of understanding the meaning of the sentence. The sentence is to the effect that "several branches have attracted the company of cranes, and the only trunk has grown like a dragon." Grasp the imagery and characteristics in the poem to play the imagination, the imagery in the sentence has "branches", "cranes", "lonely stems", etc., which are characterized by the swaying posture of the branches that are horizontal, attracting the company of cloud cranes, and the "lonely stems" are vigorous and powerful, like a soaring dragon, connecting the upper and lower sentences plus the background "sunlight lighting" and "cold wind blowing", forming a picture.

11. Poetry is used

【Analysis】This question tests the candidate's ability to understand and analyze the content of the poem and the poet's thoughts and emotions. Answering this question requires candidates to read the poems well, understand the content of the poems, and analyze and understand them in combination with the poet's writing background, the imagery in the poems, and the methods of expression.

This topic starts with "Writing Techniques and Emotions". In connection with the analysis of the content of the whole poem: "The pine tree transplanted from the distant mountain peak" did not change its nature due to changes in the environment, and still "the branches swayed and swayed, vigorous and powerful", "when the sun is weak, the clouds are approaching, and the cold wind is sounding, the pine tree is particularly solemn", "In the cold winter, it is strong enough to be proud of the world", which can be seen that it is not affected by the environment, and insists on itself: "Why do you need to have the title of 'doctor'?" The rhetorical question, that is, without the title of "Doctor", also adheres to his own interests, "Doctor Feng" uses the allusion that Qin Shi Huang sealed the pine tree as the "Five Doctors", expressing the author's interest in not succumbing to the environment, adhering to incorruptibility, and insisting on serving the people.

Appreciation of Ancient Poetry in the Middle School Entrance Examination: Song Jie's "Seed Pine"

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