
Zhang Jing, a famous linguist and former head of the department of Chinese at Zhengzhou University, died at the age of 92

author:The Paper

The Paper's reporter Yue Huairang

The surging news reporter learned from the College of Literature of Zhengzhou University that on November 1, 2021, Mr. Zhang Jing, a famous linguist and former head of the Chinese Department of Zhengzhou University, died in Zhengzhou at the age of 92.

According to the School of Literature of Zhengzhou University, Mr. Zhang Jing once taught at Zhengzhou University, and successively served as the director of the Language Teaching and Research Department of the Department of Chinese, the director of the Department of Chinese, etc., and is an important founder of the language discipline of our college and has made outstanding contributions to the development of the College of Literature of Zhengzhou University. The death of Mr. Zhang Jing is a huge loss for the linguistics community, and it is also a major loss for the College of Literature of Zhengzhou University, and all the teachers and students of the College of Literature express their deep condolences for the death of Mr. Zhang Jing with great sorrow.

According to public information, Zhang Jing was born in July 1929, a native of Leting, Hebei Province, and graduated from the department of Chinese of Northeast Normal University in 1953. He once served as a professor at Zhengzhou University, the head of the Department of Chinese, the dean of Xinyang Normal College, the deputy director of the Henan Provincial Education Commission, the vice president of the Chinese Rhetoric Society, the president of the Henan Provincial Linguistic Society, and the editor-in-chief of Language Knowledge.

Zhang Jing's "New Edition of Modern Chinese" (Shanghai Education Publishing House, 1979 edition) was one of the three modern Chinese textbooks in colleges and universities in China at that time. His books "Chinese Grammar Problems", "Grammar Comparison", "Vocabulary Teaching Speech", "Speech on Phonetic Teaching", "Comparative Grammar of Ancient and Modern Chinese", "Learning and Application of Language", "Brief Theory of Language" and so on have had a profound impact on the academic community.

His two monographs, Problems with Chinese Grammar and Comparative Grammar, laid the foundation for comparative Chinese grammar. He is the chief editor of "Rhetoric Course", "Practical Modern Chinese" and "Linguistic Pragmatic Grammar" of colleges and universities across the country, which have distinct characteristics and are widely used. The papers "On the Scope of Chinese Adverbs", ""Contiguous" and "Conjunctive" Should Be Abolished", "On the Overlapping Forms of Verbs", "Representation of "Auxiliary Classes of Verbs" and "Synthetic Predicates"", "Basic Types of Chinese Syntactic Structures", "Methodology and Special Methods of Grammar", "Definition and Boundary Problems of Single Sentences and Compound Sentences" have also aroused great repercussions in the academic circles.

Editor-in-Charge: Jiang Chenrui

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