
Du Xuan's "divide and rule" reading method of language learning method

author:Scattered 231238521

Du Xuan's "divide and conquer" reading method

This is a method of reading books that treats various books differently.

Du Xuan, a playwright and essayist, is now more than an old man, and has written excellent plays such as "Shanghai Battle Song", "Changhong Uprising", "Lanlan and Dongdong> and has also written a large number of excellent essays. His works have been selected as secondary school language textbooks. When looking back on his more than sixty years of reading, the old writer once said that there are countless books in the world, and it is difficult for a person to read all the books with all his life's energy. "Life also has an end, learning has no end", how to read efficiently with a limited life? This requires "divide and rule". This is a good way for Du Xuan to "practice for decades" and benefit deeply. This approach is to divide the books read into four categories:

1. The Book of The Cure.

This kind of book is just a matter of browsing, just to understand the general content.

2. The Book of Oral Governance.

This kind of book should be read aloud, and from reading aloud, we should appreciate the beauty of its language and the depth of its thoughts. This generally refers to poetry, prose, prose, and other literary works.

3. The Book of Hand Rule.

This kind of book should be copied down. Deepen your understanding in the process of writing. This generally refers to a particularly excellent poem, which is not enough to read it aloud in general, and then copy it by hand to understand its essence more deeply.

4. The Book of the Cure of the Heart.

The most important thing is to use various forms of repeated reading, thinking carefully, so that its content and writing style leave an indelible impression. This generally means that after a few steps of "eye treatment", "oral treatment" and "hand rule", the best works are selected layer by layer, and it should be taken as the treasure of the heart, and once it is mentioned, it can be brought together like several treasures; Once you want to use it, you can use it handily.

This kind of "divide and rule" has its own emphases. According to various types of books, according to their different requirements, they adopt different ways such as reading, reading, copying, and thinking, and treat them differently. Some young people, reading inefficiently, one of the reasons is blind blind collision, "eyebrows and beards to grasp", will not "divide and conquer".

"Divide and conquer" is orderly. "Fixing the eye" is the first step. In the browse, we exclude the general books and select the key books that need "oral treatment", "hand treatment" and "heart treatment". "Oral rule" is the second step, after reading aloud, in the taste of deep love, but also to further study, it becomes the book of "hand rule". "Heart healing" is the last step and the most demanding step.

This "divide and rule" method combines points and aspects to ensure the key points and can be widely involved, which is a distinctive reading method.