
Winter fishing, how to choose "good weather"? 解析冬季做钓的四大爆护天‬暖阴天出钓有惊喜,温度趋于稳定,鱼活性比较好‬连续的晴天天气,达到3天以上,温度稳定,鱼活性好,开口性强‬下雪的当天,鱼感受到紧迫感,会加速觅食,开口性不错‬降温的前一天做钓,很多钓友反馈鱼口不行,大多数情况是选位有问题

author:Wild angler Xiao Meng

When it comes to winter fishing, in fact, many anglers have the idea of sealing the rod, the reason is that the weather is cold, the fish is not easy to catch, frozen for a day, the fish has not caught a few, so there are few anglers who do fishing in winter

However, for fishing in winter, there is a big reason why fish is not easy to catch is because of the problem of weather, and weather factors have a key role in affecting the activity of fish

Winter fishing, how to choose "good weather"? 解析冬季做钓的四大爆护天‬暖阴天出钓有惊喜,温度趋于稳定,鱼活性比较好‬连续的晴天天气,达到3天以上,温度稳定,鱼活性好,开口性强‬下雪的当天,鱼感受到紧迫感,会加速觅食,开口性不错‬降温的前一天做钓,很多钓友反馈鱼口不行,大多数情况是选位有问题

Big crucian carp

Many times the angler is not unable to catch a fish, but choose a suitable weather, the opening of the fish is relatively poor in the unsuitable weather, the natural can not catch the fish, so long-term will make the angler lose confidence in fishing, and then clamor to seal the rod, wait until the spring in the fishing

In fact, in the view of the editor, winter is not a bad fish, many anglers in the weather around zero degrees out of the same fish is very good, the reason is actually very simple, that is, to find a good weather, winter fishing to choose a good weather is the guarantee of fish goods, good weather can affect the activity of the fish, the activity is good, eat more naturally, fishing is much easier

So what kind of weather is good for fishing in winter? Why sometimes there are still very few fishing goods in good weather

In this article, I will talk to anglers about the four major explosive weather choices for fishing in winter

Winter fishing, how to choose "good weather"? 解析冬季做钓的四大爆护天‬暖阴天出钓有惊喜,温度趋于稳定,鱼活性比较好‬连续的晴天天气,达到3天以上,温度稳定,鱼活性好,开口性强‬下雪的当天,鱼感受到紧迫感,会加速觅食,开口性不错‬降温的前一天做钓,很多钓友反馈鱼口不行,大多数情况是选位有问题

Winter reeds swing

For winter, cloudy days are actually more common, but the general cold air is heavier, so it is particularly cold, but if we encounter warm and cloudy days in winter, that is to say, the temperature is relatively high, but there is no feeling of direct sun exposure, and there is a high probability that there will be very good fish goods at this temperature

In this kind of weather, the temperature difference is small, the activity of the fish is relatively high, but also pay attention to the choice of fishing position, there are few microorganisms in the winter water, the water appears clear, at this time we do not want to fish shallow water, if you fish shallow water or fish some water with vegetation, such as dry reeds, grass piles

So in the winter, when you encounter this kind of warm and cloudy weather, you can go fishing, bring simple traditional equipment to fish for two rods, maybe there will be a big surprise

Winter fishing, how to choose "good weather"? 解析冬季做钓的四大爆护天‬暖阴天出钓有惊喜,温度趋于稳定,鱼活性比较好‬连续的晴天天气,达到3天以上,温度稳定,鱼活性好,开口性强‬下雪的当天,鱼感受到紧迫感,会加速觅食,开口性不错‬降温的前一天做钓,很多钓友反馈鱼口不行,大多数情况是选位有问题

For winter, can reach more than three days of sunny days is really rare, but not nothing, if you encounter such weather, we can also fish, in this weather, the temperature is relatively high, the activity of the fish will be relatively high, although the range of fish activity is not large, but the opening will be very good

If it is a continuous sunny day after cooling, I recommend waiting for a day to fish, because the speed of temperature changes, the fish need a certain buffer time, if you are in a hurry to do fishing, the effect may not be very ideal, so we can do the nest in advance, wait a day or so, first let the fish gather over, wait for the temperature to stabilize, in the fishing is not late, and the temperature tends to be stable, the fish opening is also very good

Similarly, when we choose the fishing position, we should also pay attention to, try to choose the position with grass, if it is a light water surface, we can choose some shelters, the location of the river fork, the water depth do not choose too deep, generally about 1.5m is almost the same

Winter fishing, how to choose "good weather"? 解析冬季做钓的四大爆护天‬暖阴天出钓有惊喜,温度趋于稳定,鱼活性比较好‬连续的晴天天气,达到3天以上,温度稳定,鱼活性好,开口性强‬下雪的当天,鱼感受到紧迫感,会加速觅食,开口性不错‬降温的前一天做钓,很多钓友反馈鱼口不行,大多数情况是选位有问题

For snow days, it is not that it is snowing to go fishing, if we want to go fishing in the morning, if we find that the snow has fallen, do not go fishing at this time, because once the snow falls, the temperature changes relatively quickly, and the fish mouth will not be very good at this time

If we find that there is no snow in the morning, but there is a forecast that there will be snow today, this time may wish to go fishing, maybe there will be unexpected surprises, because if it snows, the fish will feel a sense of urgency, will speed up the foraging for food, and resist the cold weather

In addition, there is a kind of fog in the morning, in this case, we can also fish, this foggy day fishing effect is also relatively good

In the small editor's fishing experience, the winter foggy day fishing is almost empty, generally there is fog to show that the weather on the day is better, the temperature is gradually rising, the fish will increase their activity according to the rise in temperature, and then forage

So in the case of snow or fog in the morning, we can go fishing, and the effect may still be very good

Winter fishing, how to choose "good weather"? 解析冬季做钓的四大爆护天‬暖阴天出钓有惊喜,温度趋于稳定,鱼活性比较好‬连续的晴天天气,达到3天以上,温度稳定,鱼活性好,开口性强‬下雪的当天,鱼感受到紧迫感,会加速觅食,开口性不错‬降温的前一天做钓,很多钓友反馈鱼口不行,大多数情况是选位有问题

For good fishing the day before cooling, this is a common sense that anglers know well, but most anglers feedback that the fishing mouth the day before cooling is not very good, and the probability of the Air Force is very large, and there are almost no fish mouths

For the day before the cooling, because of the rapid change in temperature, the fish will eat a lot, the natural fish mouth will be better, as long as there is no wind, so to speak, the fish rate is still very good

If the wind is blowing, the temperature changes relatively quickly, so it may lead to the scarcity or non-opening of the fish mouth

In this case, we have to choose some targeted locations for fishing, such as leeward to the sun, bay mouth, aquatic and grass dense areas, etc., although external factors can not be changed, but we can choose a suitable location according to external factors to fish

Whether it is traditional fishing or table fishing, we must choose a suitable point to do fishing before cooling down, so that the fish can be guaranteed

Many times the anglers can't catch the fish is not the fish does not open their mouths, the main reason is that the position is not chosen correctly, the position is chosen correctly, and the fish opening is only a matter of time

Winter fishing, how to choose "good weather"? 解析冬季做钓的四大爆护天‬暖阴天出钓有惊喜,温度趋于稳定,鱼活性比较好‬连续的晴天天气,达到3天以上,温度稳定,鱼活性好,开口性强‬下雪的当天,鱼感受到紧迫感,会加速觅食,开口性不错‬降温的前一天做钓,很多钓友反馈鱼口不行,大多数情况是选位有问题

Well, today's sharing is here, what are the problems fishing friends can leave a message in the comment area

Although it is not easy to do fishing in winter, as long as you choose the right weather to fish, fish goods can still be guaranteed, so there is no need to seal the rod in winter fishing, choose good weather to do fishing, the same can be burst protection

See you in the next article

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