
Those things that are pregnant with twins

author:Tree bag baby pregnancy workshop

In the eyes of many people, having twins is luck and blessing. Two born together, two together, once over, how worry!

However, this is just a cognitive bias caused by the "perspective of others"! If you understand the hardships and risks of having twins, I believe your thinking will change! Twin mothers face much higher risks, difficulties, and pressures than single mothers.

Those things that are pregnant with twins

1. Maternal health risks

According to research, mothers who are pregnant with twins are more likely to have various pregnancy complications, such as hypertensive diseases during pregnancy, anemia, excessive amniotic fluid, premature rupture of membranes, placental abruption, miscarriage and premature birth.

Throughout pregnancy, expectant mothers need to strengthen obstetric examinations and pay attention to their health status at any time. As soon as an abnormality is detected, ask a doctor for help as soon as possible.

Those things that are pregnant with twins

2. Complications during childbirth

After childbirth, twin mothers are more likely to have postpartum complications such as contraction weakness, postpartum hemorrhage and puerperal infection, amniotic fluid embolism, etc., and need to be carefully cared for under the guidance of doctors, strengthen care, and do a good job in postpartum examination.

3. Fetal health risks

In addition to the mother-to-be herself, the health risks of twin babies are also increased a lot - such as umbilical cord abnormalities, malformations, twin transfusion syndrome, selective fetal growth restriction, heartless malformations in one fetus, anemia and multiple blood sequence signs.

If you want to ensure the healthy development of both babies, then expectant mothers must pay attention to pregnancy examinations, and under the advice of doctors, scientifically arrange diet, activities, sleep during pregnancy, and maintain a good state.

Those things that are pregnant with twins

If you say, giving birth to a baby is equivalent to walking through the ghost gate. Then, giving birth to 2 babies at a time is equivalent to going deeper into the ghost door and then desperately running back.

But it is undeniable that the happiness brought by twin babies to the family cannot be described in words, and conceiving twins is a beautiful and challenging adventure. We envy others because we don't see the risks and pains that others take, so some things just go with the flow!