
The first hijacking case in history: tied with explosives, single-handedly, after success, jumped from a high altitude

author:Han Zhou reads

Text/Old Minister

The first hijacking case in history: tied with explosives, single-handedly, after success, jumped from a high altitude

Hijacker Cooper Portrait Wanted Picture Is Synthesized from the Internet

Today is Thanksgiving.

Back in 1971, he wore sunglasses.

There was no sun that day.

He said his name was Dan Cooper.

He flew toward Seattle.

On this cold night...

- American folk songs


Let's go back in time to Wednesday, November 24, 1971.

After this day, it will be a grand Thanksgiving.

Northwest Airlines Flight 305, a Boeing 727, is also at Portland, Oregon, receiving passengers bound for Seattle, Washington.

Under the guidance of the beautiful flight attendant, a male passenger who looked to be about 40 years old, wearing a suit and brown leather shoes, a black tie and a trench coat, boarded the plane smoothly.

The first hijacking case in history: tied with explosives, single-handedly, after success, jumped from a high altitude

According to flight attendants recalling a reappearance of Dan Cooper's boarding outfit

At check-in, the ticket he handed to the flight attendant had a name written on it: "Dan Cooper"; seat: 18C.

In his hand, he also carried a black suitcase.

However, from the time he entered the terminal gate to the time he boarded the plane, all the security and crew members smiled at him and chose to let him go.

Because, Cooper is polite, gentle and personable, he looks like an elite with a successful career, or a gentleman of noble blood.

After boarding the plane and taking a seat, the passengers in the adjacent seat also chatted and laughed with him.

When the incident escaped, the passenger recalled that he felt extremely frightened and sweaty.

"My God, this gentle and courteous gentleman is a terrible hijacker!"

The correct way to say is that Dan Cooper was the first successful hijacker in history. The whole process can be described as thrilling and tense, stimulating to explode-

Tied up with explosives, single-handed, and at ease, the whole body retreated!


After about an hour of smooth flight of the plane, Cooper glanced at his watch.

It was exactly 3 p.m.

Then he lit a cigarette, ordered a glass of bourbon, and smiled and handed florence a note to the flight attendant Florence.

Florence was in great shape, blonde and blue-eyed, and often encountered suitors of one kind or another when serving passengers.

This time, she also misunderstood Cooper's meaning, and did not read the contents of the note, but directly folded it up and put it in her pocket.

"Miss, you'd better look at the note right away." Cooper said.

Florence was still unaware of the anomaly: "I'm working, do you have any needs?" ”

"I have a bomb on me." Cooper said.

This joke is not funny at all.

Florence said in his heart as he opened the note.

Just one glance, suddenly the face changed dramatically.

"I have a bomb in my handbag. I'll use it if necessary. This plane has been hijacked by me! ”

The first hijacking case in history: tied with explosives, single-handedly, after success, jumped from a high altitude

Cooper's note to the crew

The word "Bomb" is faintly visible

Subsequently, in order to avoid the note becoming important physical evidence, the Cooper man intended to destroy it back.

It has to be said that Florence Flight Attendant is very experienced. After a moment of panic, instead of returning the note, she sat down in an empty seat next to Cooper and asked to see the bomb for herself.

"Don't believe it?" Cooper calmly opened his handbag.

Inside the bag, 6 red cylinders are neatly stacked, and the ends are connected to the wires.

Next to it, is a cylindrical battery.

What's even more frightening is that his proper clothes are also full of bombs!

There is no doubt that these bombs are powerful enough to blow up the entire aircraft, with catastrophic consequences!


Next, the man closed his bag and made his own request. Very specific and methodical:

"I'm going to get $200,000 by 5 p.m. Ask for cash, don't make any marks, put it in a backpack. ”

"I also want 2 parachutes, 2 backup parachutes."

"Also, when I land, I want to see a truck full of fuel parked on the side of the runway, ready to refuel the plane."

"If someone tries to play tricks, I'll detonate the bomb."

Captain William Scott of Flight 305 learned of the incident and immediately contacted air traffic control officers at Seattle Airport to report that the plane had been hijacked and to reassure passengers through onboard radio to avoid disturbances.

This flight belongs to Northwest Airlines.

Donald Neropp, then the company's general manager, immediately decided to pay the full ransom in exchange for the lives of the passengers.

Although the FBI was reluctant to let the hijackers go, it ultimately approved the plan with passenger safety in mind.

After hovering over the airport for nearly 2 hours, Flight 305 landed smoothly at Seattle Airport.

At this time, the airport has long been emptied. But in almost every hidden corner, there are explosion-proof police and snipers lurking.

Either catch alive, or shoot a headshot and kill in one shot!

According to Captain Scott' recollection, Cooper was sitting in the cockpit, talking and laughing with the crew, and not nervous.

He knew the terrain around Seattle so well that he knew that the airfield was only a 20-minute drive from the U.S. McCord Air Force Base.

The first hijacking case in history: tied with explosives, single-handedly, after success, jumped from a high altitude

Meychcord Air Force Base

In the meantime, although Cooper asked for 10,000 unconnected 20-dollar bills, the FBI did it as quickly as possible, took pictures of them all, and wrote down their numbers.

After the plane landed, Cooper asked an agent to pass through the gangway and hand the ransom first;

Then, fill the plane with fuel;

Subsequently, he released all the passengers and the beautiful Florence flight attendant, leaving only the captain and 3 crew members.

During this time, Cooper did not show up, did not give the sniper any chance, did not accept any negotiations, and told the police that he had shown enough sincerity to release the passengers.

With the ransom in hand, Cooper ordered the captain to take off again and asked to fly on his planned route.

In this way, the plane soared into the sky and quickly disappeared into the vast night sky


Shortly after the plane took off, Cooper began to equip himself with a parachute.

The four crew members were ordered to enter the cockpit and were not allowed to appear; the aircraft must also maintain the altitude he requested and fly at a uniform speed.

If he doesn't honestly comply, he will detonate the bomb.

At 8 p.m., warning lights on the dashboard showed that the tailgate gate had been opened and a deafening engine sound.

It was pitch black outside and it was windy.

The ground is the most complex and dangerous Grand Canyon in the United States, with a variety of pine trees and spruce trees, and even mountain lions and bears.

The captain asked through the cabin phone, "Need help?" ”


This was Cooper's last words.

With that said, he took his parachute and jumped down with the dollar...

Soon, the police rushed to the spot where Cooper parachuted and began a carpet search.

Unfortunately, except for finding the parachute, Cooper disappeared like a human evaporation.

The police made marks on the $200,000 so that they could catch him in the future through the money flowing into the market.

So far, however, there are no clues.


In the blink of an eye, it was the summer of 1980.

A father with his children went camping in the Columbia Valley for a vacation.

The kids were happy and played with the sand on the beach. Playing with digging, suddenly dug out some rotten pieces of dark green paper.

The first hijacking case in history: tied with explosives, single-handedly, after success, jumped from a high altitude

Fragments of decaying U.S. dollar bills

"Dad, I've dug up the treasure!"

The child's excited cries attracted the father. On closer inspection, it is actually US dollar bills.

My father was alert and immediately called the police.

After inquest and comparison, the police concluded that this was the money taken away by the hijacker Cooper!


50 years after the first hijacking in history, Cooper is still at large and does not know where he is.

Not even the name is necessarily real.

This incident has also become the only hijacking case in the history of American aviation that has not been solved so far.

People have called it one of the four major unresolved cases in American history.

Cooper's astonishing behavior has made the major airlines panic, and thus standardized and improved the airport security inspection work.

Despite the foggy cooper hijacking, the single-handed and interlocking incident eventually jumped into the night sky, and even the FBI was so caught up in a panic that there was nothing they could do. The whole process is like a Hollywood blockbuster.

But sin can never override the law.

Whether Cooper is still alive or not, I believe that this case will eventually be a day when the clouds will be cleared.

The first hijacking case in history: tied with explosives, single-handedly, after success, jumped from a high altitude

Finally, finish the Opening American Ballad:

Outside that little door,

In the rear of the aircraft,

Cooper jumped into the darkness and into the freezing rain.

Minus 69 degrees. His chances of survival are slim.

But he did,

Where will he go?