
China is spending the winter, three things happen in the world: the United States and Europe are busy evacuating overseas Chinese; Russia asks the United States to "lose money"

author:Global Bureau of Investigation

Spring is gone, autumn is coming, and winter is coming.

November 7, both the first weekend of November and the Winter Festival on the lunar calendar, marks the official entry into winter, and many places have ushered in the first snow of the year.

However, the trees want to be quiet and the wind is not stopping! Just as Chinese was spending the winter, this already unstable world has undergone 3 major events worthy of attention, each of which reflects the turmoil and chaos of the current situation.

China is spending the winter, three things happen in the world: the United States and Europe are busy evacuating overseas Chinese; Russia asks the United States to "lose money"

First, the situation in Ethiopia was turbulent, and the United States, Britain, France, and Germany ordered the evacuation of overseas Chinese.

On the 7th, due to the continuous escalation of ethiopia's internal conflict and the risk of spreading, the US Embassy in Ethiopia has officially ordered all non-emergency US government employees to leave Ethiopia immediately.

At about the same time, the U.S. Department of State issued a circular urging U.S. citizens in Ethiopia to leave the country immediately by all possible means, stressing that the U.S. Embassy was unable to help them leave the country because U.S. Embassy personnel had been barred from leaving the capital, resulting in severe restrictions on the scope of activities and the ability to provide emergency services.

I have to say that judging from the us move, the situation may be really unusual.

At least 3 points are worth noting.

1, the United States issued this order, almost all Americans to leave Ethiopia, whether officials or ordinary people, leaving only emergency government employees these necessary presences.

You must know that the last time the United States withdrew its overseas Chinese on a large scale, it was the sudden change in the situation in Afghanistan. Now, the United States has once again launched the evacuation plan, which cannot help but make people worry - will the situation in Egypt completely deteriorate?

China is spending the winter, three things happen in the world: the United States and Europe are busy evacuating overseas Chinese; Russia asks the United States to "lose money"

2, the rapid change in the situation in Egypt has also caught the United States off guard, and it has been unable to "shelter" its own people from leaving the country.

This shows that the influence and discourse power of the United States in Ethiopia is weakening and being restricted layer by layer. In particular, the fact that US embassy personnel were forbidden to leave the Egyptian capital made people feel even more tense.

3, similar to the situation in Afghanistan when the situation suddenly changed - after the United States took the lead in announcing the withdrawal of overseas Chinese, European countries such as Britain, France, Germany, Denmark and Italy have also launched evacuation plans, requiring their citizens to leave Ethiopia as soon as possible.

It can be seen that judging from the reactions of the United States and Europe and other countries, the situation in Egypt is indeed not optimistic.

It is reported that since last November, the Ethiopian civil war has begun, which lasted more than a year, and the recent escalation of the struggle has triggered turmoil, which has forced many countries in the United States and Europe to order the evacuation of overseas Chinese.

Let's talk about a few superficial views on this.

First, is the purpose of the withdrawal of overseas Chinese from the United States, Europe, and other countries to completely "get away with things" and not to mix with the situation in Ethiopia, or is it to facilitate their subsequent armed intervention after resolving their concerns?

China is spending the winter, three things happen in the world: the United States and Europe are busy evacuating overseas Chinese; Russia asks the United States to "lose money"

On the one hand, Ethiopia is located in the center of the Horn of Africa and is close to the Red Sea, which is an important passage between the Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean, which is of great strategic importance.

On the other hand, because it is separated from Saudi Arabia and Yemen by the Red Sea, Ethiopia, although it belongs to Africa, is also an important part of the geopolitical landscape of the Middle East.

Therefore, now that the situation in Egypt is in chaos, the United States and other Western countries that are eager to move may once again move their crooked minds and take the opportunity to intervene.

This is also a point of deep concern to the international community.

Second, after nearly a year of confrontation and a recent sudden escalation, are there some "extraterritorial forces" behind Ethiopia's civil unrest?

Don't forget that inciting chaos, creating antagonism, and fanning the flames around the world has always been the strength of countries such as the United States and Europe, especially for the United States.

Therefore, behind the sudden change in the situation in Egypt, people have to wonder whether some countries are secretly supporting a certain party. Otherwise, would the struggle have gone on for more than a year and suddenly become more and more fierce? It stands to reason that the more you fight, the more tired you are...

China is spending the winter, three things happen in the world: the United States and Europe are busy evacuating overseas Chinese; Russia asks the United States to "lose money"

It is also in this context that the international community should pay more attention to the next move of the United States, Europe and other countries to prevent some ill-intentioned countries from taking advantage of the opportunity to cause chaos.

In short, let's go back to the old saying—prosperity, the people suffer; death, the people suffer. It is still hoped that all parties in Ethiopia will exercise restraint and strive to stabilize the situation at an early date, and will not leave some Western countries with an opportunity to take advantage of it.

After talking about the withdrawal of Americans, let's talk about the second thing - too much deception! Russia called out the United States and demanded that the White House "lose money."

On the 7th, Koselev, an employee of the Russian Embassy in the United States, confirmed that the United States seized many Russian properties and other diplomatic properties in the United States without warning and without any basis, and the Russian side strongly demanded that the United States unconditionally return them and compensate the Russian side for the losses suffered, and the amount is expected to be as high as hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Koshelev also stressed that in the past few years, the Russian Embassy in the United States has submitted 470 applications to the US State Department to count or take care of the seized properties and items, but all of them have been rejected.

Obviously, this is an important manifestation of the hegemonic behavior of the United States in its role as a "land snake."

China is spending the winter, three things happen in the world: the United States and Europe are busy evacuating overseas Chinese; Russia asks the United States to "lose money"

In the face of hegemony, it is the Russian side that has always been unable to rub sand in its eyes, and its response is also very direct and decisive - that is, to demand unconditional return from the United States and make hundreds of thousands of dollars in compensation to the Russian side.

Anyway, if the United States does not give a satisfactory explanation, this matter will not be over.

On the one hand, Russia is warning the United States, and at the same time it is "giving it an ultimatum" that if the United States refuses, Russia will certainly seize the property of the United States in Russia in the same way as a person and treat it as a person.

On the other hand, we also have to take into account the recent already tense US-Russian relations, and if the White House insists on confronting Russia, the diplomatic channel between the United States and Russia is bound to be blocked again.

Don't forget, the US and Russian Foreign Ministries are currently arranging a second face-to-face meeting between Biden and Putin, and if the relationship breaks down at this time, the second round of "General Visits" is estimated to be out of play.

In short, Russia is not a bully, Putin is not a generalist, if the United States wants to play tricks and provoke russia, then it really has to consider whether it can withstand Putin's anger.

Don't forget, Putin said that if there is no Russia, then what else will the world do?

Faced with such a tough and aggressive Russian president, the United States really has to think twice.

China is spending the winter, three things happen in the world: the United States and Europe are busy evacuating overseas Chinese; Russia asks the United States to "lose money"

Finally, let's talk about the third thing, is it not a one-way street? Two more U.S. Special Forces soldiers were killed unexpectedly.

On the 7th, the US special forces confirmed that 2 trainees died accidentally while participating in an elite combat diving training program.

Now, with the tragedies unfolding, U.S. special forces have begun to reject the project and question its safety and rationality.

Note that the two special forces officers who died unexpectedly were all with the rank of sergeant, one died in July this year, and the other was killed in September.

And, despite the successive murders and the beginning of resistance by soldiers, the US special forces have not suspended the project so far.

It should be noted that just a few days ago, the US media also exposed the incident of 2 US troops stationed in South Korea on the same day, and the mysterious death of South Korea.

If the timeline is extended further, more than 700 American soldiers have committed suicide or accidentally died since 2020.

This makes people wonder - what is wrong with the US military?

Let's share 3 personal insights on this.

China is spending the winter, three things happen in the world: the United States and Europe are busy evacuating overseas Chinese; Russia asks the United States to "lose money"

First, the U.S. military may be actively preparing for war, and the high-intensity and closest to actual combat training has exposed the ambitions of the United States and is also one of the key factors leading to frequent crashes in the US military.

Don't forget that a few months ago, an amphibious combat vehicle of the US military suddenly sank to the bottom of the sea during training, and all 8 people on board were killed.

Second, after experiencing the War in Iraq and the War in Afghanistan, social contradictions in the United States have arisen, and retired soldiers are not respected by the United States, which has caused many soldiers to have war-weary feelings, and they have begun to refuse to accept training or no longer train so carefully, which is also one of the key factors leading to frequent suicide or accidental death of AMERICAN soldiers.

Third, the "radicalism" that exists within the US military is spreading, so that many soldiers have begun to "resist and even oppose the United States", the existence of the army is no longer pure, and a series of crises will naturally surface.

In short, there are more and more signs that American hegemony and hegemonic behavior are becoming more and more unpopular and unpopular, and even the Americans themselves are beginning to stop recognizing it.

China is spending the winter, three things happen in the world: the United States and Europe are busy evacuating overseas Chinese; Russia asks the United States to "lose money"

Under such circumstances, the United States will continue to use its military might and fierce forces to do no good except to exacerbate internal crises and divisions.

Of course, such a United States, which is always "ready", busy training soldiers behind its back, and intends to stir up trouble all over the world, is also worthy of the vigilance of the whole world.

Next, let's see how the situation develops.

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