
The Theoretical Learning Center Group of the Party Committee of Xinxiang Medical College conveyed the spirit of the 11th Party Congress of the Province

author:Henan Education News Agency

On the afternoon of November 3, the Theoretical Learning Center Group of the Party Committee of Xinxiang Medical College held a study meeting in the conference room on the third floor of the office building to convey the spirit of the 11th Congress of the Communist Party of China in Henan Province. All school leaders and other members of the Theoretical Learning Center Group of the Party Committee attended the study meeting. Chen Jianguo, secretary of the party committee of the school, presided over the meeting, learned the spirit of the party congress meeting, and conveyed the notice of the general office of the provincial party committee on conscientiously studying and implementing the spirit of the eleventh provincial party congress.

The Theoretical Learning Center Group of the Party Committee of Xinxiang Medical College conveyed the spirit of the 11th Party Congress of the Province

Chen Jianguo pointed out that the Eleventh Provincial Party Congress is a very important congress held at an important juncture for the 100 th anniversary of the founding of the party, an important period for marching toward the goal of the second centenary struggle, and an important moment for starting a new journey of comprehensively building socialist modernization in Henan.

The congress held high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, looked ahead to the strategic vision and pattern of 30 years, established the goal of "two guarantees", fully implemented the "Ten Major Strategies", clarified the work requirements for the next 5 years, depicted a grand blueprint for the comprehensive construction of modern Henan, and provided a general program and general guidelines for composing a more colorful and splendid chapter in the Central Plains in the new era. The report of the conference made a comprehensive deployment of the reform of higher education in colleges and universities, with a strong political, ideological, forward-looking and guiding nature, which pointed out the direction of progress and injected strong impetus into Henan's higher education, and put forward higher standards and requirements.

Focusing on studying and implementing the spirit of the Eleventh Provincial Party Congress, Chen Jianguo put forward five requirements.

First, it is necessary to improve the political position and deeply study and comprehend the essence of the spirit. In accordance with the requirements of the provincial party committee, it is necessary to regard the study and implementation of the spirit of the party congress as the primary political task at present and for some time to come, grasp the work in depth and in detail, make overall plans, meticulously organize, and innovate forms, solidly carry out various forms of study and propaganda activities, create a strong atmosphere for study and implementation, educate and guide teachers and students to fully understand the great significance of the party congress, deeply study the work report made by Secretary Lou Yangsheng, profoundly understand the results of the work since the tenth provincial party congress, and accurately grasp the profound connotation and spiritual essence of the eleventh provincial party congress.

The second is to strengthen mission responsibility and fully integrate into the major strategy of "two guarantees". It is necessary to benchmark against the spirit of the central provincial party committee, focus on the goals, tasks, work ideas, and major measures of the "two guarantees" for the construction of modern Henan, actively integrate into the strategy of innovation-driven, rejuvenating the province through science and education, and strengthening the province with talents, enhance the sense of responsibility and mission of educating people for the party and the country, shoulder the fundamental political responsibility of cultivating people with virtue, practice the mission of teaching and educating people, accelerate the construction of a high-quality talent training system, continuously improve the ability and level of talent training, earnestly fulfill the mission of higher medical education, and strive to make new and greater contributions to building a strong province with education.

Third, it is necessary to seize the opportunity and make every effort to promote various key tasks. It is necessary to enhance the sense of urgency to seize opportunities and the sense of mission of knowing the heavy burdens, form an atmosphere of advocating hard work and encouraging officers to take responsibility, further clarify work ideas, clarify tasks and measures, grasp the sprint of annual work targets, and ensure that the annual goals and tasks are completed on time. In particular, it is necessary to keep an eye on key tasks such as the renaming of the school and the certification of nursing majors, seize the current favorable opportunity, and truly achieve high-quality development of the school with tangible work results.

Fourth, it is necessary to enhance the effectiveness of party building and effectively play a leading role in politics. It is necessary to take the opportunity of inspecting the "looking back" rectification and reform implementation and the study and education of party history, continue to lay a solid foundation at the grass-roots level, focus on strengthening the building of the ability and work style of party members and cadres, further change concepts, improve work style, build a contingent of high-quality cadres, continuously enhance the political determination and political ability to achieve the "two safeguards," implement the requirements of stressing politics into the specific practice of planning and promoting all work, and provide a solid political guarantee for the high-quality development of schools.

Fifth, it is necessary to establish a solid bottom-line thinking and create a safe and stable campus environment. Recently, the epidemic situation in some provinces in China has rebounded, it is necessary to strengthen the awareness of the red line, the bottom line thinking, in accordance with the decision-making and deployment of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, unremittingly implement the various measures for normalization of epidemic prevention and control, guard the epidemic prevention and control threshold, and at the same time pay close attention to the ideological and safe production work, resolutely eliminate potential safety hazards, create a safe and stable campus environment for promoting key work and completing annual goals and tasks, and achieve the "double victory" of safe campus construction and school reform and development. (Ding Yun, Yang Tao)

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