
In the original work of Mu Fusheng in the Dust of the World, Ai Jingchu carp met Che Zhen and was scolded

author:Polaris small fish


"In the Dust of the World" has been broadcast on iQiyi a few days ago.

Ai Jingchu is a widow, his mother gave birth to him and handed him over to his grandparents and left, the direction of the maxillofacial face of the undergraduate science, the direction of orthodontics for graduate students. Gentle and calm, but not boring. Zeng Li looked naturally stupid, but she was a sober and tough girl.

Then, ai Jingchu stayed at the Dongshan Hotel.

In the original work of Mu Fusheng in the Dust of the World, Ai Jingchu carp met Che Zhen and was scolded

(1) Zeng Carp collapsed in search of concentric locks, and Ai Jingchu snowed to accompany him

Zeng Li was confused and heard movement outside, opened the door to see Director Li's child with a fork in his mouth, the child cried heart-wrenchingly, hit 120, and the hospital said that the road was blocked by snow. Zeng Li originally thought that Ai Jingchu as a dentist must not be able to do anything, but he wanted to help in case he heard someone say", it was Ge Yi (Ai Jingchu's sister who had met at the door of the hotel), and then let people call Ai Jingchu down, saying that he was an expert in maxillofacial problems.

In the original work of Mu Fusheng in the Dust of the World, Ai Jingchu carp met Che Zhen and was scolded

The child's mother was a little uneasy, and Zeng Li couldn't help but tell her which doctor she knew, who was a professor of A University, and that it would take several days to hang up his number. Ai Jingchu and Ge Yi sewed needles for the child. After he finished processing, he saw Zeng Li and asked Zeng Li to wait for him and return the things to her. Zeng Li went with him to get it, during which Ai Jingchu received a phone call, Zeng Li also received a call from Director Li, asking her to tell him to invite him to dinner another day, and after the call, he found that Ai Jingchu was already asleep.

The next day, Zeng Li went to see the sunrise, she did not go with the flow of people, one person went to the concentric lock sculpture, crouched down to find the concentric lock belonging to him and her on the chain, and wiped the rust and ice with his hands to identify it.

Ai Jingchu saw her alone in the snow and told her that in order to prevent the handrail from being hung up, it would be changed in a few months.

He was going to get up and pack up and check out. When he opened the window and found that the weather was good, he remembered that she asked him about watching the sunrise last night, so he simply went out the door himself.

He did not take the cable car, he walked up the steps alone, and when he was about to reach the top, he saw Zeng Carp walking alone on another path in a trance, and for a moment he was not too relieved to follow.

He didn't know why she was looking for a concentric lock, but he still advised her that the hope of life should not be pinned on this. But Zeng Li suddenly began to cry, said sorry over and over again, and said the words that had never been told to others, she said that she was stupid, afraid of life, timid, talking about the trivia of the past, once foolishly liked a person. But Ai Jingchu didn't say anything, just cared about her injured hand.

In the original work of Mu Fusheng in the Dust of the World, Ai Jingchu carp met Che Zhen and was scolded

(2) Zeng Li Ai Jingchu was considered by colleagues on both sides to be boyfriend and girlfriend

Zeng Li did not expect her to say that she knew Ai Jingchu, and was rumored by colleagues in the museum that Ai Jingchu was her boyfriend. It turned out that Ai Jingchu went to breakfast to meet his colleagues, colleagues thanked him, and said that they would definitely take care of Zeng Li for him, but they did not expect Ai Jingchu to say "thank you" (in fact, Ai Jingchu was facing so many people east and west, casually said a sentence), which made colleagues misunderstand.

It had been a month since Zeng Li saw Ai Jingchu again, and she went to the hospital for a follow-up consultation. But her mother arranged a blind date for her, her braces fell out, it took longer, so she told Zhou Wen that she would come back in the afternoon, and the blind date was too late, and she couldn't push it off.

In the original work of Mu Fusheng in the Dust of the World, Ai Jingchu carp met Che Zhen and was scolded

In the afternoon, Zeng Li lined up for more than an hour, and as soon as she lay down, Ai Jingchu asked Zhou Wen, the one that the appliance had fallen off, and whether it was sticky to her. Zhou Wen felt that the teacher was too powerful, and the patient could see it without opening his mouth (in fact, they were together when they fell). Zhou Wen glued her first, waited for Ai Jingchu to check and then the next step, did not expect to be unable to get out, Zhou Wen first went to the toilet.

When Ai Jing first came, Zeng Li didn't know what to say, and he was too embarrassed on the last side of Dongshan. Ai Jingchu saw that Zeng Carp's leather band had fallen to the ground, took off his gloves and picked it up casually, at this time Zhou Wen returned, he subconsciously put it in his pocket. Zhou Wen did not see him, asked Zeng Carp how about the blind date, at this time the head nurse came to deliver something, saw Ai Jingchu, and asked:

"Xiao Ai, I heard you have a girlfriend?"

She asked this question, and even the students who were taking notes in the next room stopped moving.

Ai Jingchu just wanted to say something, but he heard the head nurse say, "You don't have to hide from us aunts." What was the name of what my old classmate told me? The name is quite distinctive, look at my memory. The head nurse groaned.

"Oh yes," the head nurse suddenly realized, "it's called Zeng Carp." My old classmate said that you picked the flowers in the library. ”

At this moment, Zeng Li, Zhou Wen, and Ai Jingchu were all stunned. Then Zeng Li didn't know what to say in a hurry, let Ai Jingchu say a word, zhou Wen was more confirmed in his heart, in addition to his girlfriend, who dared to talk to Teacher Ai like this.

(3) Ai Jingchu should have an appointment to eat, and on the way back, he encountered a car earthquake

Ai Jingchu asked Zeng Li to pay the fee, and when she returned, she found that everything had become business as usual. Zeng Li thought about Director Li wanting to invite Ai Jingchu to dinner, and Director Li also changed her original two- or three-hour leave to one day, which made Zeng Li embarrassed not to ask for it.

There were many people she couldn't say, so when she left, she called him, Ai Jingchu said no, but then in order not to embarrass her, she agreed, and it was set for tonight. But before the appointment was made, Zeng Li and Ai Jingchu were drinking tea at the tea house to pass the time, during which she received a call from Zhou Wen, a master and mother, whether it was true or not, asked her to help intercede (she watched the teacher's good play).

In the original work of Mu Fusheng in the Dust of the World, Ai Jingchu carp met Che Zhen and was scolded

Zeng Li had to find something to say, from the tea house to his own café, and then mentioned that the partner's roommate, who just happened to study medicine, once said that Ai Jingchu was very fierce, once defended the thesis, forced the female student to cry, and was preparing to intercede, Ai Jingchu said a deeply touching word:

"There was a mathematician in ancient Greece named Proclus who said: Where there are numbers, there is beauty.

Later generations extended it to the 'beauty of science'. But my former teachers and I believe that scientific beauty includes not only 'beauty', but also 'truth'.

The science of medicine, especially so, cannot be half sloppy and will be done.

Sometimes, institutional problems are not controlled by ordinary people, so all I can do is teach them as much as I can.

Zeng Li felt that the man in front of him was like tea, at first it was pale and tasteless, and when it came into contact, it felt more and more mellow.

Before eating, Ai Jingchu said not to drink, did not expect Director Li or ordered wine, Ai Jingchu postponed not drinking, Director Li began to let Zeng Carp drink, Mrs. Li stood up at this time, said a word of thanks, and then dried the wine. An older woman actually did it first, and Ai Jingchu had to drink wine.

In the original work of Mu Fusheng in the Dust of the World, Ai Jingchu carp met Che Zhen and was scolded

Zeng Li drove his car to send him back, Ai Jingchu saw Zeng Carp's fish-shaped earrings, thought of the fish-shaped decorated hair ring, and handed it to her. Zeng Li thanked him and wanted to say something, and then he told her that he had driven. So I went to the path to take a detour, I didn't expect a car to block the road, the people inside were in the car, Zeng Li was embarrassed to turn off the headlights, Ai Jingchu said "don't turn off, so as not to be misunderstood by others", just asked why, she had an epiphany.

After waiting for a few minutes, Zeng Li was preparing to turn around, and there was no way to impose a retrograde fine, a man and a woman walked down, the woman's broken mouth scolded, Zeng Li was so angry that his face was red, and he couldn't refute a word.

Ai Jingchu suddenly opened his mouth and said to her: "Have you been bullied since you were a child?" ”

"Huh?" She was dazed.

"Sometimes it's not necessary to rely on eloquence to fight back." After glancing at her, he fastened his seat belt.

Zeng Li was still dazed, not understanding what he was going to do.

"You're good at technology, can you turn around once and go in one direction?" Ai Jingchu made a gesture of turning.

Zeng Li hurriedly observed the next four weeks, "It should be possible." ”

"Then you step on the accelerator and bump into her." He said lightly.

"But... But..." Zeng Carp's brain was confused, "it will be caught, it will lose money, what should I do if the car is damaged?" ”

At this moment, Zeng Li understood that Ai Jingchu had just gone to cover the license plate number so that he could hit and run.

"You manage so much, hurry." Ai Jingchu urged.

(4) Friendship is getting stronger

Zeng Li knew that she had done bad things, but this time she felt so happy, he taught her, if you can't scold people, you can fight back in other ways, you don't have to be bullied all the time, she only now understands this truth.

Soon it was time for the next follow-up visit, and her blind date had been pestering her. She did not expect that Ai Jingchu would help her break the siege, said to eat together at noon, let her go to the office to wait for him, the blind date was preparing to call her, Zhou Wen deliberately shouted a master and mother, at this time Zeng Li wanted to misunderstand it. There was no time to go to dinner at noon, and ordered takeout, during which the two of them chatted more familiarly. Ai Jingchu said that he would invite her again in the evening, but then there were things, so they didn't eat together.

(5) Partial conclusion

In fact, when he arrived at this place, Ai Jingchu already had a great affection for Zeng Carp, the timid Zeng Carp braved the snow to send him something, he did not expect, he knew how timid she was; in the East Mountain Zeng Carp told the past, sometimes silly and cute, Dr. Ai sometimes can't control it and thinks of Zeng Carp. Zeng Li once liked a person, this person was once a roommate with the male protagonist.

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