
After erectile dysfunction, many people will merge premature ejaculation, is there any salvation? Three suggestions to benefit from lifelong erectile dysfunction combined with premature ejaculation, and not uncommon! Erectile dysfunction combined with premature ejaculation, is there any salvation? Comprehensive summary

author:Dr. Zhang Lei

Hello everyone, I am a clinician who has been practicing for many years. In recent days, I have written several popular science articles on male sexual function, which has aroused the heated discussion of headline netizens, in fact, there are not a few male friends with sexual dysfunction in society, which will undoubtedly bring great frustration to male friends. No, a netizen left me a message saying that it not only has erectile dysfunction, but also gradually appears premature ejaculation in the next few years, and the couple's life can be said to be completely finished. So is there any salvation for this situation? Let me take this as the theme to do a popular science explanation for you.

After erectile dysfunction, many people will merge premature ejaculation, is there any salvation? Three suggestions to benefit from lifelong erectile dysfunction combined with premature ejaculation, and not uncommon! Erectile dysfunction combined with premature ejaculation, is there any salvation? Comprehensive summary

● What is erectile dysfunction everyone should be clear, this in Chinese medicine there is a saying called "no lift", there are also said to be called "impotence". Premature ejaculation is not to mention, that is, the ejaculation latency time is significantly shortened, commonly known as "fast man". When these two sexual dysfunction diseases are combined, it can be a double blow for male friends! We should not underestimate it, which is actually very common in the clinic, the two can occur at the same time or before and after, and in the process of occurrence and development, they may cause and effect each other, affect each other, and form a vicious circle.

●Then let's look at the relevant statistical analysis, there is a European study showing that 23% of patients with erectile dysfunction have premature ejaculation; a study in the Asia-Pacific region shows that 49% of moderate and severe erectile dysfunction have premature ejaculation; and in China, a survey found that 33.7% of patients with erectile dysfunction also have premature ejaculation. Also, the more severe the symptoms of erectile dysfunction, the higher the risk of premature ejaculation. In a large study of 11,205 people in 29 countries, it was reported that sometimes a history of achieving or maintaining erectile difficulties can independently predict the occurrence of premature ejaculation in the following year, so the two are indeed inseparable and cannot be underestimated!

After erectile dysfunction, many people will merge premature ejaculation, is there any salvation? Three suggestions to benefit from lifelong erectile dysfunction combined with premature ejaculation, and not uncommon! Erectile dysfunction combined with premature ejaculation, is there any salvation? Comprehensive summary

● It is worth reminding that in reality, many people are confused about whether they are premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction, in fact, the key to distinguishing the two is whether the penis erection is weak before or after ejaculation. Some patients are weak after ejaculation because of severe premature ejaculation that is, ejaculation that has just entered the vagina, and some patients are unable to perform a second erection due to the refractory period after ejaculation, these patients are easily mistaken for their premature ejaculation is erectile dysfunction, and some patients with erectile dysfunction self-report premature ejaculation, which is because they are eager to have sexual intercourse to prevent erection from subsiding, so as to ejaculate quickly.

After erectile dysfunction, many people will merge premature ejaculation, is there any salvation? Three suggestions to benefit from lifelong erectile dysfunction combined with premature ejaculation, and not uncommon! Erectile dysfunction combined with premature ejaculation, is there any salvation? Comprehensive summary

● Of course, there is salvation, many people will be more private because of this kind of thing, embarrassed to see a doctor, in fact, it is not necessary. Clinically, we can consider the combination of treatment of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, but we must fully consider the side effects of combination therapy. Therefore, with reference to authoritative guidelines and literature at home and abroad, it can be considered that the classic drug of premature ejaculation (dapoxetine hydrochloride) combined with type 5 phosphodiesterase (pde5) inhibitors (such as tadalafil, valdenafil, etc.) is treated together, and dapoxetine combined with pde5 inhibitors will not interact with each other, and the combined efficacy of the two is better than that of single use, and is safe and well tolerated. Another real-world study showed that dapoxetine 30 mg on demand combined with a pde5 inhibitor had a maximum efficacy of 74.6%. So even if you have erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation at the same time, there is a cure, not a cure, and the efficiency is not bad from the relevant literature data.

After erectile dysfunction, many people will merge premature ejaculation, is there any salvation? Three suggestions to benefit from lifelong erectile dysfunction combined with premature ejaculation, and not uncommon! Erectile dysfunction combined with premature ejaculation, is there any salvation? Comprehensive summary

●The second recommendation I would like to say is "behavioral therapy", which is more used in the treatment of premature ejaculation, so it can also be applied to the treatment of erectile dysfunction combined with premature ejaculation. The most commonly used methods are the squeeze method and the stop-motion method. These two methods help patients feel moderate intensity of excitement, can increase the intravaginal ejaculation latency, increase the patient's sexual confidence and self-esteem, but need to be trained step by step, perseverance, about how to operate we can search for or offline to ask the relevant andrologists, because it involves sensitive content I will not explain specifically. Third, China's traditional Chinese medicine treatment of premature ejaculation, impotence is actually very rich experience, so it can also be combined with traditional Chinese medicine for conditioning.

After erectile dysfunction, many people will merge premature ejaculation, is there any salvation? Three suggestions to benefit from lifelong erectile dysfunction combined with premature ejaculation, and not uncommon! Erectile dysfunction combined with premature ejaculation, is there any salvation? Comprehensive summary

Bound by traditional thinking, for "sex", many people choose to avoid talking about it, and they will feel very ashamed. In fact, it is not necessary, as far as the husband and wife are concerned, sexual life is no longer simply for the purpose of breeding offspring, but pays more attention to the process and quality of sexual life to meet the pleasures between husband and wife. Erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and other male dysfunction can have a direct impact on the couple's sexual life, but also an important inducement for the breakdown of the couple's feelings, so when male friends have this problem, do not choose to escape, but the husband and wife sit down to communicate together, women should also encourage each other, and actively seek medical treatment is the right solution.

After erectile dysfunction, many people will merge premature ejaculation, is there any salvation? Three suggestions to benefit from lifelong erectile dysfunction combined with premature ejaculation, and not uncommon! Erectile dysfunction combined with premature ejaculation, is there any salvation? Comprehensive summary

Author's message: This article is a comprehensive summary of the author's comprehensive time of several hours, do not join the column for fees, free and free for everyone to read. It may be helpful to those who are misled by rumors, who have no medical knowledge and no concept of health care. Headlines is an open platform where everyone can learn from each other, discuss with each other, and if there are different views, they can talk about their views in the comment area. If you feel that it is helpful to learn, do not be stingy, give a love, like, forward to help more people. #Health Science Contest ##长城心血管健康周 #

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